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So note-taking is an important stage in developing your understanding of your topic. Your notes will provide the basis for your thinking and the materials for your essay. You may ask when do you take notes? It really depends on your own purpose and the stage of reading you have reached. In your early stages of reading when you are skimming material of a general nature, you will probably not want to make any notes at all, until after you have finished your skimming and have got a feel for the subject. Then you may find it useful to go back and make notes on the points or sections within the general survey which seemed important to you. At a later stage of reading when you can recognise to underline key points or make marginal notes, you will probably want to do this with essential source materials or original texts which you must study in detail and refer to constantly. Now we come to the question what do you note, and how much do you take notes from reading? We often consider the following three ways. First what is the writer's intention in the passage? You know the writer has selected and structured his material to suit his intentions, but these are unlikely to be precisely the same focus as your essay topic. Therefore, while recognising the writer's own purpose, you must sift his information and ideas according to your own interests. The same holds true for lectures and tutorials.
因此,記筆記是增進你對主題理解程度的重要階段。你的筆記將會為你的思考提供基石,為文章提供材料。你或許要問:“我什么時候記筆記呢?”這就取決于你的目的和所達到的閱讀階段。 在簡單閱讀階段,即當你只是隨意瀏覽普通文體的材料時,你或許一點筆記也不想記,除非你瀏覽完后,想寫點什么。這時候你會發(fā)現(xiàn),回頭再次翻閱后記下些你認為重要的要點或段落,是大有幫助的。當你進入更深一步的閱讀階段時,你會有意識地畫出重點,或在頁面空白處做些筆記。這些是只有在你需要詳細研究或經(jīng)常引用一些寶貴的原始資源或原始文本時,才會做的事。接下來,我們就要談及筆記寫什么以及要做多少筆記的問題了。 我們通常會考慮一下三個方面: 首先,作者的寫作意圖是什么。要知道,作者會挑選重組材料,以迎合他的寫作目的。但這些不太可能和你文章的中心如出一轍。所以,在弄清楚作者的意圖后,你一定要根據(jù)自己的需要篩選信息和觀點。這一條對演講和專題報告同樣適用。 ——By lsy34