《吸血鬼日記》Katherine、Elijah齊回歸 可能舊情復燃
[en] "Star Crossed" and "The Vampire Diaries" vet Malese Jow will guest star as a DC Comics character who could be a new love interest for the fastest man alive on "The Flash."[/en][cn]《星戀》和《吸血鬼日記》女演員Malese Jow將會客串超級英雄主題美劇《閃電俠》,并在劇中扮演當今世界上移動最快的人閃電俠喜歡的人。[/cn] [en]According to The Hollywood Reporter, Jow will play Linda Park, a "quick-witted" reporter who befriends Iris at work and helps her "navigate the fast-paced world of journalism" at the Central City Picture News. Linda and Barry will hit it off when they meet at a bar in episode 12, and sparks might fly.[/en][cn]據《好萊塢報道者》報道,Jow將會在劇中扮演一個名叫Linda Park的角色,她是個非常聰明的記者,和Iris是好朋友,在工作上幫了Iris不少忙。Linda和Barry在12集一見面就會擦出火花,感情發(fā)展得相當快。[/cn] [en]Jow was most recently seen on The CW's [w=woeful]woefully[/w] short-lived alien soap "Star Crossed," and first appeared on the network as the beloved vampire Anna on "TVD." [/en][cn]Jow最近在CW短命外星人主題美劇《星戀》中吸血鬼日出演,之前在《吸血鬼日記》中出演的Anna讓觀眾對她頗有好感。[/cn]
《吸血鬼日記》要拍衍生劇已經街知巷聞了,不過劇組似乎還不滿意,現(xiàn)在又放出最新劇透。Klaus在猛追Caroline之余,終于也迎來了喜歡自己的女生! [en]"The Vampire Diaries: In "The Originals" backdoor pilot (Episode 20 this season), Klaus will meet the beautiful and intelligent Camille, a psychology student at Tulane in New Orleans. Like Elena before her, Cami is a human, unaware of the "supernatural storm" brewing around her -- but she's certainly intrigued by the darker side of the French Quarter. She'll be particularly drawn to Klaus, because as a smart and curious student, she's intrigued by one question in particular: What makes someone evil? If anyone can answer that, it's our very own Original hybrid. If "The Originals" gets picked up to series, Cami will be a regular cast member. [/en]在[cn]《吸血鬼日記》即將播出的為衍生劇《The Originals》鋪墊的那一集中(第二十集),Klaus將會遇到一個美麗聰明的姑娘,名叫Camile。她是杜蘭大學心理學專業(yè)的學生。就像之前的Elena一樣,Cami是個人類女孩,不知道身邊充滿了各種“超自然生物”——但是她對這種力量非常好奇。她會被Klaus深深吸引,作為一個聰明又有好奇心的學生,她非常想知道:是什么造就了惡魔?能回答這個問題的人,真吸血鬼日是非Klaus莫屬了。如果這部衍生劇《The Originals》能夠順利獲得新片預定的話,Cami將會是一個常規(guī)角色[/cn]
吸血鬼日記:第一季第六集(1) Elena&Stefan
出了那句經典的“What are you?”,然后Stefan也終于說出了“I'm a vampire.”我真的不能不佩服Elena的勇氣啊,知道世界上有吸血鬼這種生物了還敢一個人沖到Stefan家里去質問~~太勇敢了哇~ 老規(guī)矩:不用標序號,一空一行哈~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻... Elena: What are you? What are you? Stefan: You know. Elena: No, I don't. Stefan: Yes, you do, or you wouldn't be here. Elena: It's not possible. It can't be. Stefan: Everything you know and every belief that you have is about to change. _________1__________ Elena: What are you? Stefan: I'm a vampire. Elena: _________2__________ Stefan: No. Please. Elena: No, No. Elena: __________3__________ Stefan: _________4__________ Elena: Let me go. Stefan: Elena, there's things that you have to know and understand. Elena: Let me go! Stefan: Elena, please. Are you ready for that? I shouldn't have come. How did you do that? Please don't be afraid of me. Elena:你是誰?你到底是誰? Stefan:你知道 Elena:不我不知道 Stefan:你知道,不然你就不會在這兒了 Elena:那不可能,不可能的。 Stefan:你知道的一切以及你所吸血鬼有的信念都將改變。你準備好了嗎? Elena:你到底是什么? Stefan:我是吸血鬼。 Elena:我不該來的。 Stefan:不,求你了。 Elena:不,不。 Elena:你是怎么做到的? Stefan:請你不要怕我。 Elena:讓我走。 Elena 有些事情你必須要了解。 Elena:讓我走! Stefan: Elena,求你了。 這篇材料你能聽出多少?點擊這里做聽寫,提高外語水平>>
【吸血鬼日記】第一季第二十一集(1) Elena&Bonnie
Bonnie因為吸血鬼的事情一直避開Elena,可是在看到Elena心事重重的時候,她整個晚上都會失眠,因為她們是最好的朋友,聽這段話的時候都有點想哭了… 老規(guī)矩:不用標序號,一空一行哈~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻... 注意咯!今天的第二空有5小句哦!每句話的首字母都是要大寫的哈! Elena: Hi. Bonnie: Hey. _______1_______ You were obviously upset about something, and I just walked away. ________2__________ Elena: ______3______ Bonnie: Oh. Was it... Are you ok? 能拿高高的正確率、多多的滬元、還能聽到純正的美語、回憶當年看吸血鬼日記的點點滴滴、又學習了英語,多好的節(jié)目丫!快來訂閱吧! 吸血鬼迷們的群:111354855,歡迎鬼迷滬友加入哈~~ I couldn't sleep last night. That's not me. That can't be us. You're my friend, Elena. If you need me, I'm here for you. And I'm sorry I couldn't show you that yesterday. I met my birth mother. Elena:嗨 Bonnie:嘿。我昨晚失眠了。明知道你很擔心什么 我卻就那樣走了。那吸血鬼不是我的本意。也不是朋友的相處之道,你是我的朋友 Elena。要是你需要我我就在這兒。抱歉我昨天太不仗義了。 Elena:我見到了我的親生母親 Bonnie:噢。她... 你還好嗎? 這篇材料你能聽出多少?點擊這里做聽寫,提高外語水平>>
【吸血鬼日記】第二季第二集(1) Caroline&Damon
Caroline莫名其妙的變成了吸血鬼,成為了queen K的傳話筒。D要小心咯,C什么都想起來了。。。。。。這一集就是C的重生序曲啊~~ 老規(guī)矩:不用標序號,一空一行哈~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻... Tips:每空都是一句話,小V覺得第一句好難哦,聽了很久才聽出來,你們覺得呢?。。。對了,記住不要縮寫哦。例如I've 要寫成I have,雖然聽起來像縮寫了。 Damon:Oh, hey, blondie._________1________ Caroline: I remember. Damon:What do you remember? Caroline: I remember how you manipulated me._________2________ Damon:You're crazy. Caroline: _________3_______ Damon:I mean, unless you were becoming a... Caroline: _________4________She said, "game on." Damon:Wait... Caroline: You suck. 能拿高高的正確率、多多的滬元、還能聽到純正的美語、回憶當年看吸血鬼日記的點點滴滴、又學習了英語,多好的節(jié)目丫!快來訂閱吧! 吸血鬼迷們創(chuàng)建的群:111354855,歡迎喜愛該劇的滬友加入哈~~ They let you out. You pushed me around, abused me, erased my memories, fed on me. The memories have been coming back, in pieces. I have a message from Katherine. Damon:哦嘿美人。你出院了 blondie: 白膚金發(fā)碧眼的人 Caroline:我想起來了 Damon:想起什么了? Caroline:想起你是怎么控制我.擺弄我虐待我,抹去我的記憶,還吸我的血 manipulate: 操縱 push around: 擺布;欺負 abuse: 虐待 erase: 抹去,擦出 memory: 記憶,回憶 feed on: 以...為食 feed: 喂養(yǎng);供給 Damon:你瘋了 crazy: 瘋狂的 Caroline:這些記憶我都一點點地恢復了 Damon:除吸血鬼非你變成了... Caroline:Katherine讓我?guī)€口信。她說 "游戲開始了" Damon:等下... Caroline:你真菜 suck: 糟糕;巴結 這篇材料你能聽出多少?點擊這里做聽寫,提高外語水平>>
水下誘惑:《吸血鬼日記》達蒙 Ian Somerhalder拍攝性感寫真
[en]Ian Somerhalder is [w=dashing]dashing[/w] underwater for Lifestyle Mirror‘s latest issue![/en][cn]伊恩-薩默海爾德為新一期的《Lifestyle Mirror》拍攝了一組在水下穿著西裝的帥氣寫真。[/cn] [en]On his foundation, Ian Somerhalder Foundation (ISF): “We’ve [w=literally]literally[/w] built a multinational foundation out of social media. I never wanted to tweet ever. It’s the most powerful force on the planet right now. And I am utterly grateful for it.”[/en][cn]關于他的基金會組織,伊恩薩默海爾德基金會(ISF):“基本上我們是在社交媒體的基礎上建立了一個跨國基金會。我從未想到在推特上宣傳。目前這是世界上最強大的力量。我對此非常感謝?!盵/cn] [en]On his character Damon Salvatore in The Vampire Diaries: “I never realized how important humor is in life and work. Humor is a medicine for pain basically. I found that when you have fun in whatever you’re doing, life is just better.”[/en][cn]關于他在《吸血鬼日記》中飾演的達蒙薩爾瓦托:“我從來沒意識到幽默感對于人的生活和工作這么重要。幽默是治愈疼痛的一劑良藥。我發(fā)現(xiàn)無論你做什么事情都保持一種開心的狀態(tài),生活會更好的?!盵/cn] [en]On his upcoming project Time Framed: “The director, Sinisha Nisevic, is a very dear friend of mine and an incredible artist. It’s rare to be part of a film where you can kick serious ass, drive some of the world’s most incredible eco-friendly sports cars, and don a beautiful suit.” [/en][cn]關于他的新片《Time Framed》:“導演Sinisha Nisevic是我非常可愛的好朋友,同時也是一個才華橫溢的藝術家。而且很特別的是你可以在電影中動真格的,開著世界上最不可思議的環(huán)保跑車,并穿上漂亮的西服?!盵/cn] 拍攝花絮視頻:
到他的時候,他的生活狀態(tài)是一個雖然擁有超自然力量,卻很久沒有使用的狀態(tài)。[/cn] [en]Executive producer Bob Singer said during the annual event in San Diego that a backdoor pilot is being developed for the 20th episode of Supernatural Season 9, which kicks off this fall.[/en][cn]《邪惡力量》執(zhí)行制片人Bob Singer在一年一度的圣地亞哥動漫大會上說,衍生劇的首集試水集將會在今年9月開播的《邪惡力量》第九季的第二十集播出。[/cn] [en]Details are slim, but the new series will have "a more urban feel" than Supernatural.[/en][cn]目前關于《邪惡力量》衍生劇的消息還不是很詳細,不過據說這部新劇將會比《邪惡力量》都市感要強很多。[/cn]
男神駕到!《吸血鬼日記》男主演Ian Somerhalder見面會實錄
須要感謝你們能夠一路支持我們演到100集。100集很有趣,Damon又變吸血鬼壞了,因為Elena讓他心碎了。演一個壞Damon很好玩。 Q:Enzo的戲份如何? A:Enzo是個重要角色,他和Damon有很多戲份,所以出現(xiàn)了個詞叫Danzo。 Q:你和Damon有什么相似之處嗎? A:我也喜歡殺人(笑)。開玩笑的,我可不喜歡傷害別人。我可以說是和Damon 生活在一起。Damon知道悲傷是什么感覺,孤獨是什么感覺,疲憊是什么感覺,沮喪是什么感覺,和弟弟爭斗是什么感覺,戀愛是什么感覺,心碎是什么感覺……我也體會過這些感覺。所以通過這些感知我和Damon聯(lián)系在了一起。
吸血鬼日記:第一季第六集(6) Elena&Stefan
到她向她證明她吸血鬼的戰(zhàn)爭中了,無論怎樣,她還是不能和吸血鬼可以像我一樣活著。我會確保她不會傷害任何人我向你保證,Elena。 Elena:我要怎么向我弟弟解釋還有... 還有Matt? Stefan:我們編個故事吧。 Elena:你是說我們一起撒謊。 Stefan:我很抱歉。 Elena:你今天回答了我的問題,我明白你不會傷害我。我保證會替你保守秘密。但是,我不能和你在一起了,Stefan。對不起,我... 我不能。 這篇材料你能聽出多少?點擊這里做聽寫,提高外語水平>>