

Welcome to my place! We're shopping at the Goodwill?

You led me to believe we were real-shopping.

I know.

I couldn't wait to see your face when you saw this place. 1_________________.

I love it! Okay, what's that smell? 2_______________________. Now, pay attention, I know where the good stuff is.

I know where the good stuff is.

Madison and 57th. Follow me.

Clever bitches hide stuff they want to come back and buy,

'cause sometimes they don't have $3 to buy it at the time. 3_____________________?


Last week I hid a dope vintage blazer in the back of a nightstand, and here it is!

Six bucks, clever bitch. Bang, bang!

Do the face again It's gonna be your smell from now on Who doesn't have $3
歡迎來到我的地盤 你居然帶我來買二手貨 我還真以為你要帶我去買好貨呢 我猜到了 我就想看你來到這家店時的表情 再做一次 爽死我了 好吧 這是什么味兒 這股窮酸味以后就是你的味兒 聽好了 我告訴你好貨在哪 我知道好貨在哪里 在麥迪遜大街和五七街那兒[高檔店街] 跟我來 心機女會把心頭好藏起來 等回頭再買 因為有時她們連三塊錢都沒有 誰會沒有三塊錢啊 比如你呀 上周我把一件超帥的復古外套 藏到柜子后面的抽屜里 瞧 六塊錢 心機女 手到擒來