【靈書妙探】S01E05 初探書房(上) (4/5)
Beckett: Wow. I feel like… Alfred(《蝙蝠俠》的老管家) in the batcave for the first time.
Castle: Um. Batman fan. Figures.
Beckett: Why?
Castle: Similar origin stories? Loss of a loved one lead to a life of fighting crime.
Beckett: Yes, well. _____(1)_____.
Castle: That's, uh, where I outline my books.
Beckett: _____(2)______. Looks a lot like our… murder board.
Castle: Yeah, except mine's fake.
Beckett: Yeah.
Castle: _____(3)______?
Beckett: I can't find it.
Castle: Find what?
Beckett: The answer.
Castle: It was Sam. Everything fits. It's a good ending.
Beckett: Yeah, but without proof. _____(4)______. And that family… those kids… They need more than just a theory. They need to know. _____(5)______.