

Futurists have predicted the end of the internal combustion engine over the next few decades. [---1---]

Jose Bravo: In the next few decades, I don't see it going away at all. [---2---]

That's Jose Bravo of Shell, a Chief Scientist. He's one of Shell's experts on the fuels that power these engines. He spoke to EarthSky about future trends in fuels and mobility.

Jose Bravo: Better engines, better fuels, better lubricants, lighter cars, power recovery systems like the hybrids. [---3---] But I think you will see a significant change in the efficiency and the amount of fuels that the cars require.

Bravo said to expect lower emissions from cars.

Jose Bravo: [---4---] And efficiency then becomes your number one priority.

[---5---] (本句有兩個 - )

You've been listening to Shell Chief scienist, Jose Bravo. Earth and Sky, a clear voice for science.

But this type of engine is still found in most vehicles on Earth today. I think it still would be very relevant and probably still the major source of mobility. I don't think you will see a substantial change in the functionality of the car because that's something that society has kind of dictated and gotten used to. Reducing the consumption of fuel is the best way to manage emissions. Overall, Bravo said, we should expect tomorrow's cars to be smaller - use less fuel and different kinds of fuels - and create fewer emissions.