《吸血鬼日記》S05E11插曲Illusory Light:再見K女王
《吸血鬼日記》制片人曾挽留Nina Dobrev
件事。[/cn] [en]“She was just looking forward to moving on with no hard feelings and no drama,” Julie said on the KCRW podcast last week. “This is taking the personal out of it completely, from a storytelling point of view it’s a great challenge. As writers in the room we’re finding it very [w]rejuvenating[/w]. Just on a strictly creative exercise level.”[/en][cn]“她希望的是一個不要太難過的離開方式,”Julie在KCRW中透露?!暗强陀^來說,這對整個故事線來說會是一個很好的挑戰(zhàn)。編劇們發(fā)現(xiàn),在純粹的制作層面來說,這樣會讓劇情重新恢復(fù)活力?!盵/cn] [en]“Nina had said earlier this year that she wanted to be done and we spent a little bit of time trying to talk her out of it. [We'd say,] ‘Oh, look at all these great plans of how you can stay!’” she explained. “And she finally was like, ‘No, I signed up for six years. I’ve done my six years. I’m ready to move on and spread my wings.’”[/en][cn]“Nina今年年初跟吸血鬼日我們說了她想離開的想法,我們花了些時間想要勸她。我們說‘我們可以這樣改劇情呀,你留下吧!’”她說。“不過她最終還是說,‘不,我簽了6年,合同到期之后我就不演了。我已經(jīng)準備好要離開,在新的階段里展翅翱翔了?!盵/cn]
會在《真愛如血》第七季中替代Luke Grimes的新演員將會客串本季的《初代吸血鬼》。[/cn] [en]Parsons (Bunheads, General Hospital) will first appear on Episode 13 as Jackson, a werewolf friend of Hayley's.[/en][cn]Parsons在《初代吸血鬼》中的首次登場將會是本季的13集,他扮演的角色是狼女Hayley的朋友。[/cn] [en]According to Zap2It, the character was raised in the bayou and is the leader of his pack. Look for him to stick around for a few episodes.[/en][cn]據(jù)Zap2it報道,這個角色最開始在河灣地區(qū),是當?shù)乩侨旱睦鞘?。而且這個角色會在接下來的幾集中多次出現(xiàn)。[/cn]
【吸血鬼日記】第二季第二集(6) Stefan&Elena
【吸血鬼日記】第二季第二集(6) Stefan&Elena 【The Vampire Dia ries】S02E02(6) Stefan&Elena 前幾期都是些暴力的片段,最后一定要是個溫馨的完結(jié)啊,這才像我的風格,哈哈,看到這里我才發(fā)現(xiàn)原來吸血鬼還會飛的啊~讓我想起超人來了~~哈哈 老規(guī)矩:不用標序號,一空一行哈~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻... 注意咯!今天第三空有兩句話哈~注意縮寫~tips:ferris wheel: 摩天輪! Elena: Mmm. Hi. What time is it? Stefan: It's almost dawn. Come with me. Elena: Stefan, what are we doing here? We're gonna get caught. Stefan: _______1________ Elena: Heh. Stefan... Stefan:________2________ All right? What Katherine did to Caroline could just be the beginning, and... and then there's things with Tyler's family that we don't even understand yet. Then there's always the "d" word.______3_______ Elena: Listen, how are we gonna get to the top? Stefan:________4________ Elena: What? Stefan: It's just so nice to see you laugh. 能拿高高的正確率、多多的滬元、還能聽到純正的美語、回憶當年看吸血鬼日記的點點滴滴、又學習了英語,多好的節(jié)目丫!快來訂閱吧! 吸血鬼迷們創(chuàng)建的群:111354855,歡迎喜愛該劇的滬友加入哈~~ Well, I compelled the guard to go on break so I could kiss my girlfriend at the top of the ferris wheel. We have to take these moments, Elena. But I came back to this town to start a life with you. We can't forget to live it. I guess you'll just have to hold on tight. Elena:嗯,嗨。幾點了? Stefan:快天亮了。跟我來。 Elena: Stefan 我們來這里做什么? 會被抓到的。 Stefan:我控制了保安的思維讓他去休息了。這樣我就能在摩天輪頂上吻我的女朋友了。 Elena:呵Stefan呀... Stefan: Elena 我們一定要珍惜在一起的時間好嗎? Katherin對Caroline所做的也許只是開始。還有... 還有關(guān)于Tyler家的事情,我們甚至一無所知,還有Damond也總出問題。但是我回到這里是為了和你一起生活,我們要記住這一點。 Elena:可是我們怎么才能到頂上去呢? Stefan:我想你只要緊緊抓牢就好了 Elena:怎么了? Stefan:看到你笑真好。 這篇材料你能聽出多少?點擊這里做聽寫,提高外語水平>>
訂了5部美劇的下一季。[/cn] [en]Those now guaranteed to return on the 2014-2015 schedule are:[/en][cn]在2014-2015年你一定能看到以下美劇的新季更新:[/cn] [en]The Vampire Diaries[/en][cn]吸血鬼日記[/cn] [en]Reign[/en][cn]風中的女王[/cn] [en]Arrow[/en][cn]綠箭俠[/cn] [en]Supernatural[/en][cn]邪惡力量[/cn] [en]The Originals[/en][cn]初代吸血鬼[/cn] [en]“This season we’ve had great success with our new hit series The Originals paired with Supernatural, giving us our best Tuesday nights in years,” said CW prez Mark Pedowitz in a statement.[/en][cn]“今年的秋季檔我們有非常棒的新劇《初代吸血鬼》和《邪惡力量》搭檔,撐起了最佳周二檔,”CW總裁Mark Pedowitz說。[/cn] [en]“The Vampire Diaries is No. 2 in its time period in the young adult demos, and with Arrow continuing to gain among young men, and Reign growing its time period, we now have strong nights on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. I’m very pleased to announce early pickups for all five series, and let our fans know they’ll have more great drama to look forward to next season.”[/en][cn]《吸血鬼日記》是年輕人最愛的第二大時間檔,這部劇和《綠箭俠》一起獲得了很多年輕人的喜愛,而《風中的女王》正在慢慢成長,我們現(xiàn)季在有非常不錯的周二檔、周三檔和周四檔。我很高興向大家宣布我們續(xù)訂這5部美劇,讓我們的觀眾知道他們下一季將會有更多值得期待的好劇上演。[/cn]
《吸血鬼日記》第五季10月11日回歸 新增多個角色
[en]With months to go until The Vampire Diaries Season 5 kicks off (on October 10!), The CW has released a few casting notes regarding the opening episode.[/en][cn]離《吸血鬼日記》10月11日(北京時間)回歸還有幾個月時間,CW最近發(fā)布了將會在回歸集出現(xiàn)幾個新角色的消息。[/cn] [en]Nadia, described by the network as an emotional beauty in her 20s who
《吸血鬼日記》情侶Joseph Morgan和 Persia White 逛街被拍
[en]Joseph Morgan is all smiles as he does a little shopping on Wednesday afternoon (May 22) in West Hollywood, Calif.[/en][cn]5月22日周三下午,約瑟夫·摩根面帶笑容在加州的西好萊塢外出逛街。[/cn] [en]The 32-year-old Originals star was joined by his girlfriend and Vampire Diaries co-star Persia White.[/en][cn]和這位32歲的男星一道的是他的女友兼《吸血鬼日記》合作女星波斯·懷特。[/cn] [en]“I think it was amazing,” Joseph recently told JJJ about his character Klaus – Spoiler Alert – becoming a father. “I’m fully in support of the storyline, of course. We needed something that set us apart from The Vampire Diaries, other than the tone being a little darker – just something to really separate us and really drive the show. And they’ve done that with the baby.”[/en][cn]以下劇透慎入!約瑟夫·摩根日前在采訪中談到了關(guān)于他飾演的角色Klaus在衍生劇《初代吸血鬼》中當爸爸的感受:“我覺得非常棒,我當然非常支持劇情情節(jié)的發(fā)展,《初代吸血鬼》除了情節(jié)更暗黑之外,我們還需要一點東西將我們與《吸血鬼日記》分開,真日正和TVD分隔開來的情節(jié),所以編劇們想到了孩子?!?[/cn]
2013-05-26 -
抱了。[/cn] [en]Roche will appear in a [w]recurring[/w] role as “a very mysterious man who appears to be hunting vampires, most [w]specifically[/w] Klaus,” reports .[/en][cn]Roche將會成為《吸血鬼日記》的常規(guī)演員,他扮演“一個非常神秘的吸血鬼獵人,主要目的就是獵殺Klaus?!薄秺蕵分芸穲蟮勒f。[/cn] [en]Roche’s character will be a source of concern for the powerful Klaus.[/en][cn]在第三季中,Roche扮演的角色會引起Klaus的不安和關(guān)注。[/cn] [en]Roche’s Supernatural character, Balthazar, met a bloody end at the hands of Castiel last season. Season 3 of The Vampire Diaries [w=premiere]premieres[/w] Sept. 15.[/en][cn]Roche在《邪惡力量》中扮演的天使Balthazar死在了Castiel的手上?!段砣沼洝返谌緦诮衲?月15號首播。[/cn]
《吸血鬼日記》本周五會讓DE黨瘋狂 還有體育巨星來客串
during the filming of the episode. "To be on this show is amazing." [/en][cn]“我追這部劇追了很久了!”在拍攝現(xiàn)場,這位運動員告訴《電視指南》說?!澳軄砜痛媸翘昧??!盵/cn] [en]Of course, by the end of this week's episode, don't be surprised if Douglas' appearance isn't the only thing people are talking about, as most people will be focused on one very special scene. [/en][cn]當然你也不要驚訝于到了這集最后,大家的興奮點不僅僅在于Douglas的出現(xiàn),還會有一個吸引所有人注意的特別場景。[/cn]