
Paul Yarrow — star of BBC1, ITV, Channel 4, Sky News and even the Qatar-based Al Jazeera network — has appeared on television more than 100 times this year. The only problem is that the BBC, ITV, Channel 4, Sky News and Al Jazeera don't want him to be there.



What they want is for their TV reporters to be left in peace. What they don't want is Yarrow — a balding, fat man who often wears a wrinkled white sweater — popping up behind their star correspondents, distracting viewers from the Very Important News that they are trying to deliver.



For his part, 42-year-old Yarrow, has a very simple mission: to get himself on television as often as possible, without being invited. No wonder the 'news raider' has become an overnight internet sensation.


'You just have to watch the news and use your common sense to know where the cameras will be.'



Yarrow's TV 'career' began with a series of appearances on various channels one day last October, when British National Party leader Nick Griffin was invited to appear on the BBC's Question Time.



So why does Yarrow, a carer who lives on a council estate, do it?



There are too many beautiful people on television, he argues. The people who run television companies are happy to put blonde lovelies on air but seem curiously averse to filling the screen with balding fat men in wrinkled white sweaters.


And it has to change.



'It's a serious issue and I'm trying to make a statement: "Be who you are." I'm just a common person in the street,' says Yarrow.



'People say we live in a fairer, more understanding society these days, but elderly and overweight people still get pushed aside. The camera crews try to move me out of the way but I'm a human being.'
