搜索結(jié)果 搜索相關(guān)課程
  • 工作中最常見的商務對話情景

    問你看情景了嗎? I need it by the end of day, but no pressure at all. 我今天結(jié)束之前需要,但你不用著急。 Thank you. I appreciate it. 非常感謝! 5. 告知同事自己很忙 Tell colleagues that I'm busy Is this urgent? 這件事情緊急嗎? Could you get back to me later today? 你可以今天晚些時候再來問我嗎? I'm a bit snowed under at the moment. Sorry. 我現(xiàn)在有點忙不過來。抱歉。 關(guān)于上文中提到的商務英語對話情景句子,大家都了解清楚了嗎?如果還想繼續(xù)學習,可以來網(wǎng)??纯?。如果您對英語學習感興趣,想要深入學習,可以了解滬江網(wǎng)校精品課程,量身定制高效實用的個性化學習方案,專屬督導全程伴學,掃一掃領(lǐng)200暢學卡。

  • 關(guān)于快遞的英語情景對話

      想要熟悉關(guān)于快遞的英語情景對話,基本的是需要掌握一些關(guān)鍵的句型,下情景文中為大家整理了一些關(guān)于快遞的英語情景對話的句子,幫助大家先做口語對話前的熱身。   A: I'd like to send this parcel to Australia.   B: Could you put it on the scales, so I can check the weight?   A: Sure. It's not very heavy.   B: That's 850 grams. The cost depends on how you would like to send it.   A

  • 商務英語談判情景對話

    學習商務英語主要是為了應用,尤其是在談判的過程中,今天我們?yōu)榇蠹艺砹松虅沼⒄Z談判情景對話,一起來了解一下吧。 商務英語談判情景對話:情景對話 20xx年11月19日 上午11時57分26秒 行至此處,談判都還算是在和諧的氣氛下進行,雙方各自尋求獲利的方案。但針對技術(shù)轉(zhuǎn)移這一項,Robert所提的保證和要求能否消弭Kevin心中的顧慮,而今此談判終露曙光呢?以下對話即為您揭曉: KI:f we transferred our technical and research expertise(技術(shù)與研究的專業(yè)知識),what would stop you from making th

  • 在餐廳可能會用到的英語情景口語

    情景喝點什么嗎? Just water for me. 我喝水就可以了。 How about you? I’ll have a cup of tea. 我要一杯茶。 Are you ready to order? 你們準備點餐了嗎? Yes, I'll have ... 是的,我要...... Excellent, I'll be right back. 好的,我馬上回來。 #買單# Can I get the bill, please? 可以給我賬單嗎? Check, please. 買單。 How would you like to pay? 你想用什么支付? I'd like to use my Alipay. 我用支付寶。 Would you like a bag

  • 旅游點英語口語情景對話

    吃了,那里小吃特別豐富,美味可口!   Ma: Sounds great!   恩,聽起來不錯哦!   wendy: National day is coming!   國慶即將到了。   sun: Yes.What will you do on National day?   是的。你打算如何渡過呢?   wendy: Er...I will go to visit my uncle in Guangzhou. What about you?   嗯,我將

  • 商務用餐的商務英語情景對話


  • 商務英語情景對話:談論貸款


  • 商務用餐的商務英語情景對話

    時見。再見。 A: Good evening, sir. What can I do for you? B: Good evening. Would you please offer a table far from theen trance for us? A: Yes, of course. This way, please. (After the customers being seated)。 A: Are you ready to order, sir? B: What's the special here? A: We have steamed chicken, braised pork, Peking roast duck and so on. Here's the menu. What would you like to have? B: Well, let's try some braised pork, sweet and sour fish and some fried beans. A: Would you like anything to drink? B: Just some soft drinks and only a bottle of beer. A: All right. Wait for a moment, please. A:晚上好,先生。能為您效勞嗎? B:晚上好。能提供一張離入口遠點的桌子嗎? A:當然可以,這邊請。 (客人就座以后)。 A:可以點菜了嗎,先生? B:這里有什么特色菜? A:我們這里有燉雞、紅燒扣肉、北京烤鴨,等等。菜單在這兒,來點什么? B:嗯……來個紅燒扣肉、糖醋魚和炸豆子。 A:喝點什么飲料? B:就來點飲料和一瓶啤酒好了。 A:好的,請稍等。 A: Nice to meet you, Mr. Miller. B: Nice to meet you too. Thank you for holding such a colorful Chinese cooking dinner. A: It's my pleasure. Please have a seat here. B: Thanks. A: I was so busy yesterday that I was not able to go to the air port. I am very sorry. B: It doesn't matter. A: I wish you good luck in your business. B: Cheers to your health. A: Cheers to everyone. A:米勒先生,歡迎歡迎。 B:見到您很高興。感謝您今天為我準備了如此豐盛的中國菜。 A:謝謝,別客氣。請這邊坐。 B:謝謝。 A:昨天很忙,沒能到機場迎接您,真對不起。 B:沒關(guān)系。 A:祝您生意興隆。 B:為了您的健康干杯吧! A:為了大家的健康干杯! Dinner (right version) A:公司職員 B:客戶 W:waiter 1.(The waiter is taking orders at another table) A:Waiter! W:I’m really sorry,just a moment.(smile) A:That’s all right.(smile) 2.(Later) W:Here’s the menue. A:I’d like to have noodles and a cup of coffee.How about you ,Janet? B:I’d like to have fish,salad and a cup of tea. A:The fish looks wonderful.I hear that it’s amazing here. B:Wow,it’s so nice. 3.(Waiting,small talk) A:What do you think of this restaurant? B:The atmosphere is quiet,I like it. A:And it’s the closest one to our office. B:That’s convenient. 4.(Waiter serves the meal) W:Enjoy yourselves. A and B:Thank you. (A chew with mouth closed) A:What do you think of the contract between our two companies?(not speak with mouth full) B:As far as I am concerned,it still needs to be improved. A:I agree. I think there are several disadvantages… Dinner (wrong version) A:公司職員 B:客戶 W:waiter 1.(The waiter is taking orders at another table) A:Waiter,be quick!We’ve waited here for a long time!! W:I’m really sorry,just a moment.(smile) 2.(Later) W:Here’s the menue. A:I’d like to have noodles and a cup of coffee.How about you ,Janet? B:I’d like to have fish,salad and a cup of tea. A:Wow,fish here is so expensive!!! B:Well,maybe I can change for another one. A:It’s OK,after all,the company pays. 3.(Waiting,silence,A is rocking in his chair for 10 seconds) 4.(Waiter serves the meal) W:Enjoy yourselves. B:Thank you. (A is chewing with mouth open) A:What do you think of the contract between our two companies?(Speak with mouth full) B:As far as I am concerned… A:In fact I think there are several disadvantages… 特別提醒:如果大家想要了解更多英語方面知識,或者想要深入學習英語的,可以掃以下二維碼,定制滬江網(wǎng)校精品課程,高效實用的個性化學習方案,專屬督導全程伴學。 商務英語”是企業(yè)與英語相結(jié)合,企業(yè)英語溝通總是帶著一定的目的而達到一定的結(jié)果。因此,有必要英語情境對話來排練業(yè)務。小編帶情景給你一些商務英語商務就餐的情境對話,讓你應對職場上的任何情況,表現(xiàn)得越來越好。

  • 商務英語情景對話:下訂單


  • 安排日程英語情景對話

    一個人的每句話都記下來?   A:不,沒必要。你只