How does it work?
It's easy.
Get back, please. They were trying to hide it, so I knew it was wrong.
Where's Gwen now?
Doing the dining room with Anna.
They'll be finished soon. Then I'll wait.
With all due respect, Mr Carson, Gwen is 2__________________.
Indeed she is, Mrs Hughes, and I have no intention of usurping your authority.
I merely want to get to the bottom of it.
Why shouldn't Gwen have a typewriter if she wants one?
Mind your own business.
What's that doing here? Ah, Gwen.
Come in. Why is that down here?
Who's been in my room? 3_______________!
See here! In the first place, none of the rooms in this house belong to you.
And in the second, I am in charge of your welfare and that gives me every right.
This is you isn't it?
All we want is to know what Gwen wants with a typewriter and why she feels the need to keep it secret.