概括:內(nèi)容選自老托福聽力,是練習托福聽力的絕佳材料。 Hints: Miller Hawk Mountain Sanctuary Appalachian Mountains Delaware River 怎么回事兒?挺帶感嘛~As Dr. Miller mentioned, we're trying to r...
概括:內(nèi)容選自老托福聽力,是練習托福聽力的絕佳材料。 還記得昨天么? 寫吧~大家都是苦逼~~OK. In the last class we talked about the classification of trees, and we ended up with a basic descript...
概括:內(nèi)容選自老托福聽力,是練習托福聽力的絕佳材料。 hints: Frederic Wertham 又到了喜聞樂見,聽出來就吃鍵盤的托福聽力環(huán)節(jié)~Have fun~Now let's focus on comics in the 1950s. Early in the decade s...
概括:內(nèi)容選自老托福聽力,是練習托福聽力的絕佳材料。 這次該瘋掉了吧~~Now, you've been reading articles about the tremendous damage done to life and property by earthquakes. That's why seismolo...