
So of all the great Android-related toys, apparel and accessories out there, there is one that we didn’t think we’d ever see but one that we now find ourselves longing for. There is a robot toy that can transform from its cylindrical-shaped self into a full-blown bad-ass robot. It’s apparently an homage to GUNDAM Age-1, though a guy not into mechs (like myself) may mistake it for the more popular Transformers IP. Either way, you may just about ready to drop our cash for one of these, though we won’t hold our breath for large-scale production.?

安卓有很多周邊玩具,但有一款絕對是你想不到但又渴望已久的。上面這款機器人玩具可以從圓柱形的安卓機器人變身為張開的酷斃高達機器人。很明顯這是一款在向高達Age-1致敬的玩具。雖然像我這樣的機械小白可能把它誤認為是變形金剛 = =。雖然沒期待大批量生產(chǎn),但對于高達迷來說肯定打算買一款收入囊中吧。這臺Android高達可以在兩個形態(tài)進行切換,Android形態(tài)時高達的身體會收納在機器人的體內(nèi),而高達形態(tài)時,機器人得外殼則成為了高達的外掛裝甲。