S: It seems like you demonstrated a very strong motivation of becoming successful.
B: Thank you.
S: How come? I mean you are so young and you're so mature for your age?
B: 還好吧, I don't know, I just always had a lot of confidence in myself, and I have a lot of dreams and a lot of goals and I'm a really passionate person. So when I have a desire, I have to go and I go and do it, and I put my whole heart into it and make sure that I accomplish it.
S: How do you define success?
B: I define success as having a goal and a dream and never giving up, and just always going for your dream, living your dream, that is success. And success doesn't mean you won't have failures along the way, because failure is a part of success. Because every time we don't succeed at the first. As long as you don't give up, as long as you keep going and keep following your dream, it makes you stronger, makes you better.
S: A lot of people may wonder you might have more opportunities here than in the States, is that true?
B: Will I have more opportunities here? There are definitely a lot of opportunities in China. And I'm definitely a lot different and I stand out here in China. Because I'm a white American boy who speaks Chinese, and I can sing and dance, and I have business background, so I definitely stand out a lot more in here, in America, I might not as stand out, but so I have a lot of opportunities in America, I was in the top accounting program BYU in the first grade, singing, dancing and performing team in America, and so I'm confident that whatever I decide to do, I'll be successful. If I decided to go to California to Hollywood, if that was my dream, I'll make it happen. But my dream is here in China right now.
S: Have you thought about taking part in the American Idol?
B: A lot of people asked me that, and I thought about it, you know it's not my dream right now. I really hope my brother, my little brother PJ who is amazing; I hope that he can be the American Idol, because he just did so well so you know it's not my dream right now. I have a lot of other dreams.
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