2013-05-17 10:00
And there will be plenty of changes afoot: Matthew is dead. So is Sybill. And Siobhan Finneran has exited the series as Miss O'Brien.
《唐頓莊園》第四季將會(huì)迎來很多變化:Matthew死了,Sybill也死了。連在劇中飾演O'brien的Siobhan Finneran都退出劇組了。
Look for Gary Carr to recur as the show's first African-American character, while rumors abound that Carson may retire... Thomas may get a boyfriend... and Anna and Bates may have a baby.
Gary Carr將會(huì)在《唐頓莊園》第四季中出演劇中第一位美國黑人,另外有傳言說大管家Carson將會(huì)退休,Thomas會(huì)有男朋友...Anna和Bates會(huì)有孩子。