
Fortune Global Forum

Global 500

Fortune Magazine

An economic forum on opportunities in China is expected to bring scholars, business leaders and government officials to Beijing next week. More than 800 delegates are expected to attend three-day Fortune Global Forum which opens on Monday. More than 250 foreign companies , including 76 of the Global 500, will be represented. The forum is held annually by the US's Fortune Magazine. This will be the forum's 10th year, and the third in China. Shanghai hosted it in 1999, and Hong Kong in 2001.
下周在中國舉辦的一個關于機遇的經濟論壇 將給北京帶來學者,商業(yè)領導 和政府官員。 將有超過800名代表參加維持三天的財富經濟論壇 在周一舉行。超過250個外企,包括全球500強里的 76個 也將出席。 每年的論壇都是由美國財富雜志舉辦的。今年是第十年了,其中第三年是在中國舉辦的,1999年在上海舉辦的,2001年在香港舉辦。 ——譯文來自: yy729654386