
hint:Tony's Café

Harry: "Campaign to save local shops"
Harry: "Historic buildings threatened by new development"
Olivia: It must make a change from writing about interior design.
Bindyu: Oh yes.
Sarah: Let's have a look.
Harry: Great photo as well. Look, you can see my banner on the front of the café!
Erm, it was really me and my friend who discovered that, Bindyu, not you.
Bindyu: Yes, you're right, but what's important is that now they can't close the café.
Olivia: Or my shop.
Bindyu: Exactly!
Sarah: I guess you're right.
Hang on! The building company already know! How did you find that out?
Bindyu: It's an exclusive! A scoop!
Sarah: But how did you find that information?
Bindyu: That's a secret!
Olivia: Go on, tell us!
Sarah: Go on, tell us!
Bindyu: Magda told me!

Yes, they put my article on the front page of the newspaper. I feel like a real journalist now! "We have discovered that Tony's Café and the shoe shop threatened with demolition are actually historic buildings." "We have found exclusive information which shows that the company building the new flats – who want to demolish the historic buildings to make more space – know they should not demolish the buildings." A good journalist never reveals her sources!