活在一個說英語的國家,所以它也被稱為英語生存測試。在英聯(lián)邦國家參加非學歷性培訓的學生,通常按照培訓機構的要求參加雅思培訓類考試。 此外,加拿大、澳大利亞和新西蘭的移民機構都將雅思培訓類考試成績作為技術移民申請人英語水平的參考標準。 二、雅思a類跟g的區(qū)別 1. 用途不同 a類考試主要針對需要申請海外大學的留學生,需要掌握更多的學術和專業(yè)詞匯,以滿足未來出國留學的需求。 g類測試的對象是即將移民或需要在國外長期生活和工作的人。所以g類測試的側重點和a類測試的側重點是不一樣的。它更側重于基本的語言技能,以評估一個人的語言水平是否能夠滿足生活和工作的需要。 2. 閱讀部分不同 a類閱讀材料通常以學術期刊為基礎。而g類的閱讀材料則更貼近生活,如g類。a類主要適合出國留學,g類主要適合移民。下面是關于雅思g一些廣告、通知等。由于材料的不同,答題技巧也有很大的差異。 3.寫作部分不同 在小作文中,a類通常是圖表的形式,比較學術性,而g類通常是書信的形式,如投訴信、感謝信等。在大作文中,g類主要考察個人英語邏輯是否清晰,對一些社會化問題,能不能用英語準確表達。 以上就是雅思g類的介紹,希望可以給大家學習帶來幫助。 如果您對英語學習感興趣,想要深入學習,可以了解滬江網校精品課程,量身定制高效實用的個性化學習方案,專屬督導全程伴學。掃一掃定制專屬課程
Fourth generation wireless services are on the way. Licences to operate the 4G wireless system have still not been issued in China, but the government says that could happen by the end of the year. How is it coming along? A [w]fantastic[/w] mobile experience. This is one of China Mobile’s 4G service centers in Zhengzhou, the provincial capital of Henan. Every day customers in the city can come to try out the 4G service in advance. The fourth-generation wireless service is designed to deliver speed... four to ten times faster than today's 3G system, which is currently the most widespread, high-speed wireless service. Shen Zhiwei, engineer of China Mobile, said, “The max download speed at peak rate can reach to 112 mega bits per second. And the average speed can also reach to 100 mega bits per second as well. It means if we download a movie of 1 gigabyte, it will take only 1 minute to complete in a 4G [w]connection[/w]. That’s ten time faster than 3G.” China's biggest telecom carrier, China Mobile, is promoting a homegrown 4G standard and hopes to start commercial rollout as soon as possible. The core technologies have been developed and the company has been ramping up its base station installations. Li Xiaobang, , engineer of China Mobile, said, “The 4G wireless network shares the same base stations with the 3G network. So the first step for us is to examine all the base stations and report the data to the [w]technological[/w] centers. And then we place the wires. It will take a while, but we hope we can finish the work as soon as we can so that people can use the new service once the 4G license is issued. ” There are 1.2 billion mobile phones in China, more than any other country in the world. The government says it will press ahead with building [w]infrastructure[/w] and hopes to issue 4G licenses by the end of this year. That’s good news for people looking forward to a brand-new mobile life. 聲明:音視頻均來自互聯(lián)網鏈接,僅供學習使用。本網站自身不存儲、控制、修改被鏈接的內容。"滬江英語"高度重視知識產權保護。當如發(fā)現(xiàn)本網站發(fā)布的信息包含有侵犯其著作權的鏈接內容時,請聯(lián)系我們,我們將依法采取措施移除相關內容或屏蔽相關鏈接。
2013-07-24 -
Pitbull 聯(lián)手& G.R.L. 強勢新單《Wild Wild Love》
滬江英樂:力量性感美女組合聯(lián)手光頭 P叔超強舞曲來襲!P叔 Pitbull 聯(lián)手妖媚女子團子組合 G.R.L. 強勢新單《Wild Wild Love》。依舊是強勁十足的電音節(jié)奏,G.R.L.那柔情似水又火辣沖天的嗓音呼之欲出,隨后 P叔帶感餓說唱拉高整體氛圍。貼身舞讓人看后血脈噴張。 【Pitbull 聯(lián)手& G.R.L. 強勢新單《Wild Wild Love》】 歌詞: (feat. G.R.L.) [Hook: GRL] Oh this wild wild love of ours It can't be tamed, no All this wild wild love
2014-04-19 -
G20峰會的英文: G20 summit G20峰會是由歐盟、布雷頓森林機構和來自19個國家的財長和中央銀行行長組成,宗旨是作為布雷頓森林體系框架內非正式對話的一種新機制,推動發(fā)達國家和新興市場國家之間就實質性問題進行討論和研究,以尋求合作并促進國際金融穩(wěn)定和經濟的持續(xù)增長。2011年11月3日至4日,第六次二十國集團峰會在法國戛納舉行。summit是什么意思: n. 最高點;頂點;山頂;峰會,最高級會議;最高階層 God is above the summit of heaven. 上帝是天堂的最高階層。 Finally we gained the summit of the mountain. 我們終于到達了山頂。 From the summit there is a superb panorama of the Alps. 從峰巔俯瞰,阿爾卑斯山壯麗的景色盡收眼底. 到滬江小D查看G20峰會的英文翻譯>>
2012-06-19 -
走近4G:手機上網迎來百兆時代(點擊查看完整文本) 日前,國務院召開常務會議,首次表態(tài)要求在今年年內發(fā)放4G牌照。多數(shù)業(yè)內人士認為,根據國務院的表態(tài),工信部可能最快于今年10月前后向三大運營商發(fā)放4G牌照,最晚則會在年底前G發(fā)放。 ? 美男子10分鐘吞下69個熱狗奪冠(點擊查看完整文本) 埃及任臨時總統(tǒng)稱贊埃及最近上演的大規(guī)模街頭示威?19名精英消防員是死于燒傷和呼吸問題?紐約自由島的自由女神像重新對公眾開放?在美國紐約康尼島舉行的一年一度吃熱狗大賽中,喬伊贏得他吃熱狗比賽生涯中第7個男子組冠軍頭銜。 聲明:音視頻均來自互聯(lián)網鏈接,僅供學習使用。本網站自身不存儲、控制、修改被鏈接的內容。"滬江英語"高度重視知識產權保護。當如發(fā)現(xiàn)本網站發(fā)布的信息包含有侵犯其著作權的鏈接內容時,請聯(lián)系我們,我們將依法采取措施移除相關內容或屏蔽相關鏈接。
G20剛剛結束,世界認識了中國,也認識了杭州。G2O這件大事很有可能成為今年12月四六級翻譯的考題哦~~ 因為經濟政治文化都涉及到了~~ 那么,今天就跟著小編一起來學習G2O里的跟四六級相關的詞匯吧~ 今天是經濟篇~~ G20常用詞匯 G20峰會主辦國 ? ?the host of the G20 ? ? G20峰會成員國 ? ?G20 members 嘉賓國 ? guest countries ? ? ? 國際組織 ? international organization 發(fā)達國家 ? developed countries ? ?發(fā)展中國家 ? developing countries
G-20峰會的謎題:削減開支時機已到? Hints: Toronto Chancellor Angela Merkel American Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner G-20 校稿 DeniseGu 翻譯 michellexxx 組長 frankcharles This weekend, leaders and top finance officials from the world's 20 biggest economies gather in Toronto, Canada. One of the big issues to discuss
收到,在信件結構上和投訴質量低劣類似: ? (一)表明投訴原因。 ? (二)陳述投訴內容,如物品的特征,郵寄的時間等,并指出由此而產生的后果。 ? (三)提出整改建議或者希望得到對方的賠償或補償。 ? 讓我們結合真題來分析下: ? Your mother sent you a parcel. But two months later you still have not received it. Write a letter to the post office. In your letter, ? 1. tell them when and where the parcel was sent ? 2. describe the contents in the parcel ? 3. say what you would like them to do ? 這類題目的寫作思路首先是詳細描述該包裹寄出的時間和地點,比如: ? The parcel is a cardboard box sent from Beijing on May 18th to my current address: 33 North Street, Toronto, Canada. ? 其次,需要說一下包裹的內容,并指出這些物品可能已經由于時間太長而損壞,比如: ? My mother enclosed some summer clothes and some Chinese specialties for me, including local dates. I doubt those dates must have been spoiled on the way for such a long time. ? 此外,若題目中未提及具體物品,我們除了說包裹外,還可以說是一封信或者是重要文件。郵寄外,我們還可以說是快遞中物品未2收到或者遺失,此物品是生日禮物或者公司重要檔案,對于收件方的意義或者價值巨大等來擴充寫作思路。
The DPRK is set to allow foreigners to access the internet from mobile devices, in its second [w]relaxation[/w] of controls on communications in recent weeks. A DPRK mobile phone provider informed foreign residents in Pyongyang on Friday that it will launch a third generation, or 3G, mobile Internet service no later than 1st March. The [w]announcement[/w] comes just weeks after the DPRK began allowing foreigners to bring mobile phones into the country, reversing a long-standing rule requiring most visitors to [w]relinquish[/w] their phones at customs. The two policy changes mean foreigners in the DPRK will have unprecedented connectivity, while living, working or travelling in a country long regarded as one of the most isolated nations in the world. However, wireless Internet will not yet be offered to DPRK citizens, who are governed by a [w]separate[/w] set of [w]telecommunication[/w] rules. 聲明:音視頻均來自互聯(lián)網鏈接,僅供學習使用。本網站自身不存儲、控制、修改被鏈接的內容。"滬江英語"高度重視知識產權保護。當如發(fā)現(xiàn)本網站發(fā)布的信息包含有侵犯其著作權的鏈接內容時,請聯(lián)系我們,我們將依法采取措施移除相關內容或屏蔽相關鏈接。