美劇天天秀:130519 美少女的謊言 S01E01
原文:Aria'mother: Aria, are you okay?
Aria: It's weird to be home.
Aria'mother: We were gone a year, when you're 16, that's a long time.
Aria: I still think about her everyday.
Aria'mother: Why don't you call your friends? They don't know we're back from dad's sabbatical.
Aria: On the news, they're calling it, the anniversary of Alison's disappearance, like it's a party or something.
Aria'mother : Why don't you give them a call? You five were inseparable, and those feelings don't just go away.
weird? [wi?d]
a. 怪誕的,不可思議的,超自然的,古怪的
n. [主蘇格蘭英語] 命運;(神話中的)命運之神;占卜者,預言者
Drugs can make you do all kinds of weird things.
sabbatical? [s?'b?tikl]???