生活大爆炸:SO1EO5 大男孩
胸甲。[/cn] [en]A love of performing was born and Parsons eventually went on to study theatre at the University of Houston and won a place in a two-year Masters course in classical theatre. He graduated the year of his father’s death.[/en][cn]他對表演的喜愛由此萌發(fā)。帕森斯最終決定去休斯頓大學(xué)學(xué)習(xí)戲劇并且考上了兩年制的古典戲劇的碩士課程。他畢業(yè)的那年他父親就去世了。[/cn] [en]Asked if he has thoughts on how his father would feel about his success, Parsons says: “I do think about it, actually. I’d be a fool trying to guess what he would think of everything … I’m sure he’d be enjoying it, at least as much as my mother.”[/en][cn]當被問及他父親會對他的成功作何感想時,帕森斯說:“事實上我思考過這個問題,我感覺有點像傻子一樣猜他對這些事情的看法。。。我敢肯定的是他至少會和我媽媽一樣很享受這一切?!盵/cn] [en]“He was always very supportive. She was certainly the worrier of the two. Embarking upon this life, I know he was certainly a bigger pusher of wanting me to try it and give it a go. I do wonder what it would be like for him now … I do know he’d be pleased.”[/en][cn]“他一直就很支持我。我媽媽肯定會是他們兩個人中比較擔(dān)心我的那個。關(guān)于生活,他更加支持和希望我能夠去嘗試。我的確在想象對他來說,現(xiàn)在事情會變得如何。我只知道他會很高興?!盵/cn] [en]“I still don’t know all the ways that affected me, but there’s no way it didn’t,” he says of losing his father.[/en][cn]“我仍然不知道它對我造成的所
生活大爆炸:SO2EO7(2) 誰動了我的……
小提示: 聽聽宅男們的囧言囧語,填寫對話缺失的部分, 不用帶數(shù)字序號。注意句子開頭要大寫哦 <注意這里>若頁面過長造成聽寫不便,在聽寫框的右上角點擊“彈出答題紙”即可。 如果喜歡TBBT,歡迎把這段歡樂故事推薦給你的好友哦!~\(≧▽≦)/~ 背景:Penny觸犯Sheldon底線啦,究竟是為啥? -Penny: Oh, Giselle's not getting kicked off. It's totally going to be Summer. -Penny: What? -Leonard: Sheldon's onion ring. Just put it back! -Penny
生活大爆炸:SO2EO8(3) 在火星上開車
小提示: 聽聽宅男們的囧言囧語,填寫對話缺失的部分, 不用帶數(shù)字序號。注意句子開頭要大寫哦 <注意這里>若頁面過長造成聽寫不便,在聽寫框的右上角點擊“彈出答題紙”即可。 如果喜歡TBBT,歡迎把這段歡樂故事推薦給你的好友哦!~\(≧▽≦)/~ 背景:朋友們來援助Howard,他們能把火星漫步者從溝里弄出來嘛? -Howard:Anything? -Raj:Actually, I was just checking my e-mail. But, uh, no, the Rover is not responding. -Sheldon:I believe the appropriate
生活大爆炸:SO2EO9(4) 觸不到的戀人
小提示: 聽聽宅男們的囧言囧語,填寫對話缺失的部分, 不用帶數(shù)字序號。注意句子開頭要大寫哦 <注意這里>若頁面過長造成聽寫不便,在聽寫框的右上角點擊“彈出答題紙”即可。 如果喜歡TBBT,歡迎把這段歡樂故事推薦給你的好友哦!~\(≧▽≦)/~ 背景:Sheldon和Leonard談判不成,又去找Penny。 -Sheldon:Penny? Penny? Penny? -Penny:What? -Sheldon:This is banana bread. -Penny:This is a _______1________. -Sheldon:It's my understanding
生活大爆炸:SO2EO7 全美超模
小提示: 聽聽宅男們的囧言囧語,填寫對話缺失的部分, 不用帶數(shù)字序號。注意句子開頭要大寫哦 <注意這里>若頁面過長造成聽寫不便,在聽寫框的右上角點擊“彈出答題紙”即可。 如果喜歡TBBT,歡迎把這段歡樂故事推薦給你的好友哦!~\(≧▽≦)/~ 背景:宅男也看全美超模大賽!口水滴答! -Leonard: Did I miss anything? Did they kick Giselle off? -Raj: Not yet, but her underwater photo shoot was an ___1___. -Howard: Sadly, Mrs. Giselle Wolowitz
生活大爆炸:SO2EO7(4) 算你狠
小提示: 聽聽宅男們的囧言囧語,填寫對話缺失的部分, 不用帶數(shù)字序號。注意句子開頭要大寫哦 <注意這里>若頁面過長造成聽寫不便,在聽寫框的右上角點擊“彈出答題紙”即可。 如果喜歡TBBT,歡迎把這段歡樂故事推薦給你的好友哦!~\(≧▽≦)/~ 背景:Sheldon惹毛了Penny,兩人開始護掐。為幫Penny贏得戰(zhàn)爭,Leonard出了高招…… -Leonard: Hello. Yeah, ___________1_________. I'll get him. Sheldon, it's for you. -Sheldon: Who is it? -Leonard: Your
生活大爆炸:SO2EO4(4) 要求多多君
小提示: 聽聽宅男們的囧言囧語,填寫對話缺失的部分, 不用帶數(shù)字序號。注意句子開頭要大寫哦 <注意這里>若頁面過長造成聽寫不便,在聽寫框的右上角點擊“彈出答題紙”即可。 如果喜歡TBBT,歡迎把這段歡樂故事推薦給你的好友哦!~\(≧▽≦)/~ 背景:想必大伙兒都知道謝耳朵有多夾生,呵呵,這次再來見識一下吧~ -Sheldon: Did you remember to ask for the chicken with broccoli to be ___1___, not shredded? -Leonard: Yes. -Sheldon: Even though the menu
生活大爆炸:SO2EO4 印度小子成功記
小提示: 聽聽宅男們的囧言囧語,填寫對話缺失的部分, 不用帶數(shù)字序號。注意句子開頭要大寫哦 <注意這里>若頁面過長造成聽寫不便,在聽寫框的右上角點擊“彈出答題紙”即可。 如果喜歡TBBT,歡迎把這段歡樂故事推薦給你的好友哦!~\(≧▽≦)/~ 背景:Raj也能變閃亮亮,這集的主角哦…… -Leonard: Let's see, Raj was the Kung Pao Chicken. -Penny: I'm the dumplings. -Wolowitz: Yes, you are. -Penny: Creepy, Howard. -Wolowitz: Creepy good
算是[/cn] [en]We creat the world of the dream. [/en][cn]我們創(chuàng)建夢中世界[/cn] [en]You bring the subject into that dream, and they fill it with their secrets. [/en][cn]你要把對象帶到夢里,然后他們用自己的秘密來填充夢境。[/cn] [en]And you break in and steal it. [/en][cn]你再闖進夢境偷走秘密。[/cn] [en]Well, it's not strictly speaking legal. [/en][cn]好吧,嚴格的說并不合法。[/cn] [en]It's called inception. [/en][cn]這就叫做盜夢。[/cn] [en]I'm ready. [/en][cn]我準備好了。[/cn] [en]I think I found way home, [/en][cn]我覺得自己找大到了一條回家的路[/cn] [en]and this is the last job,that's how I get there. [/en][cn]這是我回家要做的最后一件事[/cn] [en]Dreams feel real while we're in. [/en][cn]當你在夢里,這一切如此真實[/cn] [en]It's only when we wake up that we realize that something was actually strange. [/en][cn]你醒來,才會覺得有些不對勁[/cn] [en]It's your responsibility, and you are not prepare for this. [/en][cn]這是你的責(zé)任,你沒有準備好。[/cn] [en]Dream's collapsing [/en][cn]夢境正在崩塌[/cn] [en]I've it under control. [/en][cn]一切還在掌控之內(nèi)[/cn] [en]I hate to see out of control. [/en][cn]我討厭掌控不了的事[/cn] [en]You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling. [/en][cn]兄弟,做夢的話不妨做大點[/cn] ?