英語冷笑話:I don't think I know-我不知道啊
2012-09-02 14:34
Owl City 獨唱版熱單 Good Time
Owl City 獨唱版超贊熱單《Good Time》不插電版!不插電就是小清新啊,聽著聽著,心都化了。沒有了女生的合唱,不插電版還是很好聽啊,溫柔的聲音很吸引人啊。
小時候我相信,即使月亮破了,爸爸都能補。長大后我漸漸覺得,爸爸也不那么值得信任。直到某一天為情所傷,我才發(fā)現(xiàn)爸爸的幾句話就能修補“我”的心?!癟he moon is broken, but Daddy can fix it,” I said at...
明媚憂傷:今夜由我點亮 Bill Ricchini - Eugene Hill
'Artist:Bill RicchiniSong:Eugene Hill Eugene Hill wakes before the dawnslips his jacket on in the hallwayEugene Hill leaves the house by fiveearly to arrive at the station he takes the early train ...'