

貓D(簡稱CD): Wow! Look at BossCat there! What a dressing down he got.
路人甲:Well, I thought..I just thought...maybe...it was something to do with...you know..her a lot.
CD:Who? Her? A girl? A LOLITA?路人甲:I think so, a LOLITA.
CD: Well let me show her who is in charge here~ Where is she!
路人甲:She is just standing behind you...
ZMaruko: (Japanese English)Darling,you wanna be charged?(ダーリんぐユウワンナビチャジデ?)
CD:Er...I ...I mean...
Zmaruko: Triple Cast! Crucio Imperio Reducto...
CD:Ohhhhho...I feel good!
Zmaruko: you bad cat~ Let me punish you ~kneel on this washboard~
CD: Please forgive me...
咒語的出處及解釋:出自哈利波特。剜骨鉆心 Crucio靈魂出竅 Imperio 粉身碎骨:Reducto(稍微有點狠……)


Well, I just thought...maybe...it was something to do with...you know..her a lot.
Maybe. But I think it was caused by both of you. You sang badly though it was a fabulous song. And she was good at acting, how could she possibly ignored you while you were performing full of soul? And while we were busy making you closer, you quit, and made a beeline for the door! We could not put up with that!
Actually there was a reason. She was too shy that time. And do you know what she told me after you drove her out? If I had held her, she wouldn’t resist!
Wow, that’s pretty awesome. Sometimes I admire you very much. You are such a lovely pair. And no matter love or study, just like how you said, I can never catch up with you, even if I am on a horse.





