【讀迷你小對話 學英語口語】第6課:丑陋的 - 3
第6課:丑陋的?- 3
A: I heard that Mr. John’s wife is a little homely.
B: It’s true that she is no beauty, but she’s not quite ugly either. And what she lacks in looks she makes up for in sweetness.
A: 聽說John先生的妻子長相挺一般的。
B: 的確她不是什么美人,可也不算太丑。她的可愛彌補了她外表上的不足。
A: Did you decide to marry the young man, or not?
B: I decided not to. He is very rich, but he has an ill-favored face. I would always be wondering what would happen if I married someone more handsome.
A: 你決定嫁給那個年輕人還是不嫁?
B: 我決定不嫁。他雖然很有錢,但長得其貌不揚。那樣的話我會總是想,要是我嫁給一個帥一點兒的會怎么樣。
homely: 長相不出眾的,長得一般的。
lack: 缺少,缺乏。
make up for: 彌補,補償。
ill-favored: 難看的,丑陋的;其貌不揚的。
wonder: 想知道。