【TED】是一個會議的名稱,它是英文technology, entertainment, design三個單詞的首字母縮寫。TED是社會各界精英交流的盛會,它鼓勵各種創(chuàng)新思想的展示、碰撞。

人生感悟 把每一次的意外當做生活對我們的禮物~



Imagine, if you will, a gift. I'd like for you to picture it in your mind. It's not too big -- about the size of a golf ball. So envision what it looks like all wrapped up. But before I show you what's inside, I will tell you, it's going to do incredible things for you. It will bring all of your family together. You will feel loved and appreciated like never before and reconnect with friends and acquaintances you haven't heard from in years. Adoration and admiration will overwhelm you. It will recalibrate what's most important in your life. It will redefine your sense of spirituality and faith. You'll have a new understanding and trust in your body. You'll have unsurpassed vitality and energy. You'll expand your vocabulary, meet new people, and you'll have a healthier lifestyle. And get this, you'll have an eight-week vacation of doing absolutely nothing. You'll eat countless gourmet meals. Flowers will arrive by the truckload. People will say to you, "You look great. Have you had any work done?" And you'll have a lifetime supply of good drugs. You'll be challenged, inspired, motivated and humbled. Your life will have new meaning. Peace, health, serenity, happiness, nirvana. The price? $55,000. And that's an incredible deal.
象一份禮物。 我愿意為你描述一下它的樣子。 它并不是很大, 大概只有高爾夫球大小。 包起來大概長這樣。 在我讓你們看里面是什么前, 我想先告訴你們,這件禮物對你們一定意義非凡。 它可使你家人團聚。 它會讓你感受到從未有過的愛和感激, 正如同你與你多年未見的老友重逢時 所有的感受。 你的內心將 充盈著愛慕之情。 你會重新檢視到底何為生命最珍貴的饋贈。 你會重新定義 靈性和信仰的看法。 你對你的身體 也會有全新認知和感受。 你會有無可匹敵的生命力和能量。 你將擴展你的語匯, 去結交新的朋友, 你會擁有更健康的生活方式。 當你得到這件禮物時, 你將會有八個禮拜的假期, 什么事都不需要做。 你將享用無盡的美酒佳肴; 會收到好幾卡車的花。 人們會對你說 “你看起來氣色真不錯!你最近在做什么呢?” 你還會得到 吃不完的好藥。 你會得到新的挑戰(zhàn)和啟發(fā), 也會產(chǎn)生新的動力,同時變得更謙虛。 你的生命將被賦予新的意義。 平和、健康、 寧靜、快樂、 重生。 這禮物的價格? 五萬五千美金。 這真是一筆好買賣。