The thing people forget is how good it can feel when you finally set secrets free. Whether good or bad, at least they're out in the open, like it or not. And once your secrets are out in the open, you don't have to hide behind them anymore. The problem with secrets is even when you think you're in control, you're not.
人們所忘記的是,當秘密終于不再是秘密了,那種感覺是多么的美妙。 無論是好亦或是不好,喜歡亦或是不喜歡,至少那些秘密終于是大白于天下了。 而一旦你的秘密不再是秘密了,你也就不再需要去極力隱藏。 秘密的麻煩就在于:你覺得你已掌控了它,而實際上卻沒有。 ——譯文來自: 鴻靈