【胡敏讀故事背雅思單詞】18 游泳去吧(2/2)
2013-05-03 04:00
Mrs. Catherine
They stripped off their clothing and jumped in the water tom around the buoy she had just noticed. Soon her beautiful lawn resembled an abandoned campsite with cans thrown everywhere. She looked up at the calendar and moaned: it was Spring Break. As she looked at the buoyant children on the water, the crowd in her lawn burgeoned into a regular party. She had never taken into her calculations that other people might like the peacefulness of her new bungalow at all. But she decided to play along, got hermsuit on, and went out and joined the party. Soon guests and new friends were going in and out of her home and Mrs. Catherine was happier than ever. A by-product of her good sportsmanship and friendliness was that her name became the buzzword formming at this location.
- 相關熱點:
- 英國民族