• 清華大學公開課:大學生心理健康01


  • 你應該知道的女性健康秘密【少兒名師公開課】

    就來訂閱滬江CCTalk電子報吧!電子報的訂閱入口>>> 本次課程完全免費,您需要做的就是:下載滬江全新語音學習軟件--CCtalk:點擊下載 請注意!參與本活動須使用滬江全新語音學習軟件CCTalk,使用指南如下: 1.?注冊滬江網(wǎng)獲得用戶名(已是滬江用戶的不必注冊); 2. 點擊網(wǎng)址http://class.hujiang.com/zt/cctalk下載CCtalk軟件; 3. 軟件安裝結束后,輸入滬江網(wǎng)的用戶名和密碼登陸CCtalk; 4. 點擊下圖中用紅圈標注的“語音教室”; 5. 找到“少兒大廳”位置,點擊進入; 6. 講座期間進入少兒大廳后,如果想發(fā)言,請點擊下圖中的“舉手”(橘色按鈕),被主持人選中后就可以發(fā)言。說話的時候可以看到麥克進度條在隨麥克聲音發(fā)生變化,別人說話也可以看到耳機或揚聲器的進度條在變化。

  • 互有利弊 茶和咖啡誰更健康

    簽上寫的是“有機”[/cn] [en]2. Tea contains a large amount of tannin. Tanin reduces the absorption of iron in the body which can lead to anaemia.[/en][cn]茶葉中含有大量的單寧,會降低人體吸收鐵的能力,從而導致貧血[/cn] [en]3. Tea contains caffeine which has been proven to cause anxiety and rises in blood pressure[/en][cn]而且經(jīng)研究,茶中含有的咖啡因會引發(fā)憂慮和血壓升高[/cn] [en]4. Adding milk may also stop the benefits tea has against cancer [/en][cn]而添加牛奶會抵消茶的防癌功效[/cn] [en]COFFEE[/en][cn]咖啡[/cn] [en]1. Helps prevent type 2 diabetes[/en][cn]有助于預防2型糖尿病[/cn] [en]2. Protects against the liver, especially [w]cirrhosis[/w] (liver damage) and liver cancer [/en][cn]預防肝病,尤其肝硬化(肝損傷)和肝癌[/cn] [en]3. Decrease the risk of gout in men over 40 [/en][cn]使40歲以上男性降低痛風發(fā)病風險[/cn] [en]4. Reduces risk of Alzheimer's disease[/en][cn]降低阿爾茨海默氏病(老年癡呆癥)的發(fā)病風險[/cn] [en]5. Reduces the risk of dying of heart disease[/en][cn]減少死于心臟病的風險[/cn] [en]6. Improves short term memory and reaction times [/en][cn]提高短期記憶力和反應能力[/cn] [en]7. Chemicals found in coffee could be used to make new drugs to treat heart disease and insomnia [/en][cn]咖啡中的化學物質可被用于制造新

  • 【關注】留學心理亞健康 異國壓力何處釋放?

    子女出國;出國前還需找好過渡資源,不至于異國他鄉(xiāng)初來乍到,心理最脆弱時便遇到棘手的困難,從而影響情緒;充分利用社會支持系統(tǒng)。對外向的學生來說,多交朋友非常重要,內(nèi)向的學生可以考慮尋找相對溫和的群體交往,如去教會體驗。她表示,撇去宗教信仰不談,但教會的環(huán)境對疏導情緒和壓力很有幫助。她最后建議留學生把握明晰的“自我界線”,有技巧性地表達不滿和拒絕,贏得尊敬和足夠的心理緩沖空間,這點尤其重要。 心理健康自我評測 請回想一下自己在過去一個月內(nèi)有否出現(xiàn)下述情況: 1.覺得手上工作太多,無法應付。 2.覺得時間不夠用,所以要分秒必爭。例如過馬路時沖紅燈,走路和說話的節(jié)奏很快速。 3.覺得沒有時間消遣,終日記掛著工作。 4.遇到挫敗時很易會發(fā)脾氣。 5.擔心別人對自己工作表現(xiàn)的評價。 6.覺得上司和家人都不欣賞自己。 7.擔心自己的經(jīng)濟狀況。 8.有頭痛/胃痛/背痛的毛病,難于治愈

  • 健康過冬:五大貼士教你抵御冷空氣

    面的、好的健康習慣的一部分,保持體內(nèi)良好的水合作用很重要?!薄霸诒涞奶鞖庵校w內(nèi)的新陳代謝運動加速,你就會比平常呼出更多的水分。所以補充水分就變得很重要了。”[/cn] [en]Bundle Up[/en][cn]把自己裹起來[/cn] [en]“It is always a good idea to dress appropriately for the seasons. Fashion aside, there is a health benefit to keeping warm in cold weather,” Blass said. “Cold weather stresses the immune system, and so, while the term ‘catching a cold’ may be a misnomer…a weakened immune system can make you more susceptible to those viruses.”[/en][cn]布拉斯說:“穿應季的衣服總是好的主意。我們應

  • 囧研究:每天睡多幾個小時才最健康?

    [/en][cn]英國心臟機構的高級心臟科護士艾米麗·米格瑞強調(diào),睡個好覺對身體健康非常重要。[/cn] [en]She said: "When it comes to our heart and circulatory health, this large study suggests that there may be a sweet spot between getting too much, and getting too little sleep.[/en][cn]“睡眠時間應該有個合適的點,對心臟和血液循環(huán)都有好處?!盵/cn] (翻譯:阿忙)

  • 有聲雙語美文:5分鐘養(yǎng)成健康的生活習慣

    劃地與朋友或家人一起出門。[/cn] [en]Soak in a tub.[/en][cn]泡在浴缸里。[/cn] [en]To wind down before you go to sleep, spend five minutes laying in muted light reflecting on one positive highlight of your day.[/en][cn]睡覺前先放松一下,拿出5分鐘躺在柔和的燈光下回顧一天中最精彩的部分。[/cn] [en]Eat Well.[/en][cn]吃好。[/cn] [en]Remove processed or refined foods from your kitchen.[/en][cn]丟掉廚房中的加工食品或精制食品。[/cn] [en]De-clutter your kitchen and eating area.[/en][cn]收拾你的廚房和吃飯的場所。[/cn] [en][w]Chop[/w] vegetables.[/en][cn]切菜。[/cn] [en]Make a smoothie.[/en][cn]做奶昔。[/cn] [en]Learn how to read a nutrition label.[/en][cn]學習閱讀營養(yǎng)成分標簽。[/cn] [en]Pack your lunch or snacks.[/en][cn]自帶午餐或零食。[/cn] [en]Create a lovely [w]ambiance[/w] for eating – a place setting, music, table flowers, or whatever else you wish to include; it’s worth reiterating, the TV and all other devices and screens should be turned off.[/en][cn]為進餐創(chuàng)造一個令人愉快的氛圍——餐位餐具、音樂、桌花或者你希望包括的任何其他事物;要重申的是,關掉電視和所有的其他設備以及屏幕。[/cn] [en]Write your grocery list.[/en][cn]寫下你的購物清單。[/cn] [en]Identify three to five foods you might binge on and substitute in a tasty, healthy substitute for each.[/en][cn]確定3~5樣你可能會猛吃猛喝的食品,給每樣找一種健康又美味的替代品。[/cn] [en]Sign up for a food-tracking app or program.[/en][cn]注冊一個食品追蹤應用軟件或程序。[/cn] [en]Learn a new recipe.[/en][cn]學習新食譜。[/cn] [en]Schedule a family or friends shared meal date.[/en][cn]為家人或朋友安排一次共進晚餐的約會。[/cn] [en]Log your foods in a journal or on a tracker.[/en][cn]把你的食品記錄在日志或追蹤系統(tǒng)中。[/cn] [en]Strengthen Your Body.[/en][cn]強身健體。[/cn] [en]Get up and move your body for five minutes after 45 minutes of sitting.[/en][cn]坐45分鐘后,站起來,花5分鐘動動身體。[/cn] [en]Take a five-minute walk.[/en][cn]散步5分鐘。[/cn] [en]Walk stairs.[/en][cn]爬樓梯。[/cn] [en]Walk hills.[/en][cn]爬山。[/cn] [en]Crank up the music and dance.[/en][cn]打開音樂跳舞。[/cn] [en]Jump rope.[/en][cn]跳繩。[/cn] [en]Choose a wearable tracking device.[/en][cn]選擇可穿戴的追蹤設備。[/cn] [en]Do a combination of one or more exercises, such as bent-knee or total body push-ups, wall [w=squat]squats[/w], standing on one leg.[/en][cn]結合一項或多項鍛煉,如彎曲膝蓋或全身俯臥撐,或在墻側下蹲或單腳站立。[/cn] [en]Strength train using one or more body parts, such as your back and [w]biceps[/w].[/en][cn]加強身體的一個部位或多個部位的鍛煉,如背部和肱二頭肌。[/cn] [en]Do yoga poses.[/en][cn]做瑜伽。[/cn] [en]Do pilates.[/en][cn]做普拉提。[/cn] [en]Run in place, on a treadmill or outdoors.[/en][cn]在跑步機上或戶外跑步。[/cn] [en]Use any cardio equipment, such as a treadmill or a cycle.[/en][cn]使用鍛煉心肺功能的運動器材,如跑步機或自行車。[/cn] [en]Choose new exercise music.[/en][cn]鍛煉時選擇新的音樂。[/cn] [en]De-clutter your workout clothes closet area.[/en][cn]整理放運動服的衣櫥。[/cn] [en]Launder and organize your workout clothes.[/en][cn]清洗、晾干衣服,整理運動服。[/cn] [en]Pack your gym bag.[/en][cn]收拾好運動時帶的包。[/cn] [en]Stretch.[/en][cn]伸展運動。[/cn] ?

  • 囧研究:懶人有理!不疊被子更有益健康


  • 身體溫暖保健康(雙語有聲)


  • 新研究:每周跑步50分鐘或許最健康,別長別短

    還能改善有氧耐久力、心臟功能、平衡感和新陳代謝。[/cn] [en]These are important components of your overall health status. So, it would be reasonable to assume participation in running increases longevity. But the previous scientific evidence on this has been inconsistent.[/en][cn]這些是你整體健康狀況的重要組成部分。因此,有理由認為跑步可以延長壽命。但之前關于這一點的科學證據(jù)是矛盾的。[/cn] [en]We found running just once a week, or for 50 minutes a week, reduces the risk of death at a given point in time. The benefits don't seem to increase or decrease with higher amounts of running.[/en][cn]我們發(fā)現(xiàn),每周跑步一次,或每周跑步50分鐘,可以降低特定時間點的死亡風險。然而,這種益處似乎不會隨著跑步量的增加而增加或減少。[/cn] [en]This is good news for those who don't have much time on their hands for exercise. But it shouldn't discourage those who enjoy running longer and more often. We found even "hardcore" running (for example, every day or four hours a week) is beneficial for health.[/en][cn]對那些沒有太多時間鍛煉的人來說,這