S: when did you start to have the dream of becoming a pop star?
B: Ever since I was a little kid. I'd always love to sing.
S: How young? How little?
B: maybe 8 years old? 8, 9, or 10.When I moved to England, I really started to fall in love with singing. I made my little sister put on concerts with me in our house, just for my parents, my brothers and sisters, so we sing for our family.
S: What did they do for you?
B: What did they do for me? They clapped, I don't know.
S: you were doing the solo, I guess.
B: My sister would be my backup singer? no, she was the star with me, my family is very talented family, my younger sister back who's 22, she and I were both performers together for The Young Ambassadors of Brigham Young University, since I came to China two years ago, my younger brother Peter who is 16 is an phenomenal singer, he is amazing, so good.
S: Did you hear a lot of positive news or information about China before coming over here?
B: Yeah, I guess. Before I came to China, I had some friends from China, and I know here from them, they love China and also in America we always read newspaper news:/p/and hear about on the news and hear there's so much going on in the China, It's just the place to be.
S: What you guys learn about China in your newspapers?
B: In our newspapers we hear about everything, we hear about 超女,超級女聲.
S: What do you call it?
B: Super Girl. We hear about super girl, and we hear about the stock market here, we hear about business in China, we hear about lots of things.
B:Super Girl。我們知道超級女聲,我們知道這里的證券市場,我們知道中國的商業(yè),很多很多事情。
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