地道的習慣表達(idiomatic expressions)

在考官眼中,能拿口語高分的考生所掌握的詞匯不光要比其他考生更加豐富,多變,而且表達也要更加“地道”才行。但是好多考生卻被“地道的習慣表達”給嚇跑,以為所謂“地道”,就是要記憶大量的俚語甚至方言,其實,考官指的這些習慣表達通常是看似不起眼的動詞詞組(phrasal verbs),說他們不起眼是因為,這些詞組往往看起來簡單至極,但因為它們一般不能按字面意思理解,所以組合在一起時往往讓你一時摸不清意思??墒沁@些看似簡單的習慣表達在雅思聽力中卻比比皆是,可見口語中老外會高頻率地使用它們,那么接下來將和考生們一起向雅思聽力取取經(jīng),選取常見的習慣表達,看看如何會讓我們口語符合老外的口味,變得更加地道。

idiomatic expressions with “GO”

Go for



And then we go for ones where we know there are guided tours, because this gives a good focus for the visit.


Did you get as far as discussing which form of data collection we should go for – questionnaire of interview, isn’t it?


But actually, I think I prefer this lighter shade here-“sky”.

I think that’s popular too.

I think I’ll go for that.


Well, I’d go for something like Context Review. What do you think?


在以上雅思聽力真題的例子當中,”go for”的意思都傾向于”choose”或者”like”,這在我們口語真題中是很常用的,因為在雅思口語真題中有大量的題目都需要表達關于偏好,選擇,未來計劃等等的。


1. be pertinent or relevant or applicable

同義詞:apply, hold

2. give an affirmative reply to; respond favorably to


3. intend with some possibility of fulfillment


4. have a fancy or particular liking or desire for

同義詞:fancy, take to

5. make an attempt at achieving something

同義詞:try for


Part 1:

What kinds of programs do you like?

What are the ways to relax yourself?

What do you usually do in the evening?

What kind of shopping do you like?

What kind of music do you like to listen to?

Part 2:

Describe a famous person who you would like to meet.

You should say:

who this person is

how you first came to know about him or her

why this person is famous

and explain why you would like to meet this person


Describe a machine or electrical (or electronic) device you would like to buy.

You should say:

hat special features you would like it to have

how you know about

how much it would cost

and explain why you would like to buy it.


Describe a job you think you would be good at.

You should say:

what job it would be

what skills you would need to do this job

how you would get this job

and explain why you think you would be able to do this job well.


Part 3:

Of the two branches of learning, the sciences and the humanities, which is the more popular choice of study in your country?

In the future, what changes do you think we will see in people's leisure activities?

What kinds of work are the most popular choices for young people today?

If you were going on a trip, what essential modern technology would you take with you, and why?

Do people in China prefer long-distance travel or short trips?