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  • 生活大爆炸】SO3E10(6)Teach Me

    particles to supernovas , from spinning electrons to spinning galaxies. P:Yeah , okay , cool. S:—2—. L:I just want to know enough so I can talk to Leonard about his job. ? ?You know, like Bernadette does. S:Why can't Leonard teach you? P:—3—. S:—4—? ? ?For example, I'm sure he'd be delightfully taken

  • 生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第二季第十六集(3) 好朋友不會無緣無故說個不停

    ? 看生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第二季第十六集 【劇情介紹】 Penny不小心把Sheldon的專屬座位弄臟了,想著把坐墊反一邊糊弄過去,沒想到還是被敏感的Sheldon發(fā)現(xiàn),失去專屬坐墊的Sheldon真是坐立不安啊,Jim不愧為艾美獎金球獎最佳男主角,把Sheldon的神經(jīng)質(zhì)詮釋得很到位. LEONARD: Great,great. Did you walk the whole way? It's a little chilly. SHELDON: Koothrappali picked me up. LEONARD: Isn't that terrific? He is such a good

  • 生活大爆炸】SO3E10(9)Research Journal

  • 恭喜Penny!《生活大爆炸》女星凱莉-庫柯將留名星光

    將在好萊塢星光大道留名而開心。凱莉也很開生活大爆炸心地和粉絲們分享了這一喜悅。[/cn] [en]Kaley Cuoco took to her official Twitter account to say, "In shock at the moment..." and, following a [w=barrage]barrage[/w] of [w]congratulatory[/w] messages from her Twitter followers, Kaley added, "Thank you to all the fans who have shown me such love and support today! I feel so blessed and honored!! Truly!!! Thank you!"[/en][cn]凱莉·庫柯在她的官方推特帳號上說:“此刻我感到很震驚……”。在推特上收到一大堆的祝福留言后,她又補充說:“謝謝這么多一直愛我并支持我的粉絲們!我覺得很幸福而且很驕傲,真的!謝謝你們!”[/cn] [en]The official time and date of when the star will be presented to Kaley Cuoco and placed on the Hollywood Walk of Fame is not yet known but it tends to [w=coincide]coincide[/w] with a movie release or event. This means that we could expect to see Kaley Cuoco's Hollywood Walk of Fame star around the release of her new movie Authors Anonymous or the premiere of The new season of The Big Bang Theory.[/en][cn]雖然凱莉·庫柯留名星光大道的具體時間和日期還不是很清楚,但是一般會伴隨著明星的電影上映或者其他什么大事件。這就意味著我們可以期待她的新電影上映或者是新一季的《生活大爆炸》的首映。[/cn] [en]With that in mind, you can see Kaley Cuoco, in her familiar role as Penny, when The Big Bang Theory season seven premieres on CBS on September 26.[/en][cn]考慮到這點,你還可以看到凱莉·庫柯在9月26日首播的《生活大爆炸》中繼續(xù)出演“佩妮”。[/cn]

  • 生活大爆炸:第五季05預(yù)告片

    好??!Wil Wheaton! Sheldon死敵的回歸! 你還真有一個死敵。 實際上,我有61個死敵。 Sheldon一語驚四座。 我想我已經(jīng)不再適合做星際旅行的粉絲了。 發(fā)射!真坑爹。 最新一集《生活大爆炸》。 愿你萬壽無疆。 你個傻子。 歡迎星期四在CBS收看新一集的生活大爆炸! 這篇材料你能聽出多少?點擊這里做聽寫,提高外語水平>>

  • 生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第二季第二十三集(2)我們該不會真跟他去北極吧?

    生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第二季第二十三集 【劇情介紹】 Sheldon提議Leonard他們同他一起去北極考察,眾人一方面實在不愿意跟Sheldon共處一北極,但是這是國家科學(xué)基金會的項目,他們又不想失去這千載難逢的機會,Raj和Leonard很快妥協(xié),Howard鑒于同伴壓力也不得不答應(yīng)去. SHELDON: Well,there are others who might be more qualified, but the thought of interviewing them gave me a stomachache. Now,I know I'm proposing an [w

  • 生活大爆炸》劇透:霍華德與伯納黛特能否順利完婚?

    出演伯納黛特的父親,并將在本季倒數(shù)第二集《發(fā)射加速度》中生活大爆炸出現(xiàn)。 [/cn] [en][w]Speculation[/w] has arisen that the character's role in the May 3 [w]instalment[/w] will be to convince Howard and Bernadette to go through with their wedding.[/en][cn]由此我們猜測,將在5月3日登場的伯納黛特之父也許是想要說服女兒和霍華德完婚。[/cn]

  • 生活大爆炸》Sheldon經(jīng)典語錄:她是我的客人

    意在每周五晚上觀看喬斯.威登最新導(dǎo)演的驚世力作《螢火蟲》。[/cn] [en]4.The apartment flag is gold lion [w]rampant[/w] on a field of [w]azure[/w].[/en][cn]公寓旗幟是一頭在天藍色背景下兩腿站立的獅子。[/cn] [en]5.I'm here because you violated our roommate agreement, specifically Section Eight, 'Visitors', sub-section C, 'Females', Paragraph 4, 'Coitus'. Roommates shall give each other twelve hours' notice of [w]impend[/w]ing coitus.[/en][cn]我來是因為你違反了我們的室友協(xié)議,確切來I說是第八部分“賓客”里的c小部分“女性”里的第四段“交媾”。在進行交媾之前,室友需要提前12小時通知對方。[/cn] [en]6.I assure you, you'll be sorry you wasted your money on an iPod, when Microsoft comes out with theirs.[/en][cn]等到微軟出了自己的播放器,到時你就等著后悔吧,把錢浪費在一文不值的蘋果機上。[/cn] [en]7.Yes, in 1917, when Albert Einstein established the theoretic foundation for the [w]laser[/w] in his paper "Zur Quantentheorie der Strahlung," his fondest hope was that the resulting device be "bitchin'.[/en][cn]1917年,當愛因斯坦在他的文章《關(guān)于輻射的量子理論》中闡述了激光的理論基礎(chǔ)時,他最誠摯的希望就是最終的儀器和很他媽的帥。[/cn] [en]8.When one gets beaten up every other day in school, one of necessity develops a keen sense of hearing. Incidentally, one can get beaten up in school simply by referring to oneself as "one."[/en][cn]隔天就在學(xué)校挨揍的某人必然會進化出更敏銳的聽覺。而且在學(xué)校挨揍的某人通常都把自己稱為“某人”。[/cn] [en]9.It’s a time of day I invented. It better defines the ambiguous period between afternoon and evening: prevening. Fairly certain it will catch on, as it fills a desperate need.[/en][cn]是我發(fā)明的描述時間的方式,更好地定義了個模棱兩可的時段,下午和晚上之間,就是傍晚。我確信因為急需精確描述,這詞定會廣為流傳。[/cn] [en]10.In a few minutes, when I [w]gloat[/w] over the failure of this [w]enterprise[/w], how would you prefer I do it? The standard "I told you so" with a classic "neener-neener"? Or just my normal look of [w]haughty[/w] [w]derision[/w]?[/en][cn]在幾分鐘后,等我幸災(zāi)樂禍地冷眼旁觀著本次相親的失敗,你們更愿意我怎么做?是標準答案,“我早說過會這樣”?還是經(jīng)典的“哦也哦也”?還是用我平常那副高傲嘲弄的表情?[/cn]

  • 生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第二季第二十集為什么要我放手?

    生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第二季第二十集 【劇情介紹】 Leonard一行人帶上Penny來到漫畫書店,漫畫迷們見到Penny就像見到絕世美人一樣驚呆.Sheldon和Howard為了爭一本漫畫書在吵架,此時Penny和漫畫書店老板Stuart談笑起來,這讓Leonard很不開心. SHELDON: Got it. HOWARD: Got it. SHELDON: Need it! HOWARD: Let it go,Sheldon. SHELDON: Why should I let go? I saw it first. HOWARD: Yes,but I saw it from

  • 生活大爆炸】SO3EO9(4)Magnetic Monopoles

    南極,若將其切成兩半則得到各有南北極的小磁鐵 Cooper博士 連線好像有點問題 沒有 我聽得很清楚,我剛說了 普通磁鐵有兩極,單極的首要特點就是它只有一極 所以叫單極,弦理論或你們可以稱作M理論就需要這種單極存在,我曾帶領(lǐng)一支考察隊前往北極圈尋找這種微粒 Kripke 我發(fā)現(xiàn)排氣口了! 我要殺了你! ——譯文來自: 小酷HJL 這篇材料你能聽出多少?點擊這里做聽寫,提高外語水平>>