第十對:兩個泰勒(誰敢想到伊麗莎白泰勒就給我面壁去?。。?,好吧,這對還沒真正走到一起,但是男未婚女未嫁這事兒誰說得準呢??墒侨f一這倆成了可一定要走到最后,多少人都看著呢。 10. Taylor Swift and Taylor Lautner. Okay, they were barely a couple ... and may still be. But this split rocked us to the core ... we really wanted it to work.


第九對:林賽羅韓和蕾絲邊兒女朋友薩曼莎·羅森,要死了要死了,居然分手!林賽難道又喜歡上男人了?你倆不管怎么樣能不能別污染忒特這種公眾環(huán)境了?真沒轍... 9. Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson. Is Lindsay going to die? Is she going to return to men? Will they ever stop feuding on Twitter? We cannot deal.


第八對:丹妮絲·理查茲和查利·希恩,這一對分手也不是完全沒想到,那可是丹妮絲·理查茲作得。但分手終究還是那么流言蜚語滿天飛附加一點點傷心。 8. Denise Richards and Charlie Sheen. The split of these two stars? Not wholly unexpected, given that it's Charlie Sheen. But it was still scandalous and sad.


第七對:瑞茜·威瑟斯彭和瑞恩·菲利普,那時他們多甜蜜,七年的婚姻,總是笑鬧著滾到一起,結果不過是表面現象。 7. Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Phillippe. Two sweet kids, seven years of marriage, always seen smiling and laughing together. All a facade, apparently.


第六對:湯姆克魯斯和妮可基德曼.....在遇見凱蒂·赫爾姆斯之前,克魯斯與妮可十年連理,共同撫養(yǎng)了兩個孩子...終究還是在2001年分道揚鑣。 6. Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. Before Katie Holmes, Cryise was married to Nicole for 10 years and had adopted two children before splitting up in 2001.


第五對:尼克·拉奇和美國新甜心杰西卡辛普森,在她還不是全美性感偶像還主持收視一般的真人秀節(jié)目前,她曾年輕漂亮,身材火辣、已婚但仍很性感,主持人歌手多犧發(fā)展....不過2004年之后就變了。 5. Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson. Before she was sexual napalm and starring on low-rate reality shows, she was younger, hotter, married sexual napalm starring in higher-rate relative shows and also producing hit pop songs. Ah, 2004...


第四對:布蘭妮斯皮爾斯和賈斯汀·汀布萊克,說實話,當時誰都覺得這倆肯定能結婚....就承認了吧,現在還是覺得他們最終會走到一塊。 4. Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake. Admit it, how hard were you rooting for them to get married? Admit it ... how hard are you still rooting for that?!


第三對:喬恩和凱特·高斯林夫婦,真不知道是真人秀毀了他們還是成就了他們?只是眼見恩愛夫妻反目成仇... 3. Jon and Kate Gosselin. When seemingly harmless reality TV couples go haywire and become far bigger stars based on the celebrity gossip they generate.


第二對:桑德拉布洛克和杰西·詹姆斯,其實這一對我們都還抱有希望(估計不大可能,孩子都分了),誰也不想看到奧斯卡小金人詛咒再次重演,她還有可能重新接受他,畢竟男人不壞女人不愛嘛。地位懸殊都那么相愛一起走過....直到某滿身紋身的小三出現(小編:我已經很努力客觀形容這個女人了...)。 2. Sandra Bullock and Jesse James. We're also sticking a fork in this one because she can't possibly take him back... right? The Oscar-winner and the bad boy seemed to be a uniquely wonderful fit ... until along came Michelle "Bombshell" McGee.


第一對:布拉德皮特和詹妮佛安妮斯頓,我只知道自從這對好萊塢金童玉女分開后,小報留言說他倆私下暗通款款的消息就沒斷過,這是不是說明大家還是很希望這一對復合的。想當初分手消息傳出,世界各地粉絲的心可是碎的滿處都是。 1. Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston. The ultimate Hollywood fairy tale couple had it all. A-list TV and film success, reeediculous good looks and a happy home life. Hearts shattered around the world when Brad and America's sweetheart split. 如果杰西和桑德拉的婚姻走到盡頭,那他們毫無疑問會和皮特詹妮佛競爭第一名的位置——最讓人傷心難以忘懷的分手。哪一對最讓你傷心? When and if they split, Jesse and Sandra will be up there with Brad and Jen on our list of most memorable, painful celebrity break-ups. Which one were you saddest about?