出生地: Doylestown, PA
喜歡的歌: "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'" by Michael Jackson

已發(fā)行專輯:2003 Justin Guarini



并收錄生詞進 生詞本


Most Embarrassing Moment
Singing on the steps of the Capitol Building in D.C. during a high school performance, I blurted out the next verse (while everyone else was silent) during a piano solo...It felt like my ears were on fire!

Why Do You Want To Be An AMERICAN IDOL
I want to be a beacon of...fun! Glitz and glamour are rampant in America, but I want to bring on the fun and share it with an America that now, more than ever, needs joy to get us through our current trials.

If you couldn't sing, what talent would you want?
Film director / cinematographer.

Favorite Judge? Why?
Paula. She is so supportive and that helped boost my confidence every time I got up on stage...and she is really easy on the eyes.

Least Favorite Judge? Why?
They were all so supportive and kind to me. So I don't have a least favorite.

Anything You Would Not Change To Become The American Idol
My personality and outlook on life. I just want to have fun doing what I love.

What's In Your CD Player Right Now
Tenacious D

What are you going to call your first CD?
Just the Beginning...

Album Your Friends Would Be Surprised You Own
"Merry Christmas" by Cyndi Lauper



