
Steven: So you didn’t reject the language, Right?

Girogia: No, I said it was boring, but I wanted it at same time. When you want something, you need to work to reach your goal. The boring part is you have to study the language itself but the gift is that we are talking in English now. I can communicate with so many people. I would love to speak Chinese, it’s so much more easier when you are able to speak.

Steven: How long did you take the courses?

Giorgia: English I put a course like two months, then I tried to watch a lot of TV, movies, they helped me a lot. In the beginning, I couldn’t understand anything, I was so frustrated because I couldn’t understand it. I watched a lot of movies and tried to learn the language in two years. After the first year, I was able to do interviews. It's a beautiful opportunity to speak more than one language. You can communicate with so many people. Of course my first language is Italian. It’s so easy to sing in Italian, everything goes in the right place naturally. But I love English and now I’m recording a French album all in French, it’s beautiful.

Steven: What kind of experience is that? I mean the French language.

Giorgia: It’s hard, it took me like four years to have the courage to have a French album because French I believe is more difficult than English. And I was afraid that such a beautiful language to destroy everything. So, for the first three years, I didn’t feel I’m ready for the time to sing in French, now, yes. I believe when you sing in French it’s more about the interpretation and it took me more time. And now the album is ready I am happy. Of course the accent is there, but I am trying to do my best. And it’s also beautiful to have the accent because it shows your origin.. It’s beautiful to keep your origin.

Steven: Have you found out any differences in personality when you are doing recording in three languages?

Giorgia: In fact, the most difficult part in French is not the language itself but more the side of personality the French language requires. In French is more like deep, more like woman side. In English, is more like powerful, universal. Italia is more romantic and passionate. I would love to discovery Chinese, what to sing in Chinese, what to bring out. I believe what I hear in Chinese songs are sweet.

Steven: If Chinese has a personality, what kind of adjective you like to use on it?

Giorgia: In the music that I heard, Chinese music is very sweet. In the talking, is like powerful, but in the singing is very sweet, powerful and sweet at the same time.

Steven: Does your manager define your singing style? Do you mind to be defined as a cross over singer or any other singer style?

Girogia: No, I mean, I am really lucky, now, I didn’t receive any criticize about what I am doing. I believe I am a free singer, very free. I feel the freedom to sing with my voice, all the music that I like. In the beginning I believe is normal, I hope more I could be known and defined like a voice. A beautiful voice to sing the wonderful music. No matter which side, which language, the most important thing is beautiful melody and beautiful lyric. Now it’s ok, I mean in my career I feel everything is growing, everyday. So is normal to compare with other artists who have more experiences than me. But I believe you got more experience you will redefine yourself and I just be myself Giorgia.

Steven: How do you make comments on those crossover singers like George Gordon and people like that?

Girogia: I love the voice of Josh Groban, I think he has a beautiful voice. I saw him in concert, I heard he was really handsome. I believe that Sarah Brightman has a very beautiful voice, she has a lot of creativity. She was one of the first to do beautiful things in concert, everything happened. I had a lot of respect for many of them. Of course sometime criticize a little bit, some of them. But I tried to be good, don’t live in criticism, but sometimes there is something that I don’t like, something that I like. I am happy. Of cause there is a little bit competition, but the same time more and more this kind of music is opening, I’m very happy that Sarah would sing it in the Olympic. Of cause I would be happier if I was singing it. I mean, I love Celine Dion, I love Robert, but I am very happy that cross-over artist was there. Because the huge opening of the world marked this kind of music, I think it’s really good that she was there. I am really happy because it means this kind of music has space and someone want to listen this kind of music.

