Clifford's first day at school
Hi, I'm Emily. This is my dog, Clifford. Here's a story about his first day at my school. All the kids want to play with him. Miss Pearson likes him too. But she says it's time to begin our day.
She takes out the
finger paint. Clifford gets up on the table and plays with the yellow paint. Oh my. The bottle tips over! Clifford falls down on the paper. But Miss Pearson says he makes a
beautiful picture.
But how do I make him clean? Miss Pearson wants to use water. Tim makes a boat. Clifford is very happy to see the boat. He
climbs the
mast... Then he falls down! He's clean now.
Miss Pearson
dries him. She says we'll make cookies next and Clifford can watch. This will make him
quiet. Clifford is
curious about the bag of
flour. Oops! Clifford makes
another mess.
Miss Pearson says it's time for Clifford to go home. She tells me to bring him back to school when he's a little bigger.
Now, every day I ride to school on my big dog. She can see how big he is now.