The world's tallest teenage girl walks hands in hands with her boyfriend, the picture of young love despite a staggering 1ft 4in height difference.

Elisany da Cruz Silva, 17, measures an unbelievable 6ft 8in tall and has to bend down to plant a kiss on her 5ft 4in lover Francinaldo da Silva Carvalho, 22.
17歲的Elisany da Cruz Silva身高達到6尺8英寸(約2米)必須彎下腰去親吻身高只有5尺4英寸(約1米62)的22歲男友。

The youngster, from Salinopolis in Brazil, has a form of gigantism because of a tumour on her pituitary gland, which regulates growth. Doctors have since removed the tumour.

The aspiring model told Vietnam-based broadcaster BTV: "What really attracted me was his personality, the way he acts with people and the way he acts with me."

The only thing that really affects us is when we hang out holding hands - it seems like he is my little brother or son. Construction worker Francinaldo says his friends ask things about how he hugs her, but he tells them there is a way of doing everything.

He added: "She is a beautiful person. She is tall but she is so pretty, with a beautiful face. I don't mind having a tall girlfriend."