【生活大爆炸】SO3E10(1) Upsets Sheldon
就是你們印度會鬧饑荒的根源 那你是想讓我放回去? 你這么玩Sheldon也讓Sheldon很不爽 好啊 我滴阿宅盆友們 給你們介紹,這是我女朋友 你好,Leonard Penny 你們認(rèn)識她的 是啊,Bernadette,給我的阿宅盆友們問聲好哇 我可能辦不到,我學(xué)不來Howard的街頭口音 希望這能行 我跟我女朋友\N說她能跟我們共進(jìn)晚餐 當(dāng)然 人越多越開心嘛 啥 不對 這等值關(guān)系可不對,人多不等于開心啊,如果這會兒這屋里有2000人,我們會開大心到爆了?不 我們會窒息至死的 Sheldon... 你說啥都沒用 ——譯文來自: 小酷HJL 這篇材料你能聽出多少?點(diǎn)擊這里做聽寫,提高外語水平>>
《生活大爆炸》百集Party 我們真的還想再拍300集!(雙語視頻)
出了這100集。[/cn] ? [en]I'm personally up for another hundred, 'cause I've only been here only two years. So I can just keep going, yes.[/en][cn]我再拍100集是一點(diǎn)問題沒有,因?yàn)槲壹尤雱〗M才兩年時(shí)間,所大爆炸以我還有很多的動力。[/cn] ? [en]I'm up for another hundred,absolutely,are you kidding? [/en][cn]你開玩笑吧?我當(dāng)然還愿意拍下個100集。[/cn] ? [en]I'm thrilled,I hope we're able to do another hundred,I hope. [/en][cn]我真的特別期待我們能再拍100集。[/cn] ? [en]I hope that works out that way,it would be amazing. [/en][cn]我希望是那樣,會很震撼的。[/cn] ? [en]I'm up for 300 episodes,if you ask me personally.[/en][cn]如果你問我的話 我再拍他個300集都愿意[/cn] ? [en]I'm up for anything. Absolutely...absolutely yeah. [/en][cn]我啥都愿意。非常...非常愿意。[/cn] ? [en]I'm definitely..definitely up for...I came in late in the game,you know,so uh..so I still have a ways to go to a hundred. So I'll..I'll go as long as they'll have me.[/en][cn]我確定一定以及肯定的愿意,我加入這劇組有點(diǎn)晚,所以其實(shí)我還沒拍到100集,我會跟著這部劇一起走下去的。[/cn] ? [en]A hundred is a big number,but eh...but I think we..we got a hundred more in us,so uh..you know,I..I'm just shocked and amazed and excited to be here.[/en][cn]100這數(shù)字不小了,但是我覺得我們有潛力再拍他100集,今天到這,我真的是太激動了。[/cn] ? MJE美劇口語聯(lián)盟>>
看生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第二季第二十三集 【劇情介紹】 Sheldon想讓Penny幫忙借用一下cheesefactory的冷庫,好讓他們四個提前演練一下北極生活.而Penny有些郁悶Leonard為什么沒有提前告訴她這么大的決定. SHELDON: Excuse me.Is that a yes or a no on the freezer? The woman has the attention span of a gnat. PENNY: Hey,Leonard. Sheldon says you're going to the North Pole. LEONARD: Yeah.
2013-08-22 -
看生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第二季第八集(2) 謝天謝地 ,你們來了
看生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第二季第八集 【劇情介紹】 Sheldon和Raj正在爭論星際1和星際5哪個好看,Howard打電話來求救,1.他發(fā)現(xiàn)火星探測器卡住,2他把女孩帶入實(shí)驗(yàn)室,而這是不允許的. LEONARD:How can 5 not be worse than 1? RAJ: Yeah,Star Trek V worse thanI. SHELDON:Okay,first of all,that's a comparison of quality, not intensity. Secondly,Star Trek I is orders-of-magnitude worse than
看生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第二季第六集(1) 我滴個神啊
看生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第二季第六集 【劇情介紹】 這一集出現(xiàn)了Sheldon的仰慕者Ramona , 為了讓Sheldon有更多時(shí)間投入到工作上去, Ramona嚴(yán)格管教其衣食住行, 甚至幫Sheldon剪腳指甲,難怪Penny大呼Holy crap on a cracker. LEONARD: So... how'd it go with Ramona last night? SHELDON:Oh, great. She's smart, insightful and she has a very unique way of, you know, revering me. PAMONA:Here's your spinach mushroom omelet. SHELDON: Thank you. Did anyone touch it? PAMONA: Gloves were worn by everyone involved. I was vigilant. SHELDON: Ramona pointed out that I've been wasting 20 minutes a day standing on cafeteria lines. PAMONA: Time which would be better spent tackling the great physics problems of our day. SHELDON: You don't tackle the big issues, Ramona. You fence with them. PAMONA: En garde. Riposte. LEONARD: Touche. LESLIE: Morning. LEONARD: Hi, Leslie. LESLIE: So, Sheldon, I see you're organizing your papers for the Smithsonian Museum of Dumbassery. PAMONA: There won't be any room until they get rid of the permanent Leslie Winkle exhibit. SHELDON: Oh, good one. LESLIE: I see you got a grad student to fight your battles for you. I'll let you keep your lunch money today. PAMONA: Okay, Dr. Cooper is on the verge of a breakthrough. If you're going to stay, you'll have to be respectful and quiet. LEONARD: Wait for me. PAMONA: So have you worked out the neutrino issue? SHELDON: Well,to paraphrase Mozart, all the subatomic particles are there. I just have to put them in the right order. PAMONA: You're so witty. SHELDON: Aren't I? PENNY:Hey, guys, this package came for... PAMONA: Dr. Cooper is working. SHELDON: Yes, I'm close to a breakthrough. Ooh, it tickles! PAMONA: Sorry. PENNY: Holy crap?on a cracker. 【口語講解】 1. fence with搪塞,回避,周旋 2. Touche.一語中的,一針見血 3. on the verge of接近于,瀕臨于 This swift, beautiful animal is on the verge of extinction.但這種敏捷而美麗的動物正瀕臨滅絕。 4. came for為某種目的而來取;向…沖來;對…進(jìn)行襲擊 With a word she can get what she came for. 只需要一個字眼她就能獲得自己的所需。 5. holy crap 在美國幾乎很多人都會說, 這個不代表罵人的意思, 只表示我很驚訝, 很不能想象的意思.?
看生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第一季第十集(1) 善意的謊言
看生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第一季第十集 【劇情介紹】 Leonard為了不想傷害Penny而撒謊, Sheldon覺得Leonard的謊言不靠譜,打算用另一個慌來掩飾,小編也暈乎了. ? SHELDON: Details, Leonard. The success or failure of our [w]deceitful[/w] enterprise turns on details. LEONARD: Do you have a cousin Leopold? SHELDON: No, I made him up. I think you'd call him Lee. LEONARD: I
生活大爆炸第三季第22集劇情預(yù)告 初次相見
生活大爆炸(又譯天才也瘋狂)第三季第22集:初次相見 播出時(shí)間:美國時(shí)間2010年5月17日 劇情簡介:Leonard給Penny講起了他是怎么遇見Sheldon并成為他的室友的故事(感覺怎么那么像HIMYM...)。當(dāng)然故事的開頭是那部從來都沒運(yùn)行過得電梯... The Big Bang Theory Season 3 Episode?22 The Staircase Implementation Airs:?May 17, 2010 Leonard tells Penny the story of how he first met Sheldon. The meeting involved an elevator.?
2010-05-17美劇 Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory第三季第22集 美劇預(yù)告片 頻道精選 生活大爆炸
看生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第二季第一集(1) 你要我保密?
看生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第一季第十七集(4) 我喜歡陳皮雞柳
看生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第一季第十七集 【劇情介紹】 Leonard安慰Penny,卻歪打正著地把Penny送回前男友的懷抱,他十分不解, Raj他們也在取笑他. 幸好最后Penny并沒有和前男友和好, 要不Leonard真的悲催了. Howard:For God's sake, Sheldon, if you don't like the [w]tangerine[/w] chicken, don't order the tangerine chicken. Sheldon:I like tangerine chicken, I'm just not getting tangerine
看生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第二季第八集(3) 規(guī)矩又不是我定的
看生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第二季第八集 【劇情介紹】 Leonard跟Howard此前的約會對象好了, Howard對此表示很生氣,而Leonard說要給他介紹女孩子后,他立馬諂媚起來. Howard的無心之失竟然意外發(fā)現(xiàn)火星上有生命存在,而Howard 卻不能take credit for it,悲劇啊... LEONARD: Oh,hey,guys. SHELDON:Hello. LEONARD: Hi, Howard. Howard? HOWARD: Sheldon SHELDON: Howard is employing a schoolyard [w]paradigm[/w