

certain certainty I can't say with certainty, but I think you're right. certificate Without a death certificate, the insurance company refuses to pay the money. certification A foreigner needs some sort of certification to be able to work in Taiwan. certified My brother is a certified public accountant. ascertain Without a signature, it's hard to ascertain the authorship of this e-mail.
I can't say with certainty, but I think you're right. 我不是很肯定,但我想你是對的。 Without a death certificate, the insurance company refuses to pay the money. 沒有死亡證明,保險公司拒絕付錢。 A foreigner needs some sort of certification to be able to work in Taiwan. 外國人要能在臺灣工作得有某種證明。 My brother is a certified public accountant. 我哥哥是位有證照的公設會計師。 Without a signature, it’s hard to ascertain the authorship of this e-mail. 因為沒有簽名,很難確定這封電子郵件是誰寫的。