450)=450"> <聽寫方式: 填寫對話缺失的部分, 不用帶數(shù)字序號> Robin:She's hot? I'm so sorry. Lily:No, it's fine.It-It just makes things easier.Now that I know she's a threat,all I have to do is keep Marshall from ever seeing her again.Okay, I have two plans--you can help me choose. Plan A--remember that time Marshall and I had sex in the bathroom? Oops, I got knocked up. Robin:Lily. Lily:Okay, plan B is called "Chloe's Accident." Robin:Just stop. Lily:What? Robin:Lily, you can't do any of those things.If you two are ever gonna get back together,you have to let him work out whatever this is. Lily:I know. You're right. Robin:Now, come on,Ted asked us to be upstairs at 6:00.Some surprise for Barney. Lily:Barney? Robin:Uh, Swarley. Ted:Hey, guys. Lily:Hey.Where's Marshall? Oh, he's getting a haircut. Lily:Oh. For his date.________ Hope he has a good time tonight. Barney:Relax, you've got nothing to worry about.The girl's crazy. Lily:Thanks! Barney:He'll just have wild monkey sex with her five times, max. 【聽寫回顧】點擊回顧上一期聽寫?
Good for him.
Robin:她很漂亮?真遺憾 Lily:不,這樣也好,這樣我就能明白,她是一個威脅,我得阻止馬修再見她.我有兩個計劃,你幫我挑一個. A計劃,還記得那次我和馬修的浴室激情?我簡直筋疲力盡. Robin:莉莉 Lily:B計劃,它叫做克洛伊事件 Robin:等一下 Lily:怎么了? Robin:莉莉,你不能那樣做,如果你們倆要重歸于好,你就得讓他自己處理這類事情 Lily:我知道,你說得對 Robin:走吧,泰德讓我們六點到樓上去,有個驚喜給巴尼 Lily:巴尼? Robin:斯華利! Lily:馬修呢? Barney:他在理發(fā) Lily:為他的約會,祝他好運,希望他今晚過得愉快 Barney:放松點,沒什么好擔心的,那女孩是瘋子 Lily:謝謝 Barney:他會像野猴子一樣跟她做愛五次最多了