Today's advice comes from Michael Bloomberg, American businessman and Mayor of New York City:
今天MBA小課堂的嘉賓是商界人士、紐約市市長Michael Bloomberg:

“I am not smarter than anybody else but I can out work you – and my key to success for you, or anybody else is make sure you are the first one in there every day and the last one to leave."

While it may be simple for an employer to teach a new hire how to use the company's operating system or format documents, it is much harder for one to impart a strong work ethic on another. One of the most valuable traits a worker can demonstrate is a willingness to work harder and longer than anyone else.

The beauty of "out-hustling" is that it often compensates for personal weaknesses. If you're not the smartest person on the team but are eager to invest hours learning the material backwards and forwards, you will still bring a tremendous amount of knowledge and insight to the table.

Moreover, hard work is infectious. One can lead by his or her diligence and dedication, which in turn affects company culture.

