


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on Reading Passage 1 below.

The pesticide-free village

Gerry Marten and Dona Glee Williams report on reliance on the Indian village of Punukula, so nearly destroyed by reliance on pesticides.

Around 20 years ago, a handful of families migrated from the Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh, south-east India, into Punukula, a community of around 900 people farming plots of between two and ten acres. The outsiders from Guntur brought cotton culture with them, and this attracted resident farmers by promising to bring in more hard cash than the mixed crops they were already growing to eat and sell, such as millet, mung beans, chilli and rice. But growing cotton meant using pesticides and fertilisers - until then a mystery to the mostly illiterate farmers of the community.

Local agro-chemical dealers obligingly filled the need for information and supplies. Th sse ‘middlemen' sold commercial seeds, fertilisers and insecticides on credit, and guaranteed purchase of the crop. They offered technical advice provided by the companies that supplied their products. The farmers depend on the dealers. If they wanted to grow cotton – and they did - it seemed they had no choice.

A quick ‘high’ of booming yields and incomes hooked growers during the early years of cotton in the region. Outlay on insecticides was fairly IO\A/ because cotton pests hadn't moved in yet. Many farmers were so impressed with the chemicals that they started using them on their other crops as well. The immediate payoffs from chemically-dependent cotton agriculture both ensured and obscured the fact that the black dirt fields had gone into a freefall of environmental degradation, dragged down by a chain of cause and effect.

Soon cotton-eaters, such as bollworms and aphids, plagued the fields. Repeated spraying killed off the most susceptible pests and left the strongest to reproduce and pass on their resistance to generations of ever-hardier offspring. As the bugs grew tougher and more abundant, farmers applied a greater variety and quantity of poisons, something mixing 'cocktails' of as many as ten insecticides. At the same time, cotton was gobbling up the nutrients in the soil, leaving the growers no option but to invest in chemical fertilisers.

By the time some farmers tried to break free of their chemical dependence, insecticides had already decimated the birds, wasps, beetles, and other predators that had once provided natural control of crop pests. Without their balancing presence, pests ran riot if insecticide was cut back. As outlays for fertilisers and insecticides escalated, the cost of producing cotton mounted. Eventually the expense of chemical inputs outgrew the cash value of the crop, and farmers fell further and further into debt and poverty.

Their vicious cycle was only broken by the willingness of a prominent village elder to experiment with something different. He had been among the first villagers to grow cotton, and he would be the first to try it without chemicals, as set out by a programme in Non-Pesticide Management (NPM). This had been devised for Punukala with the help of a Non-Government Organisation called SECURE that had become aware of the hardships caused by the pesticide trap.

It involved turning to neem, a fast-growing, broad-leaved evergreen tree related to mahogany. Neem protects itself against insects by producing a multitude of natural pesticides that have evolved specifically to defeat plant-eating insects. Thus they are generally harmless to human and other animals, including birds and insects that eat pests.

The plant is native to India and Burma, where it has been used for centuries to control pests and to promote health. To protect cotton, neem seeds are simply ground into a powder, soaked overnight in water, and sprayed onto the crop at least every 10 days. Neem cake applied to the soil kills insect pests and doubles as an organic fertiliser high in nitrogen. As neem grows locally and is easy to process, it is much less expensive than the chemical insecticides sold for profit by the dealers and their corporate suppliers.

Quick, short-term gains had once pushed Punukula into chemical-dependent agriculture. Now they found that similar immediate rewards were helping to speed change in the other direction: the harvest of the next 20 NPM farmers was as good as the harvest of farmers using insecticides, and they came out ahead because they weren't buying insecticides, instead of investing cash (in short supply) in chemicals, they invested time and labour in NPM practices.

By the end of 2000, all the farmers in Punukula village were using NPM rather than chemicals for cotton, and they began to use it on other crops as well. The Ghange gathered momentum as NPM became even more effective once everyone was using it. The status and economic opportunities of women improved - neem became a source of income for some of them, as they gathered seeds from the surrounding area to sell for NPM in other villages. The improve situation meant that families could afford to put more land under cultivation.

In 2004, the panchayat (village government) formally declared Punukula to be a pesticide-free village. And they have big plans for the future, such as water purification. The village now serves as a model for disseminating NPM to other communities, with around 2000 farmers visiting each year.

What began as a few farmers desperate to find a way to farm without poisons has become a movement with the potential to pull an entire region back from ecological disaster.

Questions 1-4

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1?


TRUE??????? if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE??????? if the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN???? if there is no information on this


1?????? Cotton growing was expected to raise more money than other crop.

2?????? Some of the local agro-chemical dealers had been farmers in the past.

3?????? Initially the farmers’ cotton yields were low.

4 ???? At first, the farmers failed to notice the negative effects on their fields of pesticide use.



Questions 5-10

Complete the notes below.

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 5 - 10 on your answer sheet.

Non-Pesticide-Management Programme

  • Developed with the aid of SECURE
  • Based on use of an 5 ______________ called neem
  • Neem contains many 6 ______________ that target plant-eating predators


  • Used as a pesticide
  • 7______________formed by grinding seeds
  • left 8 ______________to soak in water
  • Sprayed regularly
  • Used as a pesticide and as a fertilizer
  • added in 9 ______________form to soil
  • contains a lot of 10 ______________



Questions 11-13

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 11 - 13 on your answer sheet.

  1. In which year did farmers finally stop using chemicals on cotton crops in Punukula?
  2. What did the women of Punukula collect to make money?
  3. What project do the authorities in Punukula hope to set up in the future?






You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 14-26, which are based on Reading Passage 2 below.


New filter promises clean water for millions


An ingenious invention is set to bring clean water to developing countries, and while the science may be cutting edge, the materials are extremely down to earth.


A handful of clay, yesterday's coffee grounds and some cow manure are the ingredients that could bring clean, safe drinking water to many developing countries. The simple new technology, developed by Australian National University (ANU) materials scientist and potter Tony Flynn, allows water filters to be made from commonly available materials and fired (or baked) using cow manure as the source of heat, without the need for a kiln (an oven for baking or drying pottery). The filters have been tested and shown to remove common pathogens (disease-producing organisms) including E-coli.

The invention was born out of a project involving the Manatuto community in East Timor. A charity operating there wanted to help set up a small industrial site manufacturing water filters, but initial research found the local clay to be too fine – a problem solved by the addition of organic material.

While the problems of producing a working ceramic filter in East Timor were overcome, the solution was kiln-based and particular to that community’s materials and couldn't be applied elsewhere. Flynn’s technique for manure firing, with no requirement for a kiln, has made this zero technology approach available anywhere it is needed.

Other commercial clay filters do exist, but, even if available, with prices starting at US$5 each, they are often outside the budgets of most people in the developing world. Unlike other water filtering devices, Flynn's filters are inexpensive and simple to produce. Take a handful of clay, mix it with a handful of organic material such as used tea leaves, coffee grounds or rice hulls, add water in a sufficient quantity to make a stiff mixture and form a cylindrical pot that has one end dosed, then dry it in the sun. According to Flynn, used coffee grounds have given the best results to date. The walls of the filter can be measure using the width of an adult finger as the standard. Next, surround the pots with straw, put them in a mound of cow manure, light the straw and then top up the burning manure as required. The filters are finished in 45 to 60 minutes.

The properties of cow manure are vital, as the fuel can reach a temperature of 700 degrees in half an hour, and will be up to 950 degrees after another 20 to 30 minutes. The manure makes a good fuel because it is very high in organic material that burns readily and quickly. The manure has to be dry and is best used exactly as found in the field; there is no need to break it up or process it any further. In contrast, a potter’s kiln is an expensive item and can take up to four or five hours to get up to 800 degrees. It needs expensive scarce fuel, such as gas or wood to heat it, and experience to use it. With no technology, no insulation and nothing other than a pile of cow manure and a match, none of these requirements apply.

It is also helpful that, like clay and organic material, cow manure is freely available across the developing world. A cow is a natural fuel factory. Manure is a mixture of vegetable materials of different sizes, and cow manure as a fuel is the same wherever it is found.

Just as using manure as a fuel for domestic use is not a new idea, the fact that liquid can pass through clay objects is something that potters have always known, and clay’s porous nature is something that, as a former ceramics lecturer in the ANU School of Art, Flynn is well aware of. The difference is that, rather than viewing the porous nature of the material as a problem - after all, not many people want a pot that won't hold water - his filters capitalize on this property.

The filtration process is simple, but effective. The basic principle is that there are passages through the filter that are wide enough for water droplets to pass through, but too narrow for pathogens. Tests with the deadly E-coli bacterium have seen the filters remove 96.4 to 99.8 per cent of the pathogen - well within safe levels. The thickness of the clay container needs to be the same thickness as an adult finger for the process to be effective. If this is the case, using only one filter, a liter of water can be obtained in two hours.

The use of organic material, which burns away leaving cavities after firing, helps produce the structure in which pathogens will become trapped. It overcomes the potential problems of finer clays that may not let water through and also means that cracks are soon halted. And like clay and cow manure, organic material is universally available in the developing communities that need most assistance, as tea, coffee and rice are grown in these areas.


With all the components being widely available, Flynn says there is no reason the technology couldn't be applied throughout the developing world. He has no plans to exploit his idea financially by registering ownership through a patent. If he did, any commercial copying would legally entitle him to a share in any profits made. Without a patent, there will be no illegality in it being adopted in any community that needs it. ‘Everyone has a right to clean water, and these filters have the potential to enable anyone in the world to drink water safely,' says Flynn.


Questions 14-19

Complete the flow-chart below.

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS/AND ORA NUMBER from the passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 14-19 on your answer sheet.


Step-by-step guide to making Flynn's water filters


Questions 20-23

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 2?

In boxes 20-23 on your answer sheet, write

TRUE????????????????? if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE??????? ???????? if the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN ?? if there is no information on this


20???? The clay in the Manatuto project was initially unsuitable for the project's purpose.

21???? Coffee grounds produce filters that are twice as efficient as those using other organic materials.

22???? It takes half an hour for a cow-manure fire to reach 950 degree.

23???? E-coli is the most difficult bacterium to remove from water by filtration.


Questions 24-26

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.

Write the correct letter in boxes 24-26 on your answer sheet.


24?? The Manatuto project aimed to set up a

A charitable trust.

B filtration experiment.

C water filter factory.

D community kiln.


25?? To be effective, the Flynn filters must

A remove ail dangerous pathogens.

B be a particular thickness.

C filter water as quickly as possible.

D be made from 100 per cent clay.


26?? Flynn does not intend to patent his filter because he

A wants it be freely available.

B has produced a very simple design.

C cannot make a profit in poor countries.

D has already given the idea to a charity.





You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 27-40, which are based on Reading Passage

Questions 27-32

Reading Passage 3 has seven paragraphs, A-G.

Choose the correct heading for paragraphs A-F from the list of headings below.

Write the correct number, i-ix, in boxes 27-32 on your answer sheet.


List of Headings


Action already taken by the United Nations


Marketing the hydrogen car


Making the new technology available worldwide


Some negative predictions from one group of experts


How the new vehicle technology works


The history of fuel-cell technology


A holistic view of climate change


Locating the essential ingredient


Sustaining car manufacture


27?? Paragraph A

28?? Paragraph B

29?? Paragraph C

30?? Paragraph D

31?? Paragraph E

32?? Paragraph F


Putting the brakes on climate change

Are hydrogen cars the answer?


It is tempting to think that the conservation of coral reefs and rainforests is a separate issue from traffic and air pollution. But it is not. Scientists are now confident that rapid changes in the Earth's climate are already disrupting and altering many wildlife habitats. Pollution from vehicles is a big part of the problem.


The United Nation’s Climate Change Panel has estimated that the global average temperature rise expected by the year 2100 could be as much as 6°C, causing forest fires and dieback on land and coral bleaching in the ocean. Few species, if any, will be immune from the changes in temperature, rainfall and sea levels. The panel believes that if such catastrophic temperature rises are to be avoided, the quantity of greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide, being released into the atmosphere must be reduced. That will depend on slowing the rate of deforestation and, more crucially, finding alternatives to coal, oil and gas as our principal energy sources.


Technologies do exist to reduce or eliminate carbon dioxide as a waste product of our energy consumption. Wind power and solar power are both spreading fast, but what are we doing about traffic? Electric cars are one possible option, but their range and the time it takes to charge their batteries pose serious limitations. However, the technology that shows the most potential to make cars climate-friendly is fuel-cell technology. This was actually invented in the late nineteenth century, but because the world's motor industry put its effort into developing the combustion engine, it was never refined for mass production. One of the first prototype fuel-cell-powered vehicles has been built by the Ford Motor Company. It is like a conventional caronly with better acceleration and a smoother ride. Ford engineers expect to be able to produce a virtually silent vehicle in the future.


So what’s the process involved – and is there a catch? Hydrogen goes into the fuel tank, producing electricity. The only emission from the exhaust pipe is water. The fuel-cell is, in some ways similar to a battery, but unlike a battery it does not run down. As long as hydrogen and oxygen are supplied to the cell, it will keep on generating electricity. Some cells work off methane and a few use liquid fuels such as methanol, but fuel-ceils using hydrogen probably have the most potential. Furthermore, they need not be limited to transport. Fuel-cells can be made in a huge range of size, small enough for portable computers or large enough for power stations. They have no moving parts and therefore need no oil. They just need a supply of hydrogen. The big question, then, is where to get it from.


One source of hydrogen is water. But to exploit the abundant resource, electricity is needed, and if the electricity is produced by a coal-fired power station or other fossil fuel, then the overall carbon reduction benefit of the fuel-cell disappears. Renewable sources, such as wind and solar power, do not produce enough energy for it to be economically viable to use them in the 'manufacture' of hydrogen as a transport fuel. Another source of hydrogen is, however, available and could provide a supply pending the development of more efficient and cheaper renewable energy technologies. By splitting natural gas (methane) into its constituent parts, hydrogen and carbon dioxide are produced. One way round the problem of what to do with the carbon dioxide could be to store it back below ground – so called geological sequestration. Oil companies, such as Norway's Statoil, are experimenting with storing carbon dioxide below ground in oil and gas wells.


With freak weather conditions, arguably caused by global warming, frequently in the headlines, the urgent need to get fuel-cell vehicles will be available in most showrooms. Even now, fuel-cell buses are operating in the US, while in Germany a courier company is planning to take delivery of fuel-cell-powered vans in the near future. The fact that centrally-run fleets of buses and vans are the first fuel-cell vehicles identifies another challenge – fuel distribution. The refueling facilities necessary to top up hydrogen-powered vehicles are available only in a very few places at present. Public transport and delivery firms are logical places to start, since their vehicles are operated from central depots.


Fuel-cell technology is being developed right across the automotive industry. This technology could have a major impact in slowing down climate change, but further investment is needed if the industry – and the world's wildlife – is to have a long-term future.

Questions 33-36

Complete the sentences below.

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 33-36 on your answer sheet.

33???? In the late nineteenth century, the car industry invested in the development of the ____________, rather than fuel-cell technology.


34???? Ford engineers predict that they will eventually design an almost ___________ car.

35???? While a fuel-cell lasts longer, some aspects of it are comparable to a ___________.

36???? Fuel-cells can come in many sizes and can be used in power stations and in ___________ as well as in vehicles.

Questions 37-40

Do the following statements agree, with the information given in Reading Passage 3?

In boxes 37-40 on your answer sheet, write

TRUE????????????? ????????????? if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE???????????? ????????????? if the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN??????????? if there is no information on this

37???? Using electricity produced by burning fossil fuels to access sources of hydrogen may increase the positive effect of the fuel-cell.

38?? The oil company Statoil in Norway owns gas wells in other parts of the world.

39?? Public transport is leading the way in the application of fuel-cell technology,

40?? More funding is necessary to ensure the success of the fuel-cell vehicle industry.





Reading Passage 1

1.??? True. 雅思閱讀每一道題都能對應(yīng)到原文中的一句話。因此考生首先 需要定位找到原文那句話。此題對應(yīng)到原文第一段The outsiders from Guntur brought cotton culture with them, and this attracted resident farmers by promising to bring in more hard cash than the mixed crops they were already growing to east and sell, such as? 此句中promise to bring

in (承諾帶來,有希望帶來)正好對應(yīng)題目中知was expected to (期望,預(yù)計);more hard cash對應(yīng)more money.由此可知,題目與原文 闡述一致,因而答案為True。

2.??? Not Given.此句中local agro-chemical dealer—詞指引我們定位到原文 第—段中的Local agro-chemical dealers obligingly filled the need for information and supplies?? ... 繼續(xù)往下讀,一直讀完第一段,沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)任何信息是介紹這些dealer的來源,他們之前是否是農(nóng)民,我們無 從得知,因此,此題我們無法判斷其正確還是錯誤,所以答案為Not Given.

3.??? False.此句對應(yīng)原文第二段第句 A quick high of booming yields and incomes hooked growers during the early years of cotton in the region. 題目中的initially對應(yīng)原文的during the early years,原文中的yields未變,指棉花的產(chǎn)量很“high”,booming(繁榮,激增)。題目Low顯然與此 相反,因此答案為False.

4.??? True. 接著往下讀便能發(fā)現(xiàn)原文有這樣一句話:Many farmers were so impressed with chemicals that they started using them on their other crops as well.(農(nóng)民對化學(xué)藥劑的效力如此吃驚以至于他們開始將此種藥劑 使用于其他作物上)。由此可見,農(nóng)民一開始并沒有意識到此種化學(xué)品 的壞處,才將其推廣于其他作物上。與題目中fail to notice the negative effects (未能注意到真壞作用)。因此答案夫True。

5.??? Evergreen tree.請注意雅思填空題的答案多直接摘抄于原文,即直接 找到原文中合適的實意詞語(大多數(shù)情況是名詞短語等實義詞,而非 介詞,連詞等虛義詞),填上即可,不需要自己造詞,但需注意題目 規(guī)定單詞個數(shù),單復(fù)數(shù),大小寫以及語法問題。此題定位到原文第五段大寫字母Non- Pesticide Management (NPM),并定為于SECURE 這個 詞之后,因為題目中的第一點已經(jīng)出現(xiàn)了SECURE這個信息點,因此 我們需要的信息肯定在此詞之后。往下讀,可看到neema fast-growing, broad-leaved evergreen tree related mahogany.此句型為典型的同位語下定義句型,前面neem為核心詞,我們不需要知道其具體名 稱,從后面的同位語解釋可知其為一種生長很快,長者寬葉子的常青 樹。去掉前面的fast-growing, broad-leaved形容詞以及后罝形容詞 related mahogany,提取出中心名詞evergreen tree,即為此題答案,再檢查符合題目規(guī)定不超過2個單詞的原則,且橫線前已有an.

6.??? Natural Pesticides.題目中contain指包含,因而橫線上必然填一種名詞物質(zhì),后面的that定語從句,解釋了這種物質(zhì)是一種能攻擊吃植物的捕食者的物質(zhì)。回到原文可找到Neem protects itself against insects by producing a multitude of natural pesticides that have evolved specifically to defeat plant-eating insects.(印度楝樹可以保護自身不受昆蟲侵害,適過 生產(chǎn)一種許多的天然殺蟲劑,此種殺蟲劑專門用來擊敗吃植物的昆蟲)。可見a multitude of natural pesticides后的that從句解釋了其可以 defeat plant-eating insects的特性,符合題目向解釋,因此去掉數(shù)量詞a multitude of ,剩下中心詞natural pesticides即為正確答案。

7.A powder.此題定位至原文第六段To protect cotton, neem seeds are simply ground into a powder, ...ground是動詞grind(研磨)的過去分詞形式,be ground into a powder即被研磨成粉末。

8.??? Overnight.此句對應(yīng)原文的 soaked overnight in water... (浸泡在水里—夜),題目中換一種表達left overnight to soak in water (被放在水里一夜).此空位副詞填空,但只要把握住Paraphrase(換種表達這一核心方法)抓住橫線前后詞語,在文中都能找到正確答案。

9.??? Cake. Cake在這兒并非表示蛋糕,而指類似于蛋糕的糕狀或者硬塊

狀。原文中可找到 Neem cake applied to the soil kills insect pests(用于土壤的糕狀楝樹可以殺死害蟲),題目中橫線后form一詞提示需要填一種形式,即以糕狀的形式添加于土壤。

10. Nitrogen.此句話接著往下讀就是....doubles as an organic fertilizer high in nitrogen.(富金雙倍的有機肥,氣氣)。Contains be high in


11.? 2000.讀完題目,可見答案為一個年份,在此年份,Punukula這個地方的農(nóng)民停止在棉花上使用化學(xué)品了。掃讀全文,尋找?guī)讉€年份數(shù) 字,最終發(fā)現(xiàn)在第八段第一句By the end of 2000all the farmers in Punukula village were using NPM rather than chemical for cotton.此句中 rather than (而不是)表示了他們不再使用化學(xué)品了。根據(jù)題目規(guī)定答 案不超過兩個單詞或者一個數(shù)字,所以直接用2000.

12.? Neem Seeds.此題提到women,立即定位到第八段The status and economic opportunities of women improved-neem became a source of income for some of them, as they gathered seeds from...gather collect 對應(yīng),當(dāng)?shù)嘏运鸭N子提高收入。為了避免指代不清,最好在seeds 加上neem,兩個詞也不運出題目的規(guī)定。

13.? Water purification.此題中Authorities對應(yīng)到原文的第九段 government,接著讀便能找到 And they have big plans for the future, such as water purification.即提到了政府未乘的計劃。


Reading Passage 2

14-15. clay, water.關(guān)于water filter的制作步驟鎖定到原文第三段從Take a handful of clay, mix it with a handful of organic material such as..., add water in a sufficient quantity to....一直至第三段結(jié)束,都在一步一步介紹過濾器的制作過程,根據(jù)以上黑體部分,很容易取出mixture 主要三成分:clay, organic material, water.原文用的動詞短語mix it with,而在題目中換成了名詞mixture,這種也是一種paraphrase。

16-17. cow manure, straw.接著往下讀,就能發(fā)現(xiàn)第一步,制作好 mixture,將其做成cylindrical pot (圓柱形的罐子),接下來第二步就是 Next, surround the pots with straw, put them in a mound of cow manure, ...直到段末??赏茢?/span>1617題的兩個答案必從此中挑選出來,推敲后 很容易發(fā)現(xiàn)火的來源來自于straw (稻草)和cow mature(牛類)

18.? 950 degrees.此題相對簡單,第四段兩個溫度,一個700 degrees,另外一個950 degrees,注意不要混淆,題目問的是最高溫度maximum. 意寫的時候帶上單位degrees.

19.? 60 minutes.答案比較隱蔽,在第三段最后_句,The filters arc finished in 45 to 60 minutes.因此最大 maximum 時間是60 minutes, 意帶上時間單位。

20.? True. 一看到題目中的Manatuto就馬上定位到原文只有一個地方出 現(xiàn)此詞語,即在第二段,掃讀后,發(fā)現(xiàn)句子but initial research found the local clay to be too fine- a problem solved by the addition of organic materials. Too帶否定語氣,fine有一個意思指精細,因此其黏土是too fine(過于精細的>,是不適合制作過濾器的,破折號后面也補充說明 了,正因為黏土不適合,才通過添加有機材料解決此問題。

21.? Not Given.原文第三段有一個話,According to Flynn, used coffee grounds have given the best results to date.即咖啡遼能ii到迄今為止最 好的效果,但并沒有明確指出其效率是別的材料的2倍。因此,題目 無從考證。

22.? False.原文第四段第一句話寫了要達到700度需要半小時,要達到 950度另外還需要20-30分鐘,因此加起來需要50-60分鐘。注意after another 20 to 30 minutes.此題粗心較容易出錯。

23.? Not Given.原文有兩個地方提到了E-coli,第一段末尾和第七段中 間,但都沒有提到它是the most difficult bacterium ,因為我們不能妄下判斷。

24.? C.對應(yīng)原文第二段 A charity operating there wanted to set up a small industrial site manufacturing water filters...企圖建立一個小型的工廠,制造水過濾器。

25.? B .答案在第七段可以找到。The thickness of the clay container needs to be the same thickness as an adult finger for the process to be effective. B 答案符合。A答案all不對,原文第七段只說了去除96.499.8_ percent of the pathogen- well within safe levels (己在安全范圍類內(nèi)了); C,D答案原文中都沒有提到。

26.? A.文章最后一段可以歸納出Flynn不希望申請專利,不希望從他的發(fā)明中獲得經(jīng)濟利益,是因為這樣任何需要此項發(fā)明的社區(qū)都能自由地使用此發(fā)明,每個人都有權(quán)利喝上干凈的水。


Reading Passage 3

27.? Vii.第一段是總概況式地介紹文章背景,引出下文,關(guān)鍵詞是 climate change, holistic是“全局”的意思。

28.? iv.第二段確實提到UN,但是并沒有講到其Action,所以不要誤選 i;仔細看,會發(fā)現(xiàn)是United Nation's Climate Change Panel, panel有“專家組”的意思,整個第二段都是在講專家組的estimatesbelieves,所以正確答案應(yīng)該是iv.

29.? vi.第三段講到燃料電池技術(shù)的歷史沿革,可以讀到第三段講到此技術(shù)其實發(fā)明于19世紀末。

30.? v.第四段第一句便提到process,接下來講到hydrogen goes into the fuel tank,可推斷其在講工作原理模式。

31.? viii. 掃讀E段,可知其在將氫氣的來源,即對應(yīng)ingredient,整段在 講訴如何獲得氫氣。

32.? iii. F段講的是燃料電池技術(shù)的應(yīng)用,如何在美國,德國等地普 及。

33.? Combustion engine.由題目中的in the late nineteenth century 很快就 能定位到原文C段的This was actually invented in the late nineteenth century, but because the world's motor industry put its effort into developing the combustion engine, it was never refined for mass production.此句中 this 指代上一句末尾的 fuel-ceIl technology, put its effort in doing sth.指將其精力投入做某事;it was never refined for mass production, it!旨代fuel-cell technology,—句的意思是燃料電池技術(shù)沒有 得到改進,未投入大規(guī)模生產(chǎn)。

34.? Silent .Ford馬上定位到原文C段最后一句Ford engineers cxpect to be able to produce a virtually silent vehicle in the future.雅思考試,很多題 考得是Paraphrase (釋義,改寫),即對等表達,題目中用另外一個詞 或者另外一種表達來解釋原文中詞語、句子的意思。此題中,只要知道 Virtually是“幾乎”的意思,vehicle 等于“car”,cxpect to do sth.等于“predict,那么這道題答案也就輕而易舉了。

35.? Battery.原文D The fuel-cell isin some ways, similar to a battery,

but? 此題稍難,需要知道comparable to sth意思是“相當(dāng)于,可比 較,比得上”,跟原文“similar to(與什么相似).

36.? Portable computers.題目談到其size問題,可找到原文DFuel-cells can be made in a huge range of size, small enough for portable computers or large enough for power stations.(燃料電池可制成本同大小,小到可 以用于便攜式電腦,大到可以用于發(fā)電站)。與power stations相并列的 即是答案。

37.? False.原文E段第二句話But to exploit the abundant resource, electricity is needed, and if ....then the overall carbon reduction benefit of the fuel-cell disappears. (但是要開發(fā)大量的資源,就需要用電,而如果 是通過燃燒煤炭或者其他化石能源來發(fā)電的話,那么燃料電池的整體碳減排優(yōu)勢就消失了)。題目表達意思與此相反,所以錯誤。

38.? Not Given.看到題目中的專有名詞Statoil in Norway就該找到原文唯一提及此公司的E段,閱讀前后,都沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)有關(guān)此公司天然氣井分布的信息,因此判斷為Not given.

39.? True.此題需要從原文F段推斷得出。題目意思是說公共交通是使 用燃料電池科技的領(lǐng)頭羊。F段提到fuel-cell buses arc operating in the US,后文提到燃料分配問題,最后一句提到public transport and delivery firms are the logical places to start,結(jié)合以上信息,可推斷出公共交通領(lǐng)域應(yīng)該是實施燃料電池科技的首要地。

40.? True.此題較簡單,原文最后一段最后一句明確提到,but future investment is needed...即表示發(fā)展此科技需要more funding (更多的資金)。











Section 1 & Section 2重點場景(生活類):旅游導(dǎo)覽,找工作,制作流程,報名申請,旅游住宿。

Section 3 & Section 4重點場景(學(xué)術(shù)類):師生討論,學(xué)術(shù)講座,作業(yè)討論,論文選題。


Section 1

Questions 1-10

Complete the form below.


Pinder’s Animal Park


Enquiries about temporary?? work????

Personal Details:?????????????

Name:?? ???????????????????? ???????????????Jane 1 _____???????????

Address:?????? ??????????????????????????????????? 2 _____


Telephone number:? ??????????????????????? 07792430921??????

Availability: ??????????????????????????????? Can start work on 3 _____?????????

Work details:????????????

Preferred type of work:? ??????????????????????? Assistant 4 _____??????

Relevant skills:?? ??????????????????????????? Familiar with kitchen 5 _____?????

Relevant qualifications: Training required:????? ??????? A 6 _____ certificate????

?????? ??????????????????????????????????????? A 7 _____ course??


Name:?? ??????????????????????????????????? Dr Ruth Price??

Position:???????????????????????????????????? 8. _____

Phone number:??????????????????????????????? 9. _____

Other:?????? ????????????????????????Applicant has a form of 10. _____??





Questions 11-15

Choose the correct answer, A. B or C.

Tamerton Centre

11 The Tamerton Centre was set up in order to encourage people

A to enjoy being in the countryside.

B to help conserve the countryside.

C to learn more about the countryside.


12 Last year’s group said that the course

A built their self esteem.

B taught them lots of new skills.

C made them fitter and stronger.


13 For the speaker, what's the most special feature of the course?

A You can choose which activities you do.

B There’s such a wide variety of activities.

C You can become an expert in new activities.


14 The speaker advises people to bring

A their own board games.

B extra table tennis equipment.

C a selection of films on DVD.


15 Bed-time is strictly enforced because

A it’s a way to reduce bad behaviour.

B tiredness can lead to accidents.

C it makes it easy to check everyone’s in.


Section 3

Questions 16 and 20

What rules apply to taking different objects to the Centre? Match each object with the correct rule, A-C.

Write the correct letter, A-C.



16 Electrical equipment ????

17 Mobile phone???????????

18 Sun cream?????????

19 Aerosol deodorant ?

20 Towel



A You MUST take this

B You CAN take this, if you wish

C You must NOT take this


Questions 21-30

Questions 21-25 Label the diagram below.

Write the correct letter, A-G. next to questions 21-25 below.

Biogas Plant

(Year 6 Lesson)


21?? Waste container

22?? Slurry

23?? Water inlet

24?? Gas

25?? Overflow tank


Questions 26-30 Complete the flow chart below.

Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to questions 26-30.



Identify sequence.


Ask questions.




Demonstrate meaning.


Distribute worksheet.


Draw pictures.


Present sentences.


Section 4

Questions 31-40

Complete the notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Creating artificial gills


  • Taking in oxygen: mammals - lunge; fish - gills
  • Long-held dreams - humans swimming underwater without oxygen tanks
  • Oxygen tanks considered too 31 _____ and large
  • Attempts to extract oxygen directly from water
  • 1960s - prediction that humans would have gills added by 32 ______
  • Ideas for artificial gills were inspired by research on
  • fish gills
  • fish swim bladders
  • animals without gills - especially bubbles used by 33 _____


Building a simple artificial gill

  • Make a watertight box of a material which lets 34 _____ pass through
  • Fill with air and submerge in water
  • Important that the diver and the water keep 35 _____???
  • The gill has to have a large 36 _____??
  • Designers often use a network of small 37 _____ on their gill

Main limitation - problems caused by increased 38 _____ in deeper water


Other applications

  • Supplying oxygen for use on 39 _____ ??????
  • Powering 40 _____ cells for driving machinery underwater



Answer key

Section 1

1???? Lamcrton

2? ?42 West Lane

3???? 06.11/ 11th June

4???? cook

5???? equipment

6???? food-handling

7???? First Aid

8???? (college) tutor

9???? 0208 685114

10?? colour/color blindness


Section 2

11 A

12 A

13 B

14 A

15 C

16 C

17 A

18 B

19 C

20 B



Section 3

21 C

22 G

23 A

24 E

25 F

26 D

27 G

28 C

29 A

30 E


Section 4

31?? heavy

32?? surgery

33?? beetles

34?? gas

35?? moving

36?? surface area

37?? tubes

38?? pressure

39?? submarines/ a submarine

40?? fuel








Part 1

Part 2&3


Work or studies















Foreign food









Space travel









Killing time






Rainy days



Outdoor activities





Part 1

  1. Names


Do you like your name?



Yeah. I think my name contains the love and expectation from my parents, so I like a lot.


Does your name have any special meaning?


Yes. My family name is Lin, which means forest in Chinese, and my first name is Jiashu, which means good trees, so my parents hoped me to be a person who can be useful to the society just like a good tree.


What kinds of names are popular in China?



Usually parents will choose Chinese characters that contains a good meaning, but recently many young parents will choose the same name as their favorite celebrities for their children.


Is there any tradition about naming hobbies??



Yes, especially for some big families, they will have fixed middle names, and only first name varies. So by their names you can see which branch of the family they are from and how many siblings they have got.


Part 2 & 3

Part 2題目1


Describe someone who is a good parent.

You should say:

Who this person is

How you know this person

What this person does

And explain why you think this person is a good parent



此話題屬于人物類話題??梢悦枋鲎约旱母改?,那么“how you know this person”可省略;也可以描述親戚或朋友同學(xué)的父母,甚至可以描述為人父母的名人明星等。注意講清此人身份,并解釋為什么你覺得此人是一位好的父親或母親??梢哉f他/她認真負責(zé),平易近人,理解孩子等等。



An excellent parent I know is my neighbour's mother who lives next door. I went to the same school with my neighbour, and his mother often visits my home to have conversations with my parents about raising children. I called her aunt Lee.

Aunt Lee is in her mid-thirties, working as a successful interpreter. She even published a book about interpretation. And I often see her in the local news.

In my view, she is an excellent parent since she is open-minded. She often communicates with her son instead of commanding him what to do. She allows her son to choose arts as his major, which is not a common choice of Chinese parents.

She is also good fun. Anyone's day could be brightened up with her jokes. I believe she brings a lot of laughter to her family. That's why I think aunt Lee is a good parent.



interpreter 名詞;口譯

EgHe said he had asked for an interpreter at the hearing, scheduled for 14:00 BST.


open-minded: 形容詞;思想開明的

EgHis spirit lives on today at an attraction full of open-minded possibility and feel-good charms.


③good fun: 形容詞;有趣的,開心的

EgOn a personal level, I have always found him good fun and very affable.


brighten: 動詞;使發(fā)光,使明亮,使生輝

EgMost years, the first snow will have just fallen to brighten the otherwise dark forest.


?Part 3題目


1. What are the qualities of a good parent?



I guess to be a good parent, one has to be responsible. For example, parents should take good care of children’s health and other development. On the other hand, I think good parents should also be open-minded. It’s important for parents to get to know their children, such as their thoughts and hobbies. Even if parents may not agree, at least they should try to understand.



take care of 詞組;照顧,注意

EgWe folks here in the Midwest are an independent type, we take care of ourselves.


at least: 詞組;至少

EgAll these businesses are growing at least 5% a year, with gross margins above 30%.


2. Who will take care of children in your country?



Normally it’s the mom who takes most of the responsibility of taking care of a child, and many fathers are out there making money. But recently there is a trend that both parents would go to work and look after children with joint effort.




trend 名詞;趨勢,走向

EgWhen the crowd is too bullish or bearish, the trend is about to reverse.


②joint effort: 詞組;共同努力

EgThe global initiative on nuclear terrorism to create a joint effort to secure vulnerable nuclear materials and set new standards is another important step that we are pursuing together


3. Do you think you will be a good parent?



In my view, I guess I am able to educate my kids well. This can mostly be attributed to my personality. First of all, I am quite extroverted, which allows me to develop pretty good communication skills. Through effective communication, I suppose it would be easier for me to get on with my kids. Besides, being a graphic designer, I am also creative. This means that I can create tons of fun to entertain my kids. By doing this, not only would our bond be tighten, but also my kids' creativity would be cultivated.



extroverted 形容詞;性格外向的,喜社交的

EgAt the beginning of the study those with extroverted personalities were given high status ratings by others.


cultivate: 動詞;培養(yǎng),陶冶

EgGood publishers find and cultivate writers, some of whom do not initially have much commercial promise.


4.??? What are the drawbacks if children are taken care of by their grandparents?



When children spend time with their grandparents, it is beneficial for them to learn more about their grandparents' lives. It is an excellent way for elderly people to pass on customs to the next generation. It strengthens traditional culture as well since they will impart knowledge and ethical principles to their grandchildren. On a personal level, children will feel loved and cared of when they are with their grandparents. Furthermore, grandparents tend to give their grandchildren things their parents refuse to offer, such as candies or cookies, which will delight and please them.?



pass on 詞組;傳遞,繼續(xù)

EgThese are the messages they will live by and then pass on to their own children.


impart: 動詞;給予,傳授

EgMexico and Chile could impart valuable lessons from their own successful records of response to crisis.





滬江網(wǎng)校首席雅思口語名師; 英國謝菲爾德大學(xué)畢業(yè);英文專業(yè)8級;5年以上英文教學(xué)經(jīng)驗。










餅圖 (Hot)



柱圖 (Hot)








You should spend 20 minutes on this task.

The chart below gives information about Southland’s main exports in 2000, 2018, and future projections for 2025.


Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


Write at least 150 words.


Southland’s main exports in 2000 and 2018, and future projections for 2025




本篇柱形圖(bar chart),主要展示了Southland地區(qū)過去(2000年)、現(xiàn)在(2018年)的主要出口商品狀況,以及對未來2025年的推測,需要考生對主要信息進行總結(jié)、并對比相關(guān)信息。橫軸分別是旅游業(yè)、奶制品和肉類三種主要出口項,縱軸是每項在不同年份對應(yīng)的出口金額0-10( billion)







The bar chart depicts the performance of three driving exports in Southland in 2000 and 2018, with their future projections for the year 2025. Overall, it can be observed that international tourism is likely to dominate among the three sectors, though dairy products will continue to stay strong.


In 2000, it is obvious that international tourism ranked first among the three export sectors, with its revenue exceeding a little over 8 billion pounds. Then the data has increased steadily, reaching a higher level at nearly 9 billion in 2018. It is predicted that the proceeds of international tourism will continue to rise to an approximate 10 billion pounds till 2025.?


The revenue of dairy products surged from around 7 billion pounds in 2000 to nearly 10 billion this year. It is estimated that exports in this sector may fall back slightly to approximately 9.5 billion in the future.?


Meat products remain the third major exports in Southland, with its revenue decreasing from 6 billion to roughly 5.5 billion in 2018. Experts predict there will be a further decline to 5 billion in 2025.


Word count: 183



depict: v. 描述

dominate: v. 占主導(dǎo)

surge: v. 飆升,激增

revenue, proceeds: n. 收入,收益






滬江網(wǎng)校雅思老師,線上線下授課經(jīng)驗豐富,在大學(xué)有兩年多出國留學(xué)課程及SQA專業(yè)課授課經(jīng)驗;云南師范大學(xué)英語和教育學(xué)雙學(xué)士,東國大學(xué)研究生院國際商務(wù)碩士;獲劍橋TKT資格證,British Council雅思教師培訓(xùn)證書,高中英語教師資格證書等。

















Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject. Do you agree or disagree?


Nowadaysfull-time university students tend to focus on their studying. Some people think it is essential for university students to be involved in other activities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


In many countries, children are encouraged to take part in some paid work. Some people think this practice is unacceptable because it brings about negative impacts on the healthy development of children, while others maintain that paid work is conducive to children's growth, because it helps children to form a correct attitude and form a sense of responsibility. What's your opinion?


As scientists contribute more to the development of our society than other people do, science students should get more financial support from the government than other students. Do you agree or disagree?


Some people think that all young people should be required to have full-time education until they are at least 18 years old. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Schools should teach children some academic subjects which will be beneficial to their future careers. Therefore, other subjects such as music and sports are not important. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


Some people think parents should read or tell stories to children. Others think parents needn’t do that as children can read books or watch TV, movies by themselves. Discuss the both views and give your own opinion.



Some people think museums should be enjoyable places to attract and entertain young people, while others think the purpose of museums should be to educate, not entertain. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.


It is the only way to improve the safety on ours roads that give much strict punishment for driving offence. Do you agree?


Old people have their own ideas of how to think, behave and live. However, these are no longer suitable for young people in preparing their modern life. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


With the development of many countries, people start to live individually and live in very small family units. What are the causes? What effects does it have on society?



Some people think health care should be free for everyone, while others think they should pay medical costs for themselves. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.


Scientific research should be carried out and controlled by government rather than private companies. Do you agree or disagree?


Some people think they have right to use as much fresh water as they want, while others believe governments should strictly control the use of fresh water as it is limited resource. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


The government has the duty to ensure that its citizens have a healthy diet, while others believe this is individuals' responsibility. Discuss both views and give your opinion.



With the increasing demand for energy sources of oil and gas, people should look for sources of oil and gas in remote and untouched places. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages of damaging such areas?


Some people think that instead of preventing climate change, we need to find a way to live with it. Do you agree or disagree?


Some people say the best way to solve the environmental problem is to raise the price of fuel, to what extent do you agree or disagree


Environmental problems are too big for individual countries and individual people to address. We have reached the stage where the only way to protect the environment is to address it at an international level. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?


Some people think that environmental problems are too big for individuals to solve. Others, however, believe that these problems cannot be solved if individuals do not take actions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.



Some think most crime is the result of circumstances e.g. poverty and other social problems. Others believe that most crime is caused by people who are bad by nature. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.



The increase in food production owes much to fertilizers and better machinery, but some people think that it has a negative impact on human health and community. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


The development of technologies is causing environmental problems. Some people believe that the solution is for everyone to adopt a simpler way of life while others say that technologies can solve these problems. Discuss the both viewpoints and give your own opinion.


Some people think it’s necessary to use animals for testing medicines intended for human use. Others, however, think it’s not right to do that. Discuss both views and give you own opinion.



In many countries, women are allowed to take maternity leave from their jobs during the first month after the birth of their babies. Does the advantage outweigh the disadvantages?


Countries with a long average working time are more economically successful than those countries which do not have a long working time. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



Advertising can influence the way people think, so it has negative effects. Do you agree or disagree?



Tourism is a multibillion-dollar industry that supports economic development. However some people think that it causes too much damage to the local environment and culture. Do you agree or disagree?


Foreign tourists abroad should be charged more than local people when visiting the local historical and cultural tourist attractions. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



Some people believe famous people's support towards international aid organizations draws the attention to problems, while others think celebrities make the problems less important. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


With the development of technology and science, some people believe that there is no great value of artists such as musicians and painters. What are the things artists can do but the scientist cannot? Why should we encourage the art area?




題目:Some people think parents should read or tell stories to children. Others think parents needn’t do that as children can read books or watch TV, movies by themselves. Discuss the both views and give your own opinion.?









In recent years, much more attention has been paid to family education. There is much controversy over whether children should learn stories from their parents or on their own. In my opinion, the importance of reading or telling stories to children by parents cannot be ignored.


On the one hand, children learn how to relate to the world around them on the basis of the relationship they develop with their parents and the life lessons their parents share with them. Reading stories provides a good opportunity for parents to spend some quality time with their offspring, and set a model on how to communicate with others. In addition, when reading moral stories, parents can impart correct life values to children and help shape the way they see the world. For instance, the fairy tale about a fox is often more than a funny story. The true value of this kind of stories lies in teaching kids the harm of greed.


On the other hand, children can reap the benefits from reading books and watching TV by themselves. To be specific, it is believed that children can improve their autonomous ability in information obtaining, and since this process is self-paced, they can develop their time management skills and qualities such as persistence, all of which are beneficial for their future study and career. However, if children start reading and watching stories by themselves at a very young age, there is a possibility of misunderstanding the concept of stories, and also a likelihood of accessing misleading information. After some time, children will be negatively influenced by such kind of input.


In conclusion, I would say that even though reading independently helps develop children's certain abilities, sharing stories with children can be a better approach with both emotional and instructional value. Parents should not stop reading and telling stories to their kids until they become old enough to read independently.



①on the basis of: 根據(jù),基于……

②quality time: n. 珍貴時光,優(yōu)質(zhì)時間〔尤指全心照顧子女的時間〕

③impart correct life value: 傳授正確的人生價值

④shape: vt. 塑造

⑤reap the benefits from: 獲益

⑥information obtaining:信息獲取

⑦self-paced: adj. 按照自己進度的

⑧persistence: n. 堅持不懈

⑨emotional and instructional value: 情感和教學(xué)價值





滬江網(wǎng)校雅思教研,英國杜倫大學(xué)畢業(yè);英文專業(yè)8級;高中英語教師資格證書等,主攻雅思托福等留學(xué)考試。參與滬江網(wǎng)校World English A2 B1、新版雅思6.5分寫作、新版雅思7分寫作等課程的設(shè)計規(guī)劃與制作。