滬江英樂訊?? I've got one from Spain,and two from Japan;I've got a couple from Israel and Azerbadjan~~聽到開頭兩句歌詞,耳朵就像被叮了一下,好可愛的歌??!旅行的夢想,對世界的想象,原來都偷偷藏在這一張張小小的郵票里。多么像我們小時候,用積木搭成房子,然后拼命想象它的豪華~每一個單純的夢想都那么孩子氣而美好,于是再一次在簡單的歌中被感動到思緒綿連……何況還是那么清新宜人的男女聲童謠式和聲~這個周五的下午,心情頓時好得無以復(fù)加??!

Artist:I'm From Barcelona
Song:Collection Of Stamps

I've got one from Spain
and two from Japan
I've got a couple from Israel and Azerbadjan
I've got a plenty from Poland but none from Sudan
or from Fiji or Uzbekistan

You know I can't believe I'm telling everyone that I know
That every stamp in my collection is a place we could go!

And I've got one from Chad
and two from Nepal
I've got a couple from India and Benin as well
I've got a plenty from Poland but none from Sudan
or from Fiji or Uzbekistan