
Today we're speaking with Janaki Alavalapati, head of Virginia Tech's Department of Forestry. He said that forest biomass – small diameter trees and brush cleared from forests – can be used to create liquid fuel.

Janaki Alavalapati: [---1---] Every piece of biomass can be used for one type or another of liquid energy sources.


Janaki Alavalapati: If you put one unit of energy in you are getting approximately five units of energy out from forest biomass-based liquid fuels. [---3---]

And – in contrast to corn-based ethanol – fuel made from forest products isn’t created from a human food source.

Janaki Alavalapati: Forest biomass does not attract food versus fuel debates that we recently had across the world.


Our thanks today to the American Forest Foundation, leading the way in conservation and education.

This is E&S, a clear voice for science.

Biomass could be anything above ground and below ground relating to forests, shrubs and woody trees. Alavalapati spoke of studies showing that liquid fuel made from forest biomass is more energy efficient than corn-based ethanol. Corn is, if you put one unit of energy, you might get 1.2 or 1.3, something like that. The technologies are in place, said Alavalapati, but this type of fuel production isn't competitive yet at a commercial scale.