搜索結(jié)果 搜索相關(guān)課程
  • 生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第二第九集(1)你嘴真甜

    生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第二季第九集 【劇情介紹】 Leonard跟Stephanie 約會了,Sheldon 對Leonard這個(gè)新約會對象很滿意,稱其是Leonard唯一一位他所能忍受的女朋友。因此希望Penny不要插入其中,Penny不禁要問:“那我呢?” SHELDON: Penny,hello. PENNY: Hey,Sheldon. SHELDON: What is shaking? PENNY: I'm sorry? SHELDON: It's [w]colloquial[/w],a conversation opener. So,do you find the weather

  • 生活大爆炸】SO3E10(11)謝老師

    小提示:?聽聽宅男們的囧言囧語,填寫對話缺失的部分, ?不用帶數(shù)字序號。注意句子開頭要寫哦 <注意這里>若頁面過長造成聽寫不便,在聽寫框的右上角點(diǎn)擊“彈出答題紙”即可。 如果喜歡TBBT,歡迎把這段歡樂故事推薦給你的好友哦!~\(≧▽≦)/~ 背景:課程繼續(xù)。 句末標(biāo)點(diǎn)不用寫 S:Now , remember , Newton realized that Aristotle was wrong. ? ?—1—. ? ?So let's plug in our 9.8 meters per second squared ? ?As "A" and we get ? ?Force -- Earth gravity - equals mass times 9.8 meters per second per second. ? ?So we can see that "ma" equals "mg" ? ?—2—? P:Uh , we know that ... Newton was a really smart cookie. ? ?Oh! ? ?Is that where Fig Newtons come from? S:No, Fig Newtons are named after a small town in Massachusetts. ? ?—3—! P:Sorry. S:Now , if "ma" equals "mg," what does that imply? P:I don't know. S:How can you not know? ? ?—4—. ? ?Have you suffered a recent blow to the head? P:Hey! ? ?—5—! S:I'm sorry. ? ?Have you suffered a recent blow to the head? And force was not necessary to maintain motion And what do we know from this Don't write that down I just told you You don't have to be so mean 運(yùn)動(dòng)不需要靠力來維持. 我們可以推算出什么? 別光顧著記這個(gè)??! 我都告訴你了! 你這也太刻薄了吧! ——譯文來自: 緲觴 這篇材料你能聽出多少?點(diǎn)擊這里做聽寫,提高外語水平>>

  • 生活大爆炸】SO3E10(10) What Is Physics

    小提示:?聽聽宅男們的囧言囧語,填寫對話缺失的部分, ?不用帶數(shù)字序號。注意句子開頭要寫哦 <注意這里>若頁面過長造成聽寫不便,在聽寫框的右上角點(diǎn)擊“彈出答題紙”即可。 如果喜歡TBBT,歡迎把這段歡樂故事推薦給你的好友哦!~\(≧▽≦)/~ 背景:物理是什么? 句末標(biāo)點(diǎn)不用寫 S:Now, Introduction to Physics. ? ?What is physics? ? ?Physics comes from the ancient Greek word "physika." ? ?—1—. ? ?"Physika" means the science of natural

  • 生活大爆炸》筆記S10E5:牙刷杯見證愛情

    大家?guī)淼氖恰渡畲蟊ā返谑?/span>偷來他家泡浴......爆笑之余,讓我們看看本集中的語言知識點(diǎn)吧: ? [en]1.I, I really thrive?anywhere the women and the temperature are over 90.[/en][cn]像我個(gè)人就在女人年紀(jì)與華氏度超過90的地方特別吃得開。[/cn] thrive 興旺,繁榮,旺盛;成功;茁壯成長 短語 He that will thrive must rise at five.?[諺語]五更起床,百事興旺。 If a good man thrives, all thrive with him.?[諺語]好人富,大家富。 ? ? [en]2.He's the pervert pulling the strings here.[/en][cn]他才是在背后控制這一切的變態(tài)。[/cn] pull the strings 在幕后牽線;(暗中)對…施加影響,(幕后)操縱;從事幕后活動(dòng);走后門,走私人關(guān)系,通過有權(quán)勢的人達(dá)到

  • 生活大爆炸】SO3E10(7)My Girlfriend Bernadette

    小提示:?聽聽宅男們的囧言囧語,填寫對話缺失的部分, ?不用帶數(shù)字序號。注意句子開頭要大寫哦 <注意這里>若頁面過長造成聽寫不便,在聽寫框的右上角點(diǎn)擊“彈出答題紙”即可。 如果喜歡TBBT,歡迎把這段歡樂故事推薦給你的好友哦!~\(≧▽≦)/~ 背景:Howard向同事們介紹自己的女朋友。 句末標(biāo)點(diǎn)不用寫 H:Hey , fellas. ? ?This is my girlfriend Bernadette. ? ?My girlfriend Bernadette. B:—1—? H:—2—. ? ? Hey , Leonard. B:Hi. L:Hey , look , it's Howard and his girlfriend Bernadette. H:—3—. B:He doesn't mean salt mines. ? ?He means where he works. L:Yeah , no , I got it. B:So, how's your experiment going? L:Ah , terrific. ? ?We're getting the electron accelerator set up. ? ?—4—. B:Boy , I'd love to see that. L:You're welcome to come. B:Really?? ? ?Oh , that'd be great. ? ?—5—? H:Like Hanukkah in July. B:Do they have that? H:No. B:Oh. —6—. Who are all those people Have no idea Thought I'd give the little woman a tour of the old salt mines We should be ready to go the day after tomorrow How exciting is that You got me again 嘿 各位 這是我女朋友Bernadette 我女朋友Bernadette 這些人都是誰啊? 都不認(rèn)識 嘿 瞧啊 是Howard和他女朋友Bernadette 覺著該領(lǐng)我的小女人來老鹽礦來逛逛了 他不是指鹽礦啦 他指的是他工作的地方 嗯 我懂的 你的實(shí)驗(yàn)進(jìn)展的怎樣啦? 還不錯(cuò) 我們正在裝電子加速器 差不多后天就能準(zhǔn)備好了 天哪 我真想去看看 隨時(shí)歡迎啊 真的嗎? 哦 太棒了 真令人興奮啊 就像七月的光明節(jié)(猶太人節(jié)日 一般在12月底) 是在七月嗎? 不是 你又騙到我啦 ——譯文來自: 小酷HJL 這篇材料你能聽出多少?點(diǎn)擊這里做聽寫,提高外語水平>>

  • 生活大爆炸】SO3E10(5)Privacy

    小提示:?聽聽宅男們的囧言囧語,填寫對話缺失的部分, ?不用帶數(shù)字序號。注意句子開頭要寫哦 <注意這里>若頁面過長造成聽寫不便,在聽寫框的右上角點(diǎn)擊“彈出答題紙”即可。 如果喜歡TBBT,歡迎把這段歡樂故事推薦給你的好友哦!~\(≧▽≦)/~ 背景:Penny找Sheldon要說一些什么話呢? 句末標(biāo)點(diǎn)不用寫 R:Ha! ? ?Eat my dust , racially stereotypical plumber. S:That's not fair. ? ?—1—. R:And a cow and a penguin. ? ?Face it , dude , whether it's a real car or a virtual cartoon car , you can't drive. S:—2—. R:What you need is cheat codes , motor skills and a magic genie who grants wishes to little boys who suck at Mario Kart. P:Hey , Sheldon , —3—? S:It's not about shoes , is it? ? ?—4—. P:It's not about shoes. S:Then speak. P:Um , actually , —5—? S:All right. ? ?Go away. ? ?I agree , it's rude , but she asked for privacy. P:Thanks, Raj. I got stuck behind a tree Just need a little more practice can I talk to you for a second I don't think I could go through that again can we do it in private 我被一棵樹卡住了~/ 只需要一點(diǎn)練習(xí)而已~/我能跟你說兩句話么?/我可不想再聊鞋子了~/我們能私下談么? ——譯文來自: 甜貓兒 這篇材料你能聽出多少?點(diǎn)擊這里做聽寫,提高外語水平>>

  • 生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第一第十七集(3) 我又沒損失

    生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第一第十七集 【劇情介紹】 Leonard終于鼓起勇氣約Penny出去,但是Penny又很糾結(jié),怕戀人做不成連朋友也失去于是想問Sheldon意見. Penny:Yeah. Why not? I mean, what do I have to lose? Leonard:Yeah. That's the spirit. Sheldon:Show me your [w]citrus[/w] peels. Gei wo kan ni yong de chen pi. Show me your citrus peels.?Gei wo kan ni yong de chen

  • 生活大爆炸》演員互訪:謝耳朵與女友Amy

    聽過的人的機(jī)會。[/cn] [en]And you really come alive in front of the audience, in a new way.You think so?I definitely noticed that you’re someone who does thrive from that extra energy.See, I need the extra push. I don’t know how to give it all until the D-day.That’s why they’re still there.[/en][cn]而且在觀眾在場的情況下, 你真得是表現(xiàn)得無與倫比。你真這么覺得?我發(fā)現(xiàn)你確實(shí)是那種在有觀眾的情況下表現(xiàn)得更加出色的演員。是的呢, 我需要被推一把。 除非已經(jīng)到了表演的時(shí)刻, 我不知道怎么發(fā)揮出我的最佳水品。所以觀眾還在這里呢。[/cn] [en]Maybe I’ll save this. you have a personal connection to science. Tell me

  • 生活大爆炸》追劇筆記S10E2:就你愛耍聰明

    今天繼續(xù)為大家?guī)泶蠹蚁矏鄣摹渡畲蟊?/span>》,上一集真是矛盾激發(fā)的一集,那么這一集又會有怎樣笑料百出的故事呢?讓我們繼續(xù)來欣賞第十季第二集。 【劇情梗概】 軍方人物終于與霍華德等人相見,由于之前和霍華德的表哥視頻通話時(shí),謝爾頓表現(xiàn)得非常無禮,所以他們此次不允許他開口和軍方說話,這可憋壞了謝耳朵,最終沒忍住的他一席話使他們需要在很短時(shí)間內(nèi)完成軍方的任務(wù)…… 佩妮不小心將伯納黛特懷孕的小心說漏嘴了,使得辦公室的人都知道了,看到生氣的伯納黛特她又不敢將實(shí)情告訴她,她們將如何解開誤會呢? 本期語言點(diǎn)側(cè)重幾個(gè)口語中尤其常用的特殊名詞表達(dá),家可以學(xué)會多多使用哦~ ? [en]1.Gentle man

  • 生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第二第十六集(4) 你連物理學(xué)家都不是

    生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第二季第十六集 【劇情介紹】 Leslie又利用職權(quán)為Howard謀“福利”了(囧), 以次為要挾,她想讓Howard陪她一起參加她妹妹的婚禮,Howard本還一本正經(jīng)大義凜然的樣子,但是馬上就答應(yīng)了. HOWARD: Nevertheless,I must depart. By the way,did I tell you? Leslie pulled some strings and got me on the research trip to [w]Genevato[/w] check out the CERN [w]Supercollider[/w]. LEONARD: That's not fair. You're not even a physicist. HOWARD: Okay,there are two ways of looking at this... LEONARD: Get out. HOWARD: Bye. LESLIE: You're improving. HOWARD: Thank you. It helps when I get to practice with a real woman. LESLIE: Hey,listen. Saturday my sister's getting married. I-I want you to come with me. It's black tie. HOWARD: Yeah,gee,I'd really rather not. LESLIE: Why not? HOWARD: When I go to weddings,it's to scam on [w]chunky[/w] bridesmaids. I don't know what I would do with a date. LESLIE: Oh,all right. I understand. HOWARD: Thanks. LESLIE: Hey,I'm really sorry about that Geneva trip. HOWARD: What about it? LESLIE: Oh,didn't you hear? I had to reduce the number of people going,and you didn't make the cut. HOWARD: When did that happen? LESLIE: About 12 seconds ago. HOWARD: Well,hold on. Are you saying if I don't go to the wedding,I can't go to Geneva? LESLIE: Actually,I'm trying not to say it. 【口語講解】 1. pulled some strings拉關(guān)系,走后門 In order to find a suitable job, I have to pull some strings. 為了找一份合適的工作,我得走走后門。 2. black tie黑色領(lǐng)結(jié);男子之半正式禮服. 3. scam (on)騙… 4. make the cut獲得晉級 Everyone was sure he could never make the cut, but he did. 沒有一個(gè)人認(rèn)為他能晉級,但是他做到了。