This is AP News Minute.
A nine-year-old girl who's missing in Fort Wayne, Indiana has been found dead. A family friend was babysitting Aliahna Lemmon has been charged with her murder.
Police in Maine are now offering a 30,000-dollar reward as they search for missing toddler Ayla Reynolds. Police now say they believe someone took the 20-month-old from her father's home a week before Christmas.
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin says he wants the presidential election planned for this March to be absolutely transparent. There are wide spread accusations of vote-rigging in favor of Putin's party in the recent Russian parliamentary election. Tens of thousands of protesters have called for Putin to leave office.
And opposition activists say Syria is pulling tanks from the city of Homs falling battles there. Arab League observers are on their way to the city to ensure the government to stop defensive * and forces.
Matt Small, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.