自己前幾周積累在本子上的筆記和錯誤認真復習并鞏固記憶。這并不是無用功,而是對于之前1個月復習的總結。 綜合來看,整個翻譯的復習重點應該放在第1~4周,也就是現在,這樣,臨考前的才有足夠的時間和精力,去做整套真題的訓練。 以上就是今天的內容啦,希望大家盡快開始復習~ 加油! ?屠皓民領銜 四六級通關神器? ??????基礎班·沖刺押題班·白金班 直播錄播相結合,基礎強化沖刺全包括 ??不同水平,靈活選擇班型 $課程限時優(yōu)惠6折起$ 【基礎班】:380-424
分為710分。各單項報道分的滿分為:聽力249分,閱讀249分,寫作和翻譯212分。 四級考試的常模群體選自全國16所高校的約三萬名非英語專業(yè)的考生;六級常模群體選自全國五所重點大學的約五千名非英語專業(yè)的考生。每次考試等值后的卷面分數都參照常模轉換為報道分。四、六級考試報道總分為710分,計算公式為: 公式中TotSco表示總分,X表示每位考生常模轉換前的原始總分,Mean表示常模均值,SD表示常模標準差。每次四級考試等值后的卷面分數都將參照此常模公式轉換為報道分數。
在你的腦海里已經慢慢清晰起來。 這個階段你要趁熱打鐵: A. 錯題整理。 做錯的題目進行縱(不同年份)橫(同一年不同套)向分析,找出自己理解出題人套路時的易犯的主觀錯誤,總結規(guī)避方法; B. ?按題型整理屬于自己的解題技巧本; C. ?錯題回做。檢測自己是否真正掌握了解題技巧; D. ?按考試題材和話題積累翻譯詞匯和寫作句型。 學有余力的同學可以看一些押題預測內容(@滬江英語四六級微信公眾號提醒:可以去滬江搜搜往年的押題預測,命中率還不錯),鍛煉自己的寫作和翻譯能力。 E. ?時時復習。 第54~59天, 最后一周,沖刺! 關鍵詞:模擬自測;查缺補漏;準考證 之前讓大家留到最后才做的24年6月的某套題目,拿粗來~~嚴格按照四六級考試的時間,四級上午9:00,六級下午15:00
要是關于發(fā)生在內羅畢(肯尼亞首都)中部汽車站的一起爆炸事故。故答案為B)。 ?? 三大解題步驟 新聞聽力材料的篇幅不長,但信息量卻很大,設題點既可考查考生對整條新聞核心內容的把握,又可專
2024-12-13 -
2024年12月英語四級考試在即,同學們也要認真?zhèn)淇寂?。今天@滬江英語四六級微信公眾號為大家?guī)?024年12月英語四級翻譯預測:面條,希望對你有所幫助。 2024年12月英語四級翻譯預測:面條 面條并不是中國飲食的專利。在面條發(fā)明者的問題上,中國人和意大利人相爭了多年。其實面條是世界性的大眾食品,許多民族都有獨特的制作方法,僅是中國面條的做法就有成百上千種。面條在中國歷史悠久,分布甚廣。面條制作簡單,并可根據個人的口味和地方習慣,加入不同佐料(condiments)制成咸面、甜面、辣面以及牛奶、雞蛋、番茄等多種面條,并可采用煮、蒸、炒、拌等多種烹調方法,因此很受消費者歡迎。 參考譯文
RPI RPI(Retail Price Index,商品零售價格指數)是指反映一定時期內商品零售價格變動趨勢和變動程度的相對數。 零售物價指數是編制財政計劃、價格計劃、制定物價政策、工資政策的重要依據。 目前我國商品零售價格指數采用加權算術平均公式計算,調查范圍涉及食品、飲料煙酒、服裝鞋帽、紡織品、家用電器及音像器材、文化辦公用品、日用品、體育娛樂用品、交通通信用品、家具、化妝品、金銀珠寶、中西藥品及醫(yī)療保健用品、書報雜志及電子出版物、燃料、建筑材料及五金電料等16大類商品。 我們來看2個例句: Interest on student loans is pegged to inflation, as measured by the RPI, in order to maintain the real value of the debt over its term.? 學生貸款利率與通貨膨脹率掛鉤,這由零售物價指數來衡量,以保持在借貸期內債務的實際價值不變。 The state pension, also linked to the RPI, must go up by at least 2.5%, following a promise made by ministers a few years ago when inflation fell and pensioners got shirty. 幾年以前當通貨膨脹下降并且退休人員憤怒的時候,部長們做出一項承諾,之后,與零售物價指數掛鉤的國家養(yǎng)老金至少上漲了2.5%。 20節(jié)BEC初級、中級、高級課程 學前測試、詞匯課、各級別專項課 還有考前沖刺 點擊立即免費聽>> 你適合考哪個級別?BEC好不好學 2個月后考試是否能順利通過 一聽即知! 0元試學BEC初級中級高級課程 點擊立即免費試學>> 點擊立即免費試學>>> 祝大家順利拿證
2022-11-12 -
以此題答案為B。其他三個選項立場都錯了。 4.[D] 事實細節(jié)題。作者在第4段第1句破折號后指出應對地理和氣候的影響進行更深人的研究,故選項D正確。 5.[C] 事實細節(jié)題。第3段第2句表明選項C正確。這兩段都提到了人的類型的歸納,第3段中的歸納是正確的,而第4段中的歸納是有待考證的,因此,本題要依據第3段描述的類型做出選擇。 以上就是關于“2024年12月英語四級閱讀理解模擬:地理和人”的全部內容啦,祝同學們四級考試高分通過。
2024-12-11 -
) 不同的人對…有不同的看法:Different people look at …in different ways (11) 情況正好相反:The contrary is the case. (12) 反過來也是對的:The reverse is also true. / Vice versa. (13) 讓我們把A與B作個比較:Let’s make a comparison between A and B (14) 他們的區(qū)別如下:Their differences are/ can be described as follows: (15) A與B之間的不同
在英語六級考試中,寫作是一個必考的題型,而且難度很大,所以在備考的時候要做好充分的準備。今天我們?yōu)榇蠹艺砹舜髮W英語六級寫作范文3篇,一起來欣賞一下吧。 大學英語六級寫作范文:Will Internet Media Replace Traditional Media? 1. 網絡媒體的出現在很大程度上影響了傳統媒體的存在 2. 有人認為網絡媒體會取代傳統媒體,理由是…… 3. 我的看法 范文: Will Internet Media Replace Traditional Media? Suppose you are going to spend a whole month in a remote island and you are allowed tobring only one thing with you, what are you going to bring? If you are smart enough, youshould bring a laptop with WIFI. Actually, for the young generation, a computer with access tothe internet can be everything that traditional media may stand for and even more than that. The Internet is so penetrating in people’s lives that many people believe it will replace thetraditional mass media in the near future. In their eyes, with internet, you can watch TVprograms, listen to music and sing, make friends and talk to your friends, read news andbooks, receive and send mails, make comments about things, and even do shopping. Whatevera traditional media can serve you, it works for you better. In my opinion, internet media does bring great convenience to people’s lives, reducing timeand cost for people who want to be informed of the world news. However, no matter how all-mighty internet is, some traditional media are worthy to be kept. For example, papernewspapers and books are better for sight while radio is more portable than a computer. 大學英語六級寫作范文:Sex Education 1. 現在人們越來越重視性教育 2. 開展性教育的意義 3. 家庭、學校、社會應該怎么做 范文: Sex Education China has long been considered a conservative country where people try to avoid talkingabout sex, especially to children. But things have started to change as people attach moreimportance to sex education. Now an increasing number of schools begin to offer sex educationto students. Sex education, especially at an earlier age, is vital for children’s growth. First, sex educationprovides children with the information they need to understand their bodies and gender rolesin positive ways. Second, it boosts the likelihood that teens delay having sex. Third, it helpsto prevent unwanted consequences such as premature pregnancy, HIV infection or AIDS. To launch sex education correctly, parents, schools and the whole society should makejoint efforts. At home, instead of telling the children that they were picked up on the street,parents should answer children’s questions honestly. In schools, especially high schools, sexeducation needs to go further, focusing, explicitly if possible, on safe sex. As for the society, itshould lift taboo on sex and provide more channels for children to learn about sex. 大學英語六級寫作范文:Enhance Our Creative Ability 1. 現今社會越來越注重創(chuàng)新能力 2. 創(chuàng)新能力不等同于創(chuàng)造能力 3. 為了創(chuàng)造能力我們應該…… 范文: Enhance Our Creative Ability Among various aspects of the quality education implemented in China, building theinnovative capability of students is highly emphasized. The reason behind is that it is thebasis for creative ability. And either innovative capability or creative ability is crucial for theeffective learning of everybody and for their further developments in life. To begin with, we should make clear of the conception of innovative capability. It meansyour ability to do things in a new, original, or advanced way. It is different from creativeability, but the two are interrelated. And there are many misconceptions about creativity.Creativity, which is no holy gift that some people have and others do not, is only a thought thatis new to an individual. And all of us have different creativity capabilities. However, creative ability is not born with us and it can’t improve unless we take efforts.There are some tips to enhance your creative abilities. First, be open-minded to ideas.Secondly, pose new questions to yourself every day. Thirdly, engage in creative hobbies. Andfinally, and most importantly, have courage and build self-confidence. 以上就是為大家整理的大學英語六級寫作范文3篇,希望能夠對大家有所幫助。中六國有句話叫做“讀書百遍其義自見”,多看好的文章,在寫的時候才會下筆如有神。 如果您對英語六級學習感興趣,想要深入學習,可以了解滬江網校精品課程,量身定制高效實用的個性化學習方案,專屬督導全程伴學。掃一掃定制專屬課程