
Biologist Robert Waide speaking about how humans and nature are “coupled,” or linked.

Bob Waide: The planet itself is the [-----1-----] coupled human-nature system. But we only have one of these, so we don’t get any do-overs, and we’d better get it right the first time.

Dr. Waide is [-----2-----] of the Long Term Ecological Research Network Office.

Bob Waide: Most human populations depend on natural systems. They depend on agricultural systems and the soil that’s built up over many thousands of years. They depend on water [-----3-----], which comes from natural systems, and on clean air.

Waide said we all have an impact on nature, whether they know it or not.

Bob Waide: Americans have a particular responsibility because of their high use of energy and resources, and the amount of greenhouse gases that have generated in this country.

All kinds of local activity can affect global resources.

Bob Waide: Everything that humans do on the planet collectively effects the entire operation of the planet’s [-----4-----]. I think that’s a pretty important — and pretty scary — thing sometimes, especially with the way things are changing in the world now.

ultimate executive director quality and quantity ecosystems Waide said that's why he's so interested in educating people about their natural surroundings so they can make wiser, healthier choices.