Christine Drea on birth control, lemurs and how animals smell?
Christine Drea: You’re actually
mucking about with very important social signals. All of a sudden, Betty doesn’t smell like Betty anymore. We don’t even know who she smells like. This is weird!
Dr. Christine Drea is an animal
behaviorist at Duke University. She’s talking about her study – the first of its kind – that analyzed the impact of a form of birth control on the chemicals that make up an animal’s unique scent. In this case, the animals were lemurs – a type of primate related to m
onkeys and apes. Drea’s study showed that birth control dramatically altered the way the
lemurs smell.
Christine Drea: It’s exactly like a fingerprint. It’s called a scent signature. So we have these in the pattern of our skin. And we have it in our voice. We have it in our scent.
Female lemurs in Drea’s study were given the
contraceptive DepoProvera.
Christine Drea: It not only affected the chemical signals of fertility but it also obliterated the signals of an animal’s individual identity. It’s their kinship. It’s their genetic quality. All of that gets either completely lost, or
scrambled or
subdued in some way.
Drea suggested that when an animal’s scent is “off”, confusion in mate selection can result. She added that it’s some possibility to apply her research to humans.