• 滬江小D一句一周詳解(01.21~01.27)

    D每日一句一周詳解(01.21~01.27) 01月21日別的名字。???? l:adj. 不尋常的;與眾不同的的 例如:It's quite unusual for it to be cool here in June.(6月份這里這么涼快是很難得的。) ? ? ? ? ? The old lady received him with unusual warmth.(老夫人以前所未有的熱情接待了他。) 01月26:The cold was unbelievable.天氣冷極了。??? evable:adj. 難以置信的 例如:It's really unbelievable that some man can even marry a law-down dirty shame like her.(有人竟然和像他那樣

  • 滬江小D一句一周詳解(09.03~09.09)

    近在德國開D每日一句一周詳解(09.03~09.09) 09月03日設了分行。) ? ? ? ? ? She lost her parents recently. (她不久前失去了雙親。) 09月08:There is no incentive for the boy to study harder.沒有激勵那男孩努力學習的方法。 ive:n. 刺激,動力,鼓勵 例如:He

  • 滬江小D一句一周詳解(09.17~09.23)

    小D每日一句一周詳解(09.17~09.23) 09月17日:Can you take the baby for a moment?你可以抱一下孩子嗎? a moment:一會兒,片刻 例如:For a moment he forgot his errand.(有一小會兒,他忘D每日一句一周詳解(09.17~09.23) 09月17日掉了自己的使命。) ? ? ? ? ? Could you keep an eye on my suitcase for a moment?(你能給我照管一會兒手提箱嗎?) 09月18:He continued to work without respite.他連續(xù)工作,沒有休息。 e

  • 滬江小D一句一周詳解(08.27~09.02)

    有的細節(jié)需D每日一句一周詳解(08.27~09.02) 08月27日要花很長的時間。) 08月31日:We decided to splash out on a holiday abroad this year.我們決定今年花一大筆錢去國外度假。 out:濺出,隨意花錢,大肆揮霍 例如:The water splash out of the tub upon the floor.(水從缸里飛濺出來,落在地板上。) ? ? ? ? ? She splashed out $1500 on a camera.(她滿不在乎地花一千五百美元買了一架照相機。) 09月01:The football team

  • 滬江小D一句一周詳解(07.09~07.15)

    D每日一句一周詳解(07.09~07.15) 07月09日

  • 《阿凡達》火了誰 3D電視即將登場(有聲)

    在線聽音頻: 2009年,以《阿凡達》為首的多部3D電影的上映催生了3D熱潮,今年,索尼等商家正加緊準備3D生產線,3D電視即將飛入尋常百姓家。 3D [w]blockbusters[/w] like Alice in Wonderland are [w]wooing[/w] movie goers and seem set to dominate the whole market. And now 3D TVs look as though they will soon be bringing the 3D experience into our homes. This week Sony [w]unveiled[/w] its 3D product line which will begin selling in Japan on June 10. But rival Samsung and Panasonic began selling 3D TVs this week in the US. And consumers at this Best Buy in New York City like what they see. "It's great! Actually It's almost little better than what I saw on the theatre." "The experience is woo! So far, it's very impressive." The publicity machine has been in full swing. Samsung staged this Black Eyed Peas concert in Manhattan and has James Cameron who directed the record setting 3D movie Avatar, talking up the emerging technology. "There is very very broad and deep audience acceptance of 3D right now. Now it's ours as an industry to [w]screw[/w] up, if we start putting out bad 3D, but the 3D has been of a very high [w]caliber[/w] over the last few years." The industry is betting big on 3D to juice up TV sales, which has been lagging in the tough economy. Prices are comparable to the top level HD TVs, but are expected to come out in the next couple of years. Many customers will have to pay for 3D glasses. Sets come with only one or two and extras cost around 150 dollars. World renowned interactive media company CNet's Dave Carnoy expects some resistance. "I definitely think that those added costs are going to be a drawback and probably prevent people from buying and also they have to buy a new blue ray player that's 3D compatible. They are going to have to wait for TV stations to broadcast their 3D content." But given the market muscle behind the launches consumers will be hard pressed not to be at the very least, tempted to consider taking the 3D [w]plunge[/w] eventually. 點擊進入今日CRI》》》》》》 聲明:音視頻均來自互聯(lián)網(wǎng)鏈接,僅供學習使用。本網(wǎng)站自身不存儲、控制、修改被鏈接的內容。"滬江英語"高度重視知識產權保護。當如發(fā)現(xiàn)本網(wǎng)站發(fā)布的信息包含有侵犯其著作權的鏈接內容時,請聯(lián)系我們,我們將依法采取措施移除相關內容或屏蔽相關鏈接。

  • 滬江小D一句一周詳解(12.10~12.16)

    D每日一句一周詳解(12.10~12.16) 12月10日:She is easily distracted.她很容易分散注意力。???? cted:adj. 心煩意亂的,思想不集中的 例如:Children are so easily distracted.(兒童的注意力很不容易集中。) ? ? ? ? ? She was distracted with doubts.(她因疑惑而心煩意亂。) 12月11日:Are you familiar with the new tablet PC?你熟悉新的平板電腦嗎????? familiar with:精通,熟悉,和…相好 例如:Are you familiar with English sounds yet? (你已經熟悉英語的音調了嗎? ) ? ? ? ? ?He is familiar with Chinese ancient history. (他通曉中國古代史。) 12月12日:Grandfather looks grim.祖父表情嚴肅。???? :adj. 嚴酷的,無情的,討厭的,陰冷的,不舒服的 例如:British justice of the time was grim and unflinching.(英國當時的法律是嚴酷的。) ? ? ? ? ??I had a pretty grim day yesterday.(我昨天很不愉快。) 12月13日:He speaks highly of you.他對你大加贊賞。???? highly of:高度評價,贊揚 例如:Many customers speak highly of it. ( 很多顧客評價非常高。) ? ? ? ? ? He spoke highly of the novel and he worshipped the author extremely.(他高度贊揚這部小說, 并對作者簡直崇拜得五體投地。) 12月14日:The performance made us hoot with laughter.這場表演讓我們哈哈大笑。???? :v. 喊叫,大笑 例如:Mother will hoot when she hears.(媽媽聽見會笑死的。) ? ? ? ? ??Everybody hooted at a singer.(所有的人全向歌手發(fā)出了噓聲。) 12月15日:My feet feel like jelly.我兩腿發(fā)軟。????? :n. 果凍,果醬;感到軟弱,全身發(fā)軟;膠狀物,膠凝物 例如:The jelly will stiffen as it cools.(果凍冷卻后會變硬。) ? ? ? ? ? My back sweated, my legs felt like jelly, my eyes stung.(我滿背是汗,腿發(fā)軟,眼睛刺痛。) 12月16日:Coffee and tea are mild stimulants.咖啡和茶是輕度興奮劑。???? ant:n. 興奮劑,酒精性飲料 例如:The lowering of interest rates will act as a stimulant to economic growth.(利率的下降將刺激經濟增長。) ? ? ? ? ? Epinephrine is a powerful cardiac stimulant.(腎上腺素是一種強效心臟興奮藥。) 不想錯過每期電子報精彩內容?趕快點擊訂閱吧>>

  • 【小D愚人節(jié)活動】愚人還是被愚 挑戰(zhàn)小D贏學幣

    愚人節(jié)即將來臨,你做好準備了嗎?是準備好“愚人”,還是準備好被“愚人”了呢?如果你沒有什么新鮮的“愚人”方法的話,小D支你一招!來和小D一起過個眼花繚亂的愚人節(jié)吧~ ?戳我參加活動>> 【活動規(guī)則】 在小D給出的3張圖片中找出與圖中大部分單詞不同的那個唯一的單詞,在滬江小D頁面查這個詞并提供截圖~ 注意:同一賬號的所以截圖只能放在同一樓中,回復答案設置為僅樓主可見,否則取消獎勵資格! 小D君先來舉個中文單詞的例子: 不一樣的單詞是“禺人”,釋義是……并放上截圖。 【活動時間】 2014.3.28-2014.4.3 【活動獎勵】 1、愚人紅包獎:參與者每人都有 獲得100HY 2、愚人樓層獎:凡占到以41結尾(41、141、241) 樓層 獲得200HY 3、愚人大神獎:小編將按照截圖數(shù)量抽取5名的多語種大神童鞋 ?????????????? 截圖越多越有機會獲得3學幣的大禮包! 童鞋們現(xiàn)在是不是躍躍欲試呢?快叫上小伙伴們,來挑戰(zhàn)一下小D吧~ 滬江小D英語詞典>> 滬江小D語詞典>> 滬江小D法語詞典>> 滬江小D韓語詞典>> ?戳我參加活動>> 活動最終解釋權歸滬江網(wǎng)所有。

  • 滬江小D一句一周詳解(12.24~12.30)

    D每日一句一周詳解(12.24~12.30) 12月24日

  • 滬江小D一句一周詳解(08.13~08.19)

    得有釘子扎進鞋里。) ? ? ? ? ? We got stuck into the job immediately.(我們立刻動手干了起來。) 08月18日:The landscape paintings are out of this world.這幅風景畫美到超D每日一句一周詳解(08.13~08.19) 08月13日過了想象。 of this world:極好的,非凡的 例如:Your mother's cooking is out of this world.(你母親的手藝非凡。) ? ? ? ? ? I think the flavour of fresh strawberries is out of this world.(我認為新鮮草莓的味道鮮美無比。) 08月19日:She's 87 but she's still in the pink!她87歲了但仍然身體健康。 the pink?:非常健康,精力充沛,氣色紅潤 例如:The children all looked in the pink after their holiday.(孩子度假后個個紅光滿面。) ? ? ? ? ? I hope you'll soon be in the pink again.(我希望你早點恢復健康。) ? 不想錯過每期電子報精彩內容?趕快點擊訂閱吧>>