Robert Socolow: We have the incredible challenge of living well, while we transform energy system.
You're listening to Robert Socolow of Princeton University. He spoke at the March 2009 climate summit in Washington DC.
Robert Socolow: We have the problem of fitting on the Earth. The Earth was large enough for the human beings, and our culture, until now. [---1---]
Robert Socolow: I mean home appliances. I mean cars and driving substantial distances on holidays.
Socolow's research focuses on management of the carbon emissions causing global warming. [---3---] His research looks to energy from nuclear, solar, wind, geothermal, and biofuels. [---4---]
Socolow: America could love a winner. [---5---] And then you have a very good chance of having bet on the winner.
You've been listening to Robert Socolow of Princeton. E&S, a clear voice for science.
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