托福聽力Questions:47 through 50 Listen to a geologist giving a lecture to an engineering class.Your professor has asked me to talk to you today about the topic that should be of real concern t
簡愛 聽力訓練 大結局
reply to:回復(某事)。We had a quiet wedding. I wrote to tell my cousins the news. Diana and Mary were very happy for me,but St.John did not reply to the letter. Now it is ten years later,an...
簡愛 聽力訓練158
世界名著簡愛Diana,Mary,and I had a wonderful Chiristmas week. We took walks on the moors,read,and sang together. We were even happier to know that we were independent women now,because of our new...
托福聽力- 恐懼
托福聽力Questions: 43 through 46 Listen to a part of talk in a biology class. We've looking at fear from a biological perspective, and someone asked whether the tendency to be fearful is geneti...