搜索結(jié)果 搜索相關(guān)課程
  • 雅思小作文范文流程步驟介紹

    會在流程圖里碰到生詞,這時只需直接照抄。   ??結(jié)尾還要簡單一些,大家能夠稍微使用湊字的方式,綜上所述,大家還可以很清楚的看到這個過程是如何開展的。As?can?be?seen?from?the?flowchart,?it?is?clear?to?see?how?the?process?(development)?of?…is?carried?out.   ? 雅思寫作?必備資料推薦:雅思小作文寫作詞匯、詞匯和句型!   ?大家重點需要把以下幾個詞掌握。比如代表過程使用"process"?或"procedure",過程的不同階段以及步驟能夠使用"stage"或"step"來描述。當提及個步驟時還能夠使用連接詞"At?first"、"To?begin?with"、"In?the?first?stage"等引出。在進入中間的步驟時可以用"Then"、"Next"、"After?that"或"The?second?stage"等,后一個步驟可以用"Finally"、"Lastly"或"The?final?stage"。當然,如果有一些平行的步驟也可以用"At?the?same?time"、"Meanwhile"等來引出。?? ??   ?雅思小作文流程圖寫作注意事項?   1、時態(tài)相對單一,重點使用一般現(xiàn)在時。   2、經(jīng)常使用被動語態(tài),顯得比較客觀和正式。   3、找出流程圖的始末點,并劃分中間的步驟或階段。   4、掌握表示“順序”的連接詞(Sequencing?Words),用來說明過程的各個步驟和先后順序。?   以上是為大家整理的雅思小作文范文流程步驟,考生在平時的練習過程中可以注意這些方面,并注意整理一下相關(guān)素材,才雅思小作文里的流程圖算是相當重要的一種圖表考試作文,此作文的寫作步驟以及注意事項包含有哪些?同時場景的經(jīng)典題目以及范文能在考試的時候更靈活從容的發(fā)揮。

  • 備考雅思寫作要了解的評分標準


  • 劍橋雅思寫作經(jīng)典范文欣賞

    雅思寫作的同學(xué)來說,多寫才是提高雅思寫作的正確方法。下面為大家整理了劍橋雅思寫作經(jīng)典范文用時用到此個表達:Both positive and negative feedback from teachers or peers in the school can make children become more aware of how their own behavior would influence others and during working or living with the classmates

  • 雅思寫作圖標范文講解

      雅思寫作對于雅思備考的同學(xué)來講都是一個不小的難點,在雅思寫作考試中,寫出一篇好的文章不是容易的事,備考雅思寫作是離不開參考雅思寫作范文的。下面滬江小編給大家分享關(guān)于雅思寫作圖標范文講解的相關(guān)內(nèi)容,希望可以幫到正在雅思備考的同學(xué)。   雅思寫作圖標范文講解:一篇優(yōu)異的圖表作文的評判標準為有三個:目的明確、主題鮮明、結(jié)構(gòu)配置得當。拿到一篇圖表作文后,烤鴨在心里應(yīng)該時刻謹記該類作文核心原則主要有2個,即Summarize & Make comparisons(寫作目的、較重要的信息&歸類)。以下是小編為大整理的雅思圖表寫作范文講解,一起來看看吧!   圖表作文可采用分段模式撰寫,即:2+X(2

  • 雅思6分是什么水平?

    習好,做到能很自然地說出來,因為如果被考官判定為memorize是反而會失分的。如果有人能陪你一起練習,幫你指出問題,那進步就會更快。 3. 寫作一定要下筆寫。 下筆寫作文一共有兩個作用: (1)發(fā)現(xiàn)自己的問題??纯醋约旱膯栴}是想不到觀點,還是想到了觀點不會展開,還有總結(jié)寫作中出現(xiàn)的語法錯誤。 (2)提升自己的寫作速度。參加紙筆考試的同學(xué)建議大家把作文答題紙打印下來,平時就在答題紙上寫作,這樣不僅可以知道自己大概寫到哪個位置字數(shù)就夠了,省雅思考試是語言能力考試(Proficiency Test),是一種能力的體現(xiàn),雅思去了在考場上數(shù)字數(shù)的時間,還能幫助自己把握寫作的節(jié)奏。和口語一樣,寫作如果有專業(yè)的老師進行批改,指出邏輯和語法的問題,那么進步會更快。 4. 平時可以有意識地使用英語。 大家在備考的時候就可以有意識地給自己營造一些英文環(huán)境。比如每天聽BBC的新聞,記筆記的時候有意識地使用英語,找一個也在備考雅思的小伙伴一起每天用英語進行日常對話二十分鐘等等方式來讓自己把英語的使用日?;?。 看了這么多,如果你還想了解更多雅思備考指南及關(guān)鍵解題技巧,滬江網(wǎng)校雅思托福備考課程,助你快速通關(guān)考試,可免費領(lǐng)取?? 針對雅思托福小白的入門課 點擊立即免費領(lǐng)取>> ? 針對雅思托福備考的沖分課 點擊立即免費領(lǐng)取>> ? 針對弱項環(huán)節(jié)重點突擊 點擊立即免費領(lǐng)取>> 祝大家早日順利上岸!

  • 雅思小作文范文備考要點

    會把寫作難度增加,從而耽誤寫作時間。所以簡單明了的敘述又能突出小作文的亮點,才雅思作文考試可劃分成大作文與小作文兩個方面,雅思會為小作文加分。   二、邏輯性   不管哪一篇文章,若是沒有好的邏輯思維,結(jié)構(gòu)框架也不清晰,不管是誰都不能把中心思想抓住。到了備考雅思閱讀考試時,再利用大量的閱讀素材,考生不但需要擴充背景知識,同時還要學(xué)會分文章結(jié)構(gòu)與主要思想,段落又能是怎么去布局的,段與段之間究竟使用了哪些方式完美銜接的等等,這些是可以給寫作奠定很好的基礎(chǔ)。除外范文也是對小作文的寫作有一定幫助的,但是不要一字一字的背誦,這是沒有多大用處的。考生要學(xué)會靈活運用里面漂亮的句型,這會為寫作加分。   以上是滬江小編介紹的雅思小作文范文備考要點的內(nèi)容,希望大家可以仔細的閱讀,如果還想了解更多的有關(guān)雅思考的信息,可以關(guān)注滬江網(wǎng),小編會持續(xù)為大家更新。

  • 雅思滿分作文范文分享

      同學(xué)們在寫作時都想要有個模范標準給自己作為參考,看看雅思滿分作文的句式結(jié)構(gòu),再范標準給自己作為參考,看看雅思看看自己在平時寫作中有哪些不足,有對照才可以有提高。下面和滬江小編來看下雅思滿分作文范文。   題目:You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic:Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people in other important professions. Some people think

  • 雅思7分作文范文分享

      雅思考試還是比較難的,要在雅思考試中取得高分不是一件容易的事情,特別是雅思寫作,是一個非常難的部分,那么如何才雅思考試還是比較難的,要在雅思考試中取得高分不是一件容易的事情,特別是雅思能把雅思寫作部分做好呢,這個問題一直都困擾著不少的考生,我們今天一起來學(xué)習一下,分享一篇雅思7分作文給大家,大家可以看看這位雅思寫作高手是如何把雅思寫作寫的如此出色。   雅思7分作文范文如下   Taking Stance – Format 4: Advantage and Disadvantage   Sample Question 1   Somepeople live in one community for their entire lives. Many more move at leastonce, while others quite often.   What are the advantages and disadvantagesof these two different modes of life? Give your reasons and examples.   Sample Question 1:Brainstorming   Key words   ?? Community   ?? ____________   Related issues   ?? lifestyle   ?? ____________   Positive Side   ?? Enjoy better living environment   ?? ____________   Negative Side   ?? Parting with relatives and old friends   ?? ____________   Sample Question 1:Essay plan   Main Body 1 - Topic Sentence   The most advantage to moving house isthat__________________________ However, there are alsodisadvantages___________________   Main Body 2 - Topic Sentence   Similarly, there are many benefits______________________________   Sample Essay 1:Introduction   S1 For manypeople, moving house is one of the vicissitudes of their lives and it happensfor various reasons: lower rent, a better job, brighter prospect, familymisfortune, and so on. S2 However, there are some people in the worldwho prefer to stick to their old houses and stay in one community for theentire course of their lives. S3 To my way of thinking, these twoopposite modes of life have their own merits and demerits.   Sample Essay 1: Mainbody 1   S1 The mostobvious advantage to moving house is that people can live in a new social andnatural environment, which is often safer, cleaner, more friendly and excitingthan that of their old neighborhood. S2 Living in a new community canalso be a new starting point in life for the migrants, who may find better jobsand brighter prospects there, the very reason that appeals to them in the firstplace. S3 Also, by making new acquaintances and building up new socialand business contacts, their horizons are vastly expanded and the result isthat they often find new meanings of life and achieve greater success than theycould possibly imagine in their hometown. S4 However, there are alsoinevitable disadvantages, such as the parting with relatives and old friends,the isolation from the local society and even the hostility of new neighbors,who may regard them as unwelcome outsiders or intruders.   Sample Essay 1: Mainbody 2   S1 Similarly,there are many benefits attached to sticking to one locale forever. S2Because a person’s old neighborhood is usually the place where he was born andgrew up, there must be a lot of old schoolmates, bosom friends and supportivefamily members who have close relationships with him and who are certain togive him assistance, encouragement and confidence in his hard times. S3 Moreover,by dwelling in one community from the cradle to the grave, people can enjoy astable and tranquil life and avoid the hidden dangers and hectic struggles ofventuring into unfamiliar surroundings. S4 Nevertheless, a majordrawback that often associates with never changing one’s domicile and socialenvironment is that life may become colorless and monotonous after many yearsof routine living. S5 More often than not, people will be engulfed insuch undesirable qualities as bigotry, prejudice and provincialism.   Sample Essay 1:Conclusion   S1 Inconclusion, pros and cons coexist in these two different lifestyles. S2Thus,when it comes to making decisions about moving and staying, it is not importantwhich one people opt for. S3 The only important thing is that they knowhow to live in an adaptive way and make judicious use of the resources in theirnew or old communities.   以上是為大家?guī)淼难潘?分作文范文的內(nèi)容,希望大家可以認真的閱讀,提升雅思寫作的效果。如果大家還想掌握更多雅思寫作技巧,可關(guān)注滬江網(wǎng)查詢。

  • 雅思考試口語范文


  • 如何備戰(zhàn)雅思寫作

    句子。 3.練習合并句子 合并句子有利于考生熟練掌握并列旬或復(fù)合句,一系列的簡單句令人感到枯燥、乏味,因此有必要將簡單句合并,增強文章的力度和彈性。 4.平時注意累積素材 考生可在平時多閱讀一些英文的報刊雜志,以便了解世界所雅思寫作的評分標準是句式多樣性和準確性,考生在雅思發(fā)生的事,特別是英語國家發(fā)生的新事物。平時多注意積累素材可有效避免考生在考試時感到無話可說。 5.經(jīng)常練習寫作文 考生可在消化理解范文的基礎(chǔ)上,模仿練習寫作文。最初階段可由段落仿寫開始,然后再進行全篇仿寫。經(jīng)常練習寫作文,一定會幫助考生逐漸掌握一些寫作的技巧。 以上就是小編給大家分享的雅思寫作備考方法,希望可以給大家學(xué)習帶來幫助。 如果您對英語學(xué)習感興趣,想要深入學(xué)習,可以了解滬江網(wǎng)校精品課程,量身定制高效實用的個性化學(xué)習方案,專屬督導(dǎo)全程伴學(xué)。掃一掃領(lǐng)200暢學(xué)卡