• 吸血鬼記》第五季曝Damon情敵

    會在《吸血鬼日記》中待上很長一陣。[/cn] [en]But for now, those [w]partial[/w] to Damon (Ian Somerhalder) and Elena's relationship can relax. Creator Julie Plec promised in a recent sneak peek at season five that the writers plan to keep the couple together and happy for the time being.[/en][cn]不過DE黨們可以松口氣,《吸血鬼日記》制片人Julie Plec在最近一次巨頭中說,編劇打算讓Elena和Damon這一對在一起的時間長一點。[/cn] [en]With the addition of this Aaron character, the writers might have their work cut out for them.[/en][cn]有了Aaron這個角色的出現(xiàn),編劇可能會讓這個角色停止DE之間的關系。[/cn] [en]The Vampire Diaries returns Thursday, Oct. 10 on the CW.[/en][cn]《吸血鬼日記》第五季將會在北京時間10月11回歸CW電視臺。[/cn]

  • 吸血鬼記Ian推薦《權力的游戲》

    吸血鬼日人選。[/cn] [en]This weekend, Ian tweeted his plans for a chill night at home. “Think I’m going to trade in going out tonight & start Game of Thrones — I’m the only person I know that has never even seen a [w]frame[/w] of this show,” he said on Twitter.[/en][cn]本周Ian發(fā)微博宣布了自己晚上的計劃,“看來我今晚會在《權力的游戲》——我覺得我是唯一一個沒看過這部這么有名的劇的人了?!盵/cn] [en]Picture it: Ian and you chilling

  • Nina步Ian后塵:吸血鬼記妮娜將開啟中國之旅!

    美劇《吸血鬼日記》在持續(xù)熱播中,而男主角吸血鬼“呆萌”的扮演者Ian Somerhalder“隔三差五”地來華攢人氣,幾乎到了去哪兒,哪兒火的地步。讓前女友Nina羨慕不已。其實Nina在 2012年年底,粉絲堂(FansTang)就把她帶來上海,當時引發(fā)萬人空巷,爭相圍觀這美妞的芳容,把上海的某商場擠得水泄不通。據粉絲堂(FansTang)高層介紹,妮娜將步Ian的后塵,未來幾天將來華“拉攏”粉絲們。 北京的粉絲們可吸血鬼日記》在持續(xù)熱播中,而男主角吸血鬼有福啦,上次Ian只在上海公開露面,讓在北方的粉絲只能贊嘆祖國實在太大了,離得太遠。這次Nina來華的重點放在了北京,一方面她前一次來華只去了上海,對于沒去到北京留有遺憾

  • 《初代吸血鬼》Rebekah 不再回歸

    就是《吸血鬼日記》的衍生劇。[/cn] [en]And speaking to the magazine about her life after The Originals, Claire said she would be looking for new challenges.[/en][cn]談吸血鬼到她離開《初代》后的打算,她說會尋找一些新的挑戰(zhàn)。[/cn] [en]'I would love to continue to challenge myself by trying different things. Action, Drama, Comedy,' she said, 'I would be grateful to do any and all of it if someone is kind enough to hire me!'[/en][cn]“我很樂意繼續(xù)挑戰(zhàn)不一樣的東西。動作,戲劇,喜劇,”她說,“如果有人愿意雇我,我很樂于做更多嘗試。”[/cn] [en]'I have such a wonderful time on The Originals though, because I get to play Rebekah in so many different periods. I’m a little spoiled.'[/en][cn]“雖然我在《初代吸血鬼》中度過了很快樂的時光,但是因為我扮演了太多時期的瑞貝卡,有點被寵壞了?!盵/cn] [en]Even though the actress reportedly quit the show, a source told Buzzfeed that the door remains open for guest appearances.[/en][cn]盡管報道都稱這位演員退出了劇集,但是知情人士告訴《Buzzfeed》,友情客串的大門永遠為她敞開。[/cn]

  • 吸血鬼記第五季:Stefan的新女人

    [en]Mystic Falls gets an [w]infusion[/w] of fresh blood when The Vampire Diaries premieres on Oct. 3. Among the newbies: Tessa (True Blood's Janina Gavankar), whom executive producer Caroline Dries describes as "a beautiful and exotic self-assured woman who comes to town to [w]rekindle[/w] an old flame."[/en][cn]《吸血鬼日記》第三季10月3日回歸的時候,我們就會看到神秘瀑布鎮(zhèn)上來的新人了?!段砣沼洝穲?zhí)行制片人Caroline Dries透露,在新人中有一個叫Tessa的女生(《真愛如血》中的Janina Gavakar),她是一個美麗、異域風情、自信的女人。她的來到將會帶來一場關于過去的回憶。[/cn] [en]Could she be burning for Stefan? Or is it Silas, who has assumed the younger Salvatore brother's form? Whoever it is, "Tessa has a definite flair for fun, but she has a tendency to hold a [w]grudge[/w]," Dries warns. "You don't want to cross her."[/en][cn]她會和Stefan擦出火花嗎?或者是和Stefan一模一樣的二重身Silas墜入愛河?不論和誰,“Tessa找樂子的本領絕對是天生的,不過她似乎是個記仇的姑娘?!?Dries 警告道:“你是不會想得罪她的?!盵/cn]

  • 吸血鬼記》第三季:原始吸血鬼Elijah要回來了!

    會是在Rebekah的閃回片段里。這一次我們將會時光倒流——回到一千多年之前——看到原始吸血鬼還是人類的時候。當然像吸血鬼日我們之前報道的那樣,我們還會看到原始吸血鬼家庭中由Alice Evans扮演的母親的角色。[/cn] [en]Most importantly, though, we're going to get to see what Elijah's [w]hair[/w] looked like before he was turned. [/en][cn]最重要的是我們可以看看Elijah在變成吸血鬼之前的發(fā)型。[/cn]

  • 吸血鬼記》:歷史哥回歸第六季

    去了。在第四季中Alaric也有一部分出場,在第吸血鬼日100集里以一個鬼魂身份出場。但是現(xiàn)在他是以一個人的身份出現(xiàn)。[/cn] [en]Break out the bourbon to celebrate (and to drown all your sorrows for those who didn't make it through).[/en][cn]可喜可賀(同樣為那些沒有成功渡過難關的角色感到悲傷。)[/cn]

  • 《暮光之城》吸血鬼要來客串《吸血鬼記》啦!

    外在電影《暮光之城》里扮演吸血鬼Demetri的Bewley也要來《吸血鬼日記》客串了!扮演Vaughn這個角色,關于這個角色的還沒有披露,不過Klaus這幫人最近在找吸血鬼獵人,所以我們猜測他可能是The Five之一。[/cn] [en]Both actors will first appear in Episode 13, with the potential to return for more. [/en][cn]這兩個角色都會在《吸血鬼記》第四季十三集中首次登場,并且在之后的劇情中還會多次出現(xiàn)。[/cn]

  • 《邪惡力量》第八季要玩吸血鬼 吸血規(guī)則大不同

    化為吸血鬼。在《真愛如血》中,人類要變成吸血鬼則是要先被咬,并且在喝吸血鬼血液之前把自己人類血液排除體外。在怎樣變吸血鬼這個方面《邪惡力量》也有自己獨特的規(guī)則。[/cn] [en]3. Dead man's blood weakens them. Once [w=inject]injected[/w] with it, they're incapacitated for a bit... but not for long.[/en][cn]3. 死人的血可以削弱吸血鬼的力量。一旦吸血鬼被注入死人的血液,他們的力量會被削弱...但是作用時間不會太長。[/cn] [en]4. There are a few ways to kill them. Vampires can die by having their heads cut off. In Season 6, Castiel also killed the vampire Lenore by touching her head. He's a boss like that.[/en][cn]4. 有幾種方法可以殺死吸血鬼??车粑淼念^可以殺死他們。在第六季中,Castiel殺Lenore的時候是用手碰了碰她的頭。好吧,這是高人的做法。[/cn] [en]5. There is a cure. Unlike some of the other major pop-culture vampires, "Supernatural" vampires can be cured of their condition -- but it isn't easy. [/en][cn]5. 被吸血鬼咬了是有

  • 《初代吸血鬼》成為社交媒體最愛劇

    到了不錯的收視成績,還俘獲了一大批忠實觀眾。[/cn] [en]According to The Hollywood Reporter, The Originals is the No. 1 most popular new show on social media this fall, beating out 26 other freshman series for the title. The New Orleans-based drama has more than 1.9 million fans when combining Twitter followers and Facebook likes, putting it well above the runner-up, FOX’s Sleepy Hollow, with 821 thousand combined fans.[/en][cn]據《好萊塢報道》消息,《初代吸血鬼》已經打敗今年同步播出的其他26部新劇,成為在社交媒體中最受歡迎的新劇。這部以新奧爾良為背景的美劇在Twitter上和Facebook上有超過190萬的粉絲,超